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Malaysian chinese accent


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talking about this, maybe time to ask a malaysian.


is the ringgit currency all the while 令吉(order prosperity) or was it ever 零吉 (zero prosperity).


in the past all the major chinese newscaster in singapore read it as the latter, until recently they read it as the former.


i thought the former doesn't jive well with its english pronunciation although the latter is not good for supersititious reasons.



it depends on how they want to translate...


in singapore we call him

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haha yah lor, when i hear the radio on malaysia, i was still criticising their mandarin cannot make it by pronouncing it the 4th sound of ling instead of the 2nd sound of ling. then later i realize even the chinese word change. so it seems like conscious effort to change from zero prosperity to order prosperity haha if the 2nd sound was the original word.

haha sounds to me like u r very superstitious kind....anyone here believe in fortune telling....?

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talking about this, maybe time to ask a malaysian.


is the ringgit currency all the while 令吉(order prosperity) or was it ever 零吉 (zero prosperity).


in the past all the major chinese newscaster in singapore read it as the latter, until recently they read it as the former.


i thought the former doesn't jive well with its english pronunciation although the latter is not good for supersititious reasons.


I was thinking about the same thing too. Sometimes I listen to 95.4FM from Malaysia and I noticed they no longer call it 零吉. Sounds abit odd though.

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ok la....dun pin-point whose chinese is good or bad la....to be frank...singaporean and malaysian chinese are quite inte-related to each other...in fact...ur parents or even grand...are from malaysia... i am surprise to know that alot of my singaporean frens parents either father or mother was malaysian....

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I was thinking about the same thing too. Sometimes I listen to 95.4FM from Malaysia and I noticed they no longer call it 零吉. Sounds abit odd though.


yeah 令吉 sounds very wierd

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haha sounds to me like u r very superstitious kind....anyone here believe in fortune telling....?

heeh i believe in fortune telling alto i believe this case is more like the psychological aspects of fortune telling.

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砂拉越 is still 砂拉越, sorru should be 砂劳越 :D


but i thought 登嘉楼 used to be 丁加奴 [rolleyes]

used to be 砂劳越

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heeh i believe in fortune telling alto i believe this case is more like the psychological aspects of fortune telling.

Any good fortune teller to recommend...

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yeah 令吉 sounds very wierd



closer to the malay pronunciation they should translate it to 令给 - i.e. 命令你把钱给我! [laugh]

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closer to the malay pronunciation they should translate it to 令给 - i.e. 命令你把钱给我! [laugh]


haha we all wish we can command!

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closer to the malay pronunciation they should translate it to 令给 - i.e. 命令你把钱给我! [laugh]


That one sounds like a highway robbery in Malaysia or IRAS in Singapore. [laugh][laugh]

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hehe singaporean english always uses "your one, my one" this will leave the englishman wondering what we mean


this is singapore english..have a good laugh! [laugh]


the title is very wrong though..


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砂拉越 is still 砂拉越, sorry should be 砂劳越 :D


but i thought 登嘉楼 used to be 丁加奴 [rolleyes]

登嘉楼 more artistic right?

丁加奴 is very bad... state of slave?! Must change.

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this is singapore english..have a good laugh! [laugh]


the title is very wrong though..


[laugh] [laugh] [laugh] [laugh] [laugh] ...

Edited by Csnewbie
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