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Killing a bird for "eyeing" his lunch


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A LAW student wrestled with and stomped on an ibis so severely that it had to be put down after the bird stalked him for his sandwich at South Bank Parklands.

Andrew Quay Wee Meng, 25, of West End, pleaded guilty to one count of animal cruelty when he faced the Brisbane Magistrates Court today.


Police said Quay Wee Meng had been eating a sandwich in the South Bank Parklands when an ibis flew up to his table.


Witnesses said he stomped on the ibis repeatedly, shattering its left wing.


After the attack, the bird had difficulty breathing and later had to be euthanased, the court was told.


The 25-year-old told police he felt guilty but was scared of the animal.


Defence lawyer Sue Ganasan stressed that her client had been in fear, and had previously been attacked by crows.


She said the ibis had shocked Quay Wee Meng after approaching him from behind.


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"He admits that his reaction was excessive," she said.


Ms Ganasan said her client also waited for police in the park and was willing to pay the vet bills incurred by the bird.


She said the 25-year-old finished his law degree at the end of this year, and had already had job offers within Australia.


At the end of that time, she said Singapore-born Quay Wee Meng would have to apply for a bridging visa and then a working visa to start a career here.


Magistrate John Costello told Quay Wee Meng his apparent rage had left onlookers appalled.


He ordered him to complete 120 hours' community service within nine months, and recommended that he perform those hours with the RSPCA.


Mr Costello declined to record a conviction, taking into account the 25-year-old had no criminal history, and the effect that a conviction would have on him.


Outside court, Quay Wee Meng said he had been "terrified" by the bird.


"Words can't describe how remorseful I am as to what happened to the bird in the end," he said.


"It has happened before with other species of birds and I was trying to defend myself."


A pet owner himself, Quay Wee Meng said he just wanted to get the bird away from him and didn't mean to kill it.


"I am more remorseful that an animal has passed away."



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is that bird a crow??


last time my school also near river, many seagull and yes they are very aggressive and will snatch your food even from your hand.....


but i would not stomp on the poor bird...... i only feed them my fries that dipped with chilli sauce [laugh] [laugh]

Edited by Jman888
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Those who studied and lived in Brisbane will know what is the ibis.


There are flocks of it everywhere....they look like mini famigos...about 40cm tall roughly the height to your knee.

They can fly BTW.



Ibis do not fear human, I do not fear them too....I only fear their dropping.

If you think the birds mass droppings in Orchard Road is bad....Imagine a tree full of ibis, with that size that you can imagine the volume of their droppings.


The pavement of the tree is literally white!!

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So killing the pesky cockroach or rat that try to eat our dinner is OK?

But killing cats and birds trying to eat our dinner is wrong?


Life is not fair, no justice for the cockroach, rats and smaller animals.


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Those who studied and lived in Brisbane will know what is the ibis.


There are flocks of it everywhere....they look like mini famigos...about 40cm tall roughly the height to your knee.

They can fly BTW.



Ibis do not fear human, I do not fear them too....I only fear their dropping.

If you think the birds mass droppings in Orchard Road is bad....Imagine a tree full of ibis, with that size that you can imagine the volume of their droppings.


The pavement of the tree is literally white!!



it is actually quite ugly and terrifying [:(]

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