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Isnt this as good as setting min. wage?


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Looks like year 2011 is the year of everything increasing, except my pay.

foreign workers pay, even maid's pay


taxi fare





sighs ...

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Looks like year 2011 is the year of everything increasing, except my pay.

foreign workers pay, even maid's pay


taxi fare





sighs ...

Same for most of us here..... [bigcry]

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The aim for most business is to maximise profits. As a rational (albeit seemingly a little heartless) employer, I would rather hire someone who can output more per unit cost.


That is the cold hard truth. These poor old folks without family to support them, and usually lowly educated or not even at all, need to be helped. On this point, with all the increase in GDP yr on yr, the govt should look into helping raise their salary co-sharing the increased salary with the worker. The money from the govt must go directly to the employee and not to CPF or someother scheme. And it should be always ongoing. Maybe the govt can do it in the form of tax rebates for employer who hire the old folks.


And there is no min wage for foreign workers. Its all up to the employer how much they want to pay their employee.


You got most of the points .


The issue of FTs flooding in is really an issue bertween ...


A Sinkie empolyer and a Sinkie who could be that employee but instead the FT gets the job.


The issue about all the grouses about FT... is that the typical Sinkie employee would definitely point the blame to his lack of 'opportunity' to get THAT JOB due to FTs rather than to list the true points as to WHY THAT SINKIE FAIL TO GET THAT JOB!.


But for ppl who are Bosses, they know full well why they prefer certain ppl and why they would employ them over the others. This is governed by free market forces, where Bosses can excercise their free will, as to who they want to employ.


The real issue could be to change the mindset of Sinkie ( particularly the lower and middle rank) who o do not see the real reason as to why the FTs are quickly replacing them in the market.


But that would prove to be an impossible task.


The next queestion would be ...if mindsets are not easy to change..


Should a government excercise protectionist measure(s) just to safeguard the crucial interest of their citizens?


This is a very difficult question to answer.


There are pros and cons to protectionism taken by every country.


But for the average man on the street, we also cannot put the blame squarely as to why he/she became uncompetitive in the job market.


I wish I have the answers and a magic wand to make all these difficult issues go away but in the real world...




And don't blame me for having self serving interest. :D



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