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Forced to Retire without Benefits


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wat i know my previous co change fr full time to contract n pay cut ( think is 1/2 !!!! ) everything all gone [knife] n the worst is JOB same same or more no less n do u believe or not still got 3 months Probation even hv been worked for 30-40 years. ..... oso is union n G related co.


u r not the 2 Gens who after RT come out can joint the $M club %$#$$&^%^& [rifle][furious] the road is well plan for them...


so wat kind of package u want ???? oso we cant even get back our hard earn CPF.


Since the E is coming so why not we make a wishing list here see wat can the miw offer ..



Kidding? It should be by age 55? Ideally by age 50 or earlier would be better to start own business (be Employer).

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whats new?? no hard feelings but your uncle should be the 1 to blame... the relation bet the employee n employer is stated clearly in the employment contract. Nobody owe nobody.... the employee will contribute n the employer will pay. when the day comes where either party felt shortchanged, the contract will be re-negotiate or terminated.


I still remember some jokers who told me that job hopper like me will never make it in my carreer. I wonder how far can they make it if they are loyal? if company is making money and yet, giving all sort of stupid excuse to give increament/ bonus, u still stay on? i must say that only idiot will do that. If you know that you can make 20% more, with 50% lesser work load in another company, you still stay on?? well, fine, you may keep hoping that the business owner will wake up and appreciate your loyalty and effort...


in the end of the day, employer will expect absolute loyalty from their employee, but employee is never the 1st priority for the employer/ business.

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Job like marriage, 60 year old divorce may also end up nothing ...

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Judging from the responses here... seems like bros here do not mind if they just retired without getting even a least bit of appreciation <_<


Fundamentally SG has no employment law and zero employee protection.



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These days are like tat one. If the old father is still running the biz, it will be diff. He give something to yr uncle. New generations dun believe in loyalty. Anyway the son didn't do anything wrong according to employment contract yr uncle signed. If the contract never state any retirement benefit, the son has no obligation to give.

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Retrenchment also got a wee bit of compensation. The only "gratitude" my uncle got from his boss was "We had fed you for 40 years!". What a sad ending.

Not to rub salt but we as outsiders are not in any position to pass any judgement. You will have ground to kpkb if you know your uncle perform well in his job all the while. I know of people who have a good front like a dedicated employee infront of his children, but is a lazy bum who always eat snake in office. I do not want to give misplace sympathy so I reserve passing comments on the situation.

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I have an uncle who worked in a company for over 40 years as a technician. Really loyal as it was his first and last job. He helped the company through thick and thin through two generation of bosses, father and son. This son is really ungrateful. Several months ago, he took away all this benefits. So from $2000+, he left with just about $1.2k. And now, he forced my uncle to retire and to leave the company without a single retirement benefits. Imagine working over 40 years without a cent at the end. F**king ungrateful. [mad]


What would you do if this happens to you?


I oso can't stand bosses like this. Unfortunately, new generation not much of integrity to speak of. But don't say new generation, personally experienced being betrayed by a corporate prostitute who was in her 50s.

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only naive people believe loyalty, as a employee, just do your part period.


In old times, yes got such thing as loyalty. Presently, loyalty in the corporate world is for sale to the highest bidder. Only be loyal to your own family.

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Judging from the responses here... seems like bros here do not mind if they just retired without getting even a least bit of appreciation <_<



its not that we dont mind, but rather, we have to be realistic. no one is going to appreciate you for something you take salary to do.


the same reason why i find interviewer always like to ask stupid question like, what is your achievement??


if i am doing my job, all these are not called achievement. its called job scope.

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its just like the "bonus issue".


most employees wud expect by the end of the year to get a bonus payout the following month.


however, if the company does not make enough profits, how are they to disburse the "bonuses" ??


perhaps the company mentioned is going through a rough patch and has to let go of some of its employees ... and to make things worse, they cannot afford to give out retrenchment benefits.

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My take is that the employer should weigh in with his side of the story before we can judge. I suspect it is unlikely that either of the parties involved will spill their stories here, so the next thing to do is to take it to MOM for their judgement. Maybe it'll come out in the newspapers and we can decide.


Or do what every other aggrieved person does - seek help from MP.

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its not that we dont mind, but rather, we have to be realistic. no one is going to appreciate you for something you take salary to do.


the same reason why i find interviewer always like to ask stupid question like, what is your achievement??


if i am doing my job, all these are not called achievement. its called job scope.


yup, you got to the main point here.


my HR/boss also told me roughly the same thing last time - but that was because we were rather close like friends.


i was told that you can do more for the company, out of you own initiative and goodwill, but you cannot expect the company to reciprocate.


hard truth, but its the truth.

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Company paying your uncle monthly salary right? As one of the old timer told me,"Company pay you per month and own you nothing." Whatever you think should come along, is only what you think not obligation from the company.

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I have an uncle who worked in a company for over 40 years as a technician. Really loyal as it was his first and last job. He helped the company through thick and thin through two generation of bosses, father and son. This son is really ungrateful. Several months ago, he took away all this benefits. So from $2000+, he left with just about $1.2k. And now, he forced my uncle to retire and to leave the company without a single retirement benefits. Imagine working over 40 years without a cent at the end. F**king ungrateful. [mad]


What would you do if this happens to you?

Ask your uncle to talk to the father boss lor. Unless he's dead there nothing much he can do.

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I have an uncle who worked in a company for over 40 years as a technician. Really loyal as it was his first and last job. He helped the company through thick and thin through two generation of bosses, father and son. This son is really ungrateful. Several months ago, he took away all this benefits. So from $2000+, he left with just about $1.2k. And now, he forced my uncle to retire and to leave the company without a single retirement benefits. Imagine working over 40 years without a cent at the end. F**king ungrateful. [mad]


What would you do if this happens to you?

Cannot go to MOM? Try seeking advise from MOM people... If your uncle has done no wrong


KNN...tot only TV will have this type of story


Hope it helps...


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did your uncle join ntuc union

if yes can approach them for help

if no can make a hoohaa in the papers


i witness such issue b4. SG union is useless. in my opinion, union is protecting the company and not the employee. most of time for such situation, they will advice the victim to take the $ and go somewhere. else later no $ to take back.


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There is no such a thing as loyalty. If you work for a company, you have to have a mindset of

being a "Mercenary" whoever pays you top get the job done, you're already PAID, so get it done.

Who ever offers you a higher paid job, take it and go, loyalty does not PAY, doing the job right does.

Nothing to get upset about, one must always be prepared for such an event, nothing good lasts forever.


Judging from the responses here... seems like bros here do not mind if they just retired without getting even a least bit of appreciation <_<


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