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Stuck with a smoking neighbour


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I am a smoker and I do try to be considerate to others, after all we are all living on a very small piece of land. But what alway made me blew my top is when at coffee shop and hawker center, we have only 10% of space (or less) left and yet, there are non-smokers who opt to sit at table within the yellow zone despite there are other available tables at non-smoking zone. Best still when I start smoking, some of the lao char bo aunties got the gut to give me that irritating look and tell me, do you mind stop smoking? I will alway purposely exhale the smoke toward her direction when hearing that.


We somkers will try to be considerate, but others pls also respect that very little remaining rights that we have left.


We smokers must walk softly but carry a big stick. :excl:


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My sons only pre-school lah, hold hands with girl in pre-school is GF lor.

which means................................................ you are as...................... mature as my papi !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


omg... :o


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actually you are wrong !! They are waiting for PAP Govt to tell them what to do next :D


Then its the blind leading the blind.


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I smoked for 22yrs, and just like you, I was always annoyed at people doing the "wave" thing in front of me.

I also was a very selfish b------d, who only thought of my own needs first, and that was to smoke,

regardless of the fact my eldest son (5yrs old) was coughing everytime I lit a joint up. I smoked as much as

40 sticks a day, (two hardpacks) and sometimes as much as 80 sticks on pre-mission days.

Constant nagging from my wife, kids coughing, yellowing of my roof and walls, and well...almost everything else,

fingers, clothes.... I didn't give a damn. Till I decided on my own, that enough was enough, of being a selfish SonOfABitch,

to give it all up. Yes, like I said, I got really pissed with non-smokers fanning my smoke off etc.. that was me, being very selfish.

The air around me is not just for ME and Me alone, but everyone else.


Now, having stopped for 10yrs already, I know how the FARK it feels to have smoke in my face or even close by,

it's downright choking, and can't even breath, and know why people fan it away. I fan it off now as well. [:)]


Buy a surgical mask. It wil save u a lot of energy. [laugh]


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motorbikes are a must now. COE high, Car population high.


Ya and high chance of rolling under a lorry. [:(]

Have you seen the way these maniacs are driving their heavy vehicles recently? :angry:

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Ya and high chance of rolling under a lorry. [:(]

Have you seen the way these maniacs are driving their heavy vehicles recently? :angry:


CHOI CHOI CHOI CHOI CHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [whip]

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Got fire must have water, got fever must have this mah! [laugh] [laugh]


Hmmmm.....One say yes n one say no.


Now who to believe?


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Nothing beats the real thing. It will just be another object at their home once you buy it for them.


Let them spend some $$$ proving how sincere ty really r. Tok is cheap. [sly]


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