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Stuck with a smoking neighbour


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is this smoker live directly below your unit ?



ST Forum

Feb 28, 2011

Stuck with a smoking neighbour


WHILE I was dismayed to note the statistics in last Tuesday's article ("No let-up in lighting up"), I was heartened to read about the severe measures suggested by some people as my family has been subjected to cigarette smoke from my neighbour living on the floor directly beneath mine for some time now.


This man smokes regularly at various times of the day, which effectively makes my entire family passive smokers.


I have repeatedly tried explaining to him that his cigarette smoke permeates our entire flat and is harming not just myself and my husband, but our two young kids too. Regardless, he maintains it is his flat and he can do what he pleases within its boundary.


In other words, the current law allows him to get away with it. He has even told me it is I who should close my windows when he smokes. He remains adamant about continuing with his ungracious act. What recourse does the passive smoker have to such abuse?


I appeal to the National Environment Agency to consider imposing a ban on smoking in all buildings, corridors and lift landings in Singapore, including residential properties.


Sherley Servos (Mrs)

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LPPL lah... if your neighbour smoke in the yard...u will still get it..


buy an island and stay lor..or cheaper way...wear a space suit


i mean a real bungalow with a swimming pool and a tennis court. no ciggy smell will get to you.....

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Each have their own rights. How NEA gonna solve this?

This is one disadvantage for staying on higher floor. But I'm guessing the smoker smokes outside his home like along the corridor or at his window.



ST Forum

Feb 28, 2011

Stuck with a smoking neighbour


WHILE I was dismayed to note the statistics in last Tuesday's article ("No let-up in lighting up"), I was heartened to read about the severe measures suggested by some people as my family has been subjected to cigarette smoke from my neighbour living on the floor directly beneath mine for some time now.


This man smokes regularly at various times of the day, which effectively makes my entire family passive smokers.


I have repeatedly tried explaining to him that his cigarette smoke permeates our entire flat and is harming not just myself and my husband, but our two young kids too. Regardless, he maintains it is his flat and he can do what he pleases within its boundary.


In other words, the current law allows him to get away with it. He has even told me it is I who should close my windows when he smokes. He remains adamant about continuing with his ungracious act. What recourse does the passive smoker have to such abuse?


I appeal to the National Environment Agency to consider imposing a ban on smoking in all buildings, corridors and lift landings in Singapore, including residential properties.


Sherley Servos (Mrs)


Buy over his unit or move out since it affects u so much. Sometimes my upstairs neighbour hangs his wet laundry over mine when its almost dry. I tried toking to him but to no avail.


Do u know where I can go to complain or is there any law which can help me?


Also my next door neighbour kids always make so much noise N disturb my sleep/TV watching. Any way I can get them to stop.


Sometimes I take lift got pple dunno dont bathe or what. Damm smelly. Anything I can do to get them to not take e lift when I am in it?




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Buy over his unit or move out since it affects u so much. Sometimes my upstairs neighbour hangs his wet laundry over mine when its almost dry. I tried toking to him but to no avail.


Do u know where I can go to complain or is there any law which can help me?


Also my next door neighbour kids always make so much noise N disturb my sleep/TV watching. Any way I can get them to stop.


Sometimes I take lift got pple dunno dont bathe or what. Damm smelly. Anything I can do to get them to not take e lift when I am in it?




this takes the cake!!!! :D

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Don't think got such a thing as a considerate smoker unless they don't puff out the smoke. Only those that stop or quit are considerate.

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you want to smoke, should smoke at the corridor. smoking at kitchen , the smoke will enter the other person home from the windows.


but smoking at the corridor, changes is lesser.



maybe he sud buy a long water hose N run it to the roof top N blow his smoke tru e hose so he wont "disturb" others? [laugh]

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[laugh] I think next time HDB will have no smoking blocks..or no smoking floors.. [laugh]


How about smokeless cigarettes?


Now thats an idea only possible in sillypore.


Now where did I put my chemistry set. I going to invent 1 N wil make millions of $ in Sillypore. [laugh]


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Walk around naked must depend. if [gorgeous] do it often [sly]


Opposite my window got 1 chio-bu always come home late N take off clothes n walk around house b4 she go bathe.


BUT I NEVER COMPRAIN HOR. Am I considered a good neighbour? [laugh]


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Opposite my window got 1 chio-bu always come home late N take off clothes n walk around house b4 she go bathe.


BUT I NEVER COMPRAIN HOR. Am I considered a good neighbour? [laugh]


where you stay? :D


And yes... u r a good neighbour... unlike some jokers who complain about this in NTU [:(]





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This type I think stay condo oso wl complain. Best is for them to stay on landed property.



Last time I drive COE car got no Cat N was waiting in front of staircase at condo fr fren to come down.


Got 1 aunty come out N ask me to move my car cos she say my exhaust enter her window N smelly. I look at her :blink: N ask her if her window can close till I leave. [laugh]


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Bro cannot say like this.

This is not exactly smoking inside their own flat unless they close their windows and smoke.

Everything outside is public and we all need to be more considerate.

If the smokers don't like the smell inside their house then why are they ok with sharing it with their neighbors?


When Indonesia starts burning their lands and the smoke gets to Singapore and Malaysia.

Do we have the rights to complain?

After all, they are burning their own lands.


Thats why we hv been complaining N complaining N complaining for years but still ty burn. [laugh]


Ty must b having a good laugh at us.


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What sherly should do is rally with her other 7 other neighbours who surrounds this smoker's flat and complain mah. Provided they are all non smokers.


Or get all her neighbours to blanket party e smoker when he goes out to smoke. Or get Tai long to harrass him till he move out. If still not enough, pour petrol into his flat N set it on fire. That sud do e trick. [idea]


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Thats why we hv been complaining N complaining N complaining for years but still ty burn. [laugh]


Ty must b having a good laugh at us.


Ya wait till you hear them play the victim card.

Why I cannot burn my trees and my grass on my own land!

Why everyone out to get me?

Why everyone cannot be consider and gracious and complain to get what they want? [:p]

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smoking is banned along corridors and void decks.


People should just learn to give and take.. what next? She's gonna complain that her neighbour is too noisy while having sex? Come on....


Some of her other complains.....




Oh... she's a diehard MM fan. Check out the 42 Reasons Why I Love you, Singapore post




Hahaha. Typical sillypore comprain queen. [crazy]


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