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Season parking at raffles place


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how much is parking in that area? [laugh]


not worth paying 150 to 200 dollars a month for season parking in the city area in my opinion



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Market Street Car Park is this the golden shoe carpark ??


The two are not the same car park...... one got a nice hawker centre where I believe the famous tissue choping practice was invented...... or I maybe wrong......keke...

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actually the problem is not carparks, it's the number of cars on the roads.


increased so much, our infrastructure cant take it.


even in town or any centralised area where people come together, carpark always crowded.



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actually the problem is not carparks, it's the number of cars on the roads.


increased so much, our infrastructure cant take it.


even in town or any centralised area where people come together, carpark always crowded.


should build more lots than cars

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should build more lots than cars



no lah, just increase parking fees, and squeeze out people who cant afford loh.


isnt that the way the game is played from the start? [rolleyes]

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considered very cheap...my side at mbfc is 380 bucks


I'm shifting to MBFC next year. Plan to give up driving to the office come then.

No point paying so much for a carpark lot

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no lah, just increase parking fees, and squeeze out people who cant afford loh.


isnt that the way the game is played from the start? [rolleyes]


lol. no use la. if u are desperate, u will still pay if u "can" afford.

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lol. no use la. if u are desperate, u will still pay if u "can" afford.


Well, if you earn only $7k a month for example, you can only be that desperate.


Anyway you better go study and get your academic qualifications then get a job before talking too much here

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Neutral Newbie

Well, if you earn only $7k a month for example, you can only be that desperate.


Anyway you better go study and get your academic qualifications then get a job before talking too much here


That sounds elitist, pride comes before a fall

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That sounds elitist, pride comes before a fall



before you comment, you must know to whom i wrote that reply.

in any case , if like that sounds elitist then everything would sound elistist to you



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Neutral Newbie



I have a prepaid season parking slot available since I will be travelling for the whole of January 2012. Drop me a line privately if you are looking for a lot near Raffles or Marina.



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Neutral Newbie



I have a parking lot at Capital square looking to be rented out for the month of march, anyone keen can contact me. Rate is negotiable.



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Neutral Newbie

Hi Everyone,


Anyone keen to take over a season parking lot at China Square immediately? Do call my mobile 97616061. Thanks.




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the beauty is no need to buy lorry. just park it there, unless you car is such an eyesore.


last time got chrysler crossfire own by one of the stallholders i believe.

park there whole day for so many months TP stop there also bo chup. hahah



park one week and you will more than earn back the cost of the summon if kena, haha.


'may be laughing but i,m not joking



whether u tc or not, it's actualli true. have seen many same cars park everyday along service lanes wif double yellow lines but lta, tp who regularly go past the lane dun seem to mind (or are blind....).


yep, there is such thing as free daily parking in cbd. go for it! [thumbsup]

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