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Which is your preferred bank?


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hahha bro, the private banking industry has been around for hundreds of years, with hundreds of billions if not trillions around the world in assets under management.


You think the richest and most powerful families/people in the world are stupid to have been conned consistently for hundreds of years? Mr Oei HL also has his money in Citi PB. You are smarter than him? You keep money under pillow ?


In that case, bankers must deserve every cent of their world-destroying fat bonuses.

Reason being they must be the smartest/most resourceful/brave people in the world for having consistently hoodwinked some of the richest and most powerful people on this planet for hundreds of years.


mr oei just sue the bank for his fx lost lah.


these banker karma will have their next life will be dogs, esp those private banking ones who smoke clients money.



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you dont know that most of them use their own money to buy too?? plus, they need to earn money in order to buy mah.


you buy from them, then they can make money. if not where you think their money come from?? the sky??



you try before or not? what sky? i would say rather from smoking how good a investment idea is and when market is good, everything makes $, when bad, they say 'market no good, sorry you lost $, want to buy and hold'?



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your level is regular bread and butter banks, these are fine for transaction.


but beware of private banks and their bankers.





Tis is sad.


So u mean u dont..


1. Put ur money in the bank? U keep all of them under a pillow?

2. need to loan money for ur housing loan?

3. need to loan money for ur car?

4. Have bank's credit cards for cost savings n promotions?

5. Change new notes for chinese new year?

6. Do TT transfers to 3rd party accounts?

7. Draw money from atm machines ... N the inexhaustible list goes on


If u r saying tat u can fulfil all of the above n more without any involvment from banks, i salute u.


Else do not make bankers sound so bad.


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For your information some litigation lawyers are aware that DBS has standard account opening conditions which allow the bank to freeze your assets if any law suite commences against you (the account holder), even before judgement is rendered.


No other consumer bank has such a punitive policy except the PAP DBS bank. Given that some law suites can drag on for months to years it means you may not have any access to your savings during this moment of crisis.


So pls take note to maintain only a minimum balance with this PAP Bank...DBS.


hi bros..


if you have some cash, like say 40k or 50k type of figure.. which bank or type of savings would you put in?

care to share your good experience, recommendation or preference.. any expert view wld be best. :D


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hi bros..


if you have some cash, like say 40k or 50k type of figure.. which bank or type of savings would you put in?

care to share your good experience, recommendation or preference.. any expert view wld be best. :D


few questions before you decide where to plant your funds.


1) the 40k/50k is extra or your whole asset at the moment?

2) will you be using the $$$ within 3-5yrs?

3) are you a high/medium/low risk taker?


maybe from your replies, we can give you a better option.

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For your information some litigation lawyers are aware that DBS has standard account opening conditions which allow the bank to freeze your assets if any law suite commences against you (the account holder), even before judgement is rendered.


No other consumer bank has such a punitive policy except the PAP DBS bank. Given that some law suites can drag on for months to years it means you may not have any access to your savings during this moment of crisis.


So pls take note to maintain only a minimum balance with this PAP Bank...DBS.


I don't know about this policy in DBS, but you better be right.

You could be liable for legal action on this post.

Just for your information.

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mr oei just sue the bank for his fx lost lah.


these banker karma will have their next life will be dogs, esp those private banking ones who smoke clients money.


BTW, i was told Mr Oei is still a client of Citigroup PB. What do you mean by just sue the bank for fx loss?

Doesn't answer all my previous statements. Mr Oei was trading fx through his private bankers.


It looks like you had a bad experience. What do you mean by 'smoke'?

Why don't you tell us about it? Maybe you know something that Mr Oei and we don't?

Did the banker steal your money or did you lose money like everyone else did during the last crisis?

If the bank 'smoke' your money, why don't you do what Mr Oei did and sue them? Go ahead, sue them, make the banker jobless and make the bank pay and make our day.

Afterall, Citi settled didn't they?


So why not take that action? Ranting about karma and making other rude comments about others won't do you any good or get your money back.

For all you know, your banker is drinking whisky, smoking cigars and eating abalone as snacks while you are here, sad, angry and presumably much poorer.


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All banks have standard terms in their account opening conditions allowing tems to freeze the account holders assets, BUT ONLY AFTER JUDGEMENT HAS BEEN ISSUED TO BANKRUPT THE DEFENDANT AND GARNISH HIS ASSETS.


In PAP DBS, the persons assets are frozen AT THE COMMENCEMENT OF A LAW SUITE (e.g. when a statutory demand or Originating Summons is issued). The law suite may drag on for monthe or years and if your employer is depositing your monthly salary into a DBS account that means you have no access to your savings to engage lawyers to defend yourself or to pay for daily expenses.


This was exactly what happended to several account holders years back. I would only maintain a minimum balance with DBS and only if i am forced to do so because my empployer deposits monthly pay into a DBS account.


I don't know about this policy in DBS, but you better be right.

You could be liable for legal action on this post.

Just for your information.


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All banks have standard terms in their account opening conditions allowing tems to freeze the account holders assets, BUT ONLY AFTER JUDGEMENT HAS BEEN ISSUED TO BANKRUPT THE DEFENDANT AND GARNISH HIS ASSETS.


In PAP DBS, the persons assets are frozen AT THE COMMENCEMENT OF A LAW SUITE (e.g. when a statutory demand or Originating Summons is issued). The law suite may drag on for monthe or years and if your employer is depositing your monthly salary into a DBS account that means you have no access to your savings to engage lawyers to defend yourself or to pay for daily expenses.


This was exactly what happended to several account holders years back. I would only maintain a minimum balance with DBS and only if i am forced to do so because my empployer deposits monthly pay into a DBS account.


You seem to be some kind of expert on legal matters.

What's DBS policy got to do with PAP? Care to shed light on that? Does the MAS mandate this policy only on DBS or what?


Btw, i think your employer can easily deposit into another bank, no? Unless you work for DBS? Are you an (disgruntled) employee of DBS?

If not, how come you are aware of things happening to "several account holders".

If it happened to you, you can always say that, why did you need to say 'several account holders'?


PS: its a law SUIT, not suite

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Open a stock broking cash managed account where they put your money in money market funds, you get about 1% interest no min sum. Catch is


1. You take some market risk but because these are short term fixed income instruments, risk is quite min and a little fluctuation unless major crisis happen


2. it takes maybe 5 days to take out your money.


3. You don't get sing govt guarantee on your deposits. But I don't think you take the brokerage risk either, as it is a fund. Safer than banks in that sense as you don't take a single counter party risk

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I see you are in the habit of making lots of assumptions. And oh, I am sooo sorry for the typeo....hey lets just say U R RIGHT ON EVERY COUNT.


Its up to u whether u beieve it or not and if u even need to ask about the links of that bank to the govt and the PAP that also reveals alot about your knowledge base. Do your own digging and ask around amongst the litigation lawyers....u dont need to take my word for it.


Enough said...u win...u r right....Happy?


Hey whyn dont u also do a spell check on the above.....it might reveal even more glaring errors..er?

SMALL MIND....SMALLER INTELLECT....needs no further elaboration.....


You seem to be some kind of expert on legal matters.

What's DBS policy got to do with PAP? Care to shed light on that? Does the MAS mandate this policy only on DBS or what?


Btw, i think your employer can easily deposit into another bank, no? Unless you work for DBS? Are you an (disgruntled) employee of DBS?

If not, how come you are aware of things happening to "several account holders".

If it happened to you, you can always say that, why did you need to say 'several account holders'?


PS: its a law SUIT, not suite


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I see you are in the habit of making lots of assumptions. And oh, I am sooo sorry for the typeo....hey lets just say U R RIGHT ON EVERY COUNT.


Its up to u whether u beieve it or not and if u even need to ask about the links of that bank to the govt and the PAP that also reveals alot about your knowledge base. Do your own digging and ask around amongst the litigation lawyers....u dont need to take my word for it.


Enough said...u win...u r right....Happy?


Hey whyn dont u also do a spell check on the above.....it might reveal even more glaring errors..er?

SMALL MIND....SMALLER INTELLECT....needs no further elaboration.....


Well if you insist its a typo, good for you.

Cos you made the same speling mistake like 4 or 5 times.

Very consistent for a typo error, no?.


Well, i admit that my knowledge is lacking, so i would like to seek your advice on this.

So how does the PAP factor into something which seems to be DBS policy?

I would imagine if the PAP wanted something done, they would tell MAS to enforce it on all the banks?

Why just DBS?


Coming from you, i don't think anyone is taking your word for it.

Moreover, i am not contesting whether this policy exists in DBS or not.

It doesn't matter to me at all. It could very well exist. But my question is not this.

What i am enquiring is, what does it have to do with the PAP?


In any case, you name-calling just sounds juvenile. You are 12 years old?



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see all the sinkies fighting amongst each other? high class banker against commoners?


I see you are in the habit of making lots of assumptions. And oh, I am sooo sorry for the typeo....hey lets just say U R RIGHT ON EVERY COUNT.


Its up to u whether u beieve it or not and if u even need to ask about the links of that bank to the govt and the PAP that also reveals alot about your knowledge base. Do your own digging and ask around amongst the litigation lawyers....u dont need to take my word for it.


Enough said...u win...u r right....Happy?


Hey whyn dont u also do a spell check on the above.....it might reveal even more glaring errors..er?

SMALL MIND....SMALLER INTELLECT....needs no further elaboration.....


Well if you insist its a typo, good for you.

Cos you made the same speling mistake like 4 or 5 times.

Very consistent for a typo error, no?.


Well, i admit that my knowledge is lacking, so i would like to seek your advice on this.

So how does the PAP factor into something which seems to be DBS policy?

I would imagine if the PAP wanted something done, they would tell MAS to enforce it on all the banks?

Why just DBS?


Coming from you, i don't think anyone is taking your word for it.

Moreover, i am not contesting whether this policy exists in DBS or not.

It doesn't matter to me at all. It could very well exist. But my question is not this.

What i am enquiring is, what does it have to do with the PAP?


In any case, you name-calling just sounds juvenile. You are 12 years old?

Edited by Chengwh492
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see all the sinkies fighting amongst each other? high class banker against commoners?


Not really fighting. Just clarification.

Class is relative.

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Not really fighting. Just clarification.

Class is relative.


i see that you share good info too. thats great.


class is relative only in your little world.


this forum is provides me with a good dumping ground of emtional reactions. feels good to see sinkies react just like they do on the road.

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