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Why Shanghai Real Estate Is The Most Obvious Bubble Ever


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dont you see so many wanna-be-rich clowns around?


Please dont call others 'wanna-be-rich clowns'. Lets put it this way, if you have the capabilities and the resources you would have already bought a few properties last year and made at least 10%.

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Please dont call others 'wanna-be-rich clowns'. Lets put it this way, if you have the capabilities and the resources you would have already bought a few properties last year and made at least 10%.


10% of 1mil is 100k, 10% if 10mil is 1mil. which one you made?

and so what if we made banana money worth 1mil or 10mil?


whats next in sinkieland with sinkies all over fighting against each others instead of uniting together against the real evil?

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