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MM Lee stirs controversy with his comments on Muslims


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I agree with MM's views. As an organizer for department events and functions, the biggest obstacle I have is with the muslim colleagues. Unlike other race/religions who have specific diet restriction, they do not need their food to be certified. When catering or booking restaurant, I just need to ensure that the vegetarian gets their vegetarian diet, those who dun eat beef, will not be offered beef. But for my muslim colleagues, I need to find 1 that has a certified Halal kitchen.


For racial integration to work, we need tolerance and flexibility. Yes, my muslim colleagues are nice to tell me not go through so much headache and that they will still join in non halal, but they will not consume anything there. In such a case, where is the cohesion and integration if a handful sits there and not participating in the activity.



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Personally, i think he's getting more and more senile... its like telling the catholics to be less strict too.... [shakehead]


I think Catholics are flexible and tolerant. More so than their christian counterparts. All the catholics I know are capable of holding joss and paying respect. I know many christians who will shun from it.



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I think Catholics are flexible and tolerant. More so than their christian counterparts. All the catholics I know are capable of holding joss and paying respect. I know many christians who will shun from it.


Catholic are strict on certain stuff and relax on certain stuff.

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Catholic are strict on certain stuff and relax on certain stuff.


how u know??? you devil incarnate...dun kacau :wacko::wacko:

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I think Catholics are flexible and tolerant. More so than their christian counterparts. All the catholics I know are capable of holding joss and paying respect. I know many christians who will shun from it.

Being a catholic, there is nothing wrong with holding joss stick, etc....respect where it is due, and it does not interfere with my religion wot....so there

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I got Catholic friends mah. they told me certain things very strict certain things not.


acherlee...Catholic is the most regimental religion if followed closely....and when divorce, got certain things also....

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I agree with MM's views. As an organizer for department events and functions, the biggest obstacle I have is with the muslim colleagues. Unlike other race/religions who have specific diet restriction, they do not need their food to be certified. When catering or booking restaurant, I just need to ensure that the vegetarian gets their vegetarian diet, those who dun eat beef, will not be offered beef. But for my muslim colleagues, I need to find 1 that has a certified Halal kitchen.


For racial integration to work, we need tolerance and flexibility. Yes, my muslim colleagues are nice to tell me not go through so much headache and that they will still join in non halal, but they will not consume anything there. In such a case, where is the cohesion and integration if a handful sits there and not participating in the activity.

I had a different experience. Only problem for organising events like going to hotels for halal buffet for my muslim colleagues in my ex-company but managed to find one in the end.


I had a problem when buying food my strict vegetarian NCO during NS. Asked me to buy bread with fillings and after he read that one of the ingredients was egg, he threw it away. After that, he go and buy food himself 'cos no one can find what he wants.

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acherlee...Catholic is the most regimental religion if followed closely....and when divorce, got certain things also....


actually all the abrahamic religion are very regimental.


IMO after some discussion on religious forum with ppl of other religion. our conclusion was this.


Islam was easily misunderstood because unlike other religion like say Christian. when they are in political power.they still call them self Islam nation. hence tying the tyranic nature of politics to islam itself. unlike say christian will call it Christiandoom (or was it something else). muslim gahmen just call it islam gahment.


Hence causing a confusion with the religion itself.

Edited by Joseph22
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The name issue is a common misconception.

People tend to assume and talk amongst others who themselves

do not know and just come up with their own "theories" regarding the issue

instead of finding out the actual truth.


There's no need for one to change his/her name.

A muslim convert can keep his original name.

He can in addition add an alias in the form of a muslim name.

Its not a must to change the IC to reflect the muslim name.


I still don't understand why the Chinese are so concerned about losing their

surname. IMO its just a name and you are not losing it.

In inter-racial muslim marriages, this topic is always a big "hoo haa" for the

Chinese family due to the misconception.



Bro, this is cultural difference.


In Chinese, the clan or surname is very much linked to your linage and fore farther.

It is a representative of one's link from the past and into the future.


If you lost that past, how are you going understand yourself?

You can observe this in a number of English-educated Chinese who seek his/her own trance after reaching certain age.


Fact is we need to learn to appreciate the difference and its hieritage rather than viewing it with indifference.

This is where LKY had gone wrong in his book regarding Singapore Malay/Muslims.

Edited by Wishcumstrue
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I had a different experience. Only problem for organising events like going to hotels for halal buffet for my muslim colleagues in my ex-company but managed to find one in the end.


I had a problem when buying food my strict vegetarian NCO during NS. Asked me to buy bread with fillings and after he read that one of the ingredients was egg, he threw it away. After that, he go and buy food himself 'cos no one can find what he wants.


basically, there is 2 type of Vegetarian, the most often found one are those that can eat non fertile eggs.

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Actually MM oso got a point leh. Just to be clear, I not anti Muslim. I got Muslim friend who don't mind eating wif me. Sometimes even eat chicken rice run by Chinese. But I am no religious police man to tell him he can't do that. On the contrary, I asked him 'brudder, u can eat fm this stall ah?'. Where religion is concerned, it is between the individual and God. At the end of the day, we are accountable to the Creator.


Where food is concerned, why can't our Muslim friends eat at vegetarian restaurants? These restaurants don't even use lard to cook their dishes.

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we eat our chicken rice. she eat her nasi lemak. how she think it will spray into her bowl ah? [laugh] [laugh]

maybe it's a new version of "why the chicken crosses the street?".. this time: "why the drum stick jump over the table?" [:p]

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acherlee...Catholic is the most regimental religion if followed closely....and when divorce, got certain things also....

is controceptives still not allowed? .... maybe you know the tricks to 'circumvene' this? :D:wub:

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is controceptives still not allowed? .... maybe you know the tricks to 'circumvene' this? :D:wub:


yes...not allowed...masturbation too.....why u think filipines soooo populous...no rubber?

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