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MM Lee stirs controversy with his comments on Muslims


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This is a book about his inner though. He didnt say it over the air.Which i think its okay. Dr M said more anal things about the non muslim then he did in the book and muslim support him for saying that. That is more hypocripsy.


Nah, he only pulished it in a book. Totally different duncha know. Publish in a book, people cannot see, ever, nobody will get offended.



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This is a book about his inner though. He didnt say it over the air.Which i think its okay. Dr M said more anal things about the non muslim then he did in the book and muslim support him for saying that. That is more hypocripsy.


Nah, he only pulished it in a book. Totally different duncha know. Publish in a book, people cannot see, ever, nobody will get offended.



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Well, this show the advancement of our local muslim community as compare to other places. We are proud of them. ^_^


Could equally argue how insensitive Singapore is, in that the Sg muslim don't have the confidence / freedom / are too intimidated or marginalised to feel confident speaking up.


Not that I neccessarily believe this, but always remember that there are two ways any act can be interpreted, depending upon what "spin" you want to put on it.

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I dun remember Malay or Muslim frens that prefer to sit at another table cos we have pork on the table. But that is for local Malays. I cant speak for the new citizens and PRs and whatever.


You see, when the govt import FTs, they failed to import "tolerance" along with these people. Sad.




Yeah...so I guess the damn stupid wenches behind the AWARE saga were all FT right? Or is that your brand of tolerance?


I guess that's why Blow-jobs and gay sex are still illegal....because all Sg ministers are uhmm errr...Singaporean born and bred?

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Neutral Newbie

well..i don't quite understand how some can be so bothered by what is said.


If that's what he wants to say, then let him say it.


Try too hard to criticise him and all, they may end up just proving his point.



On a personal level. sensitivity is the key. When I go for buffets with my buddhist mates, I make it a point to segregate the beef.



People's reactions can be amusing at times.

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I do not know if it is common to anyone in this forum... I have quite a number of malay race friends who told me that they are not muslim.

They are singapore born malay and they told me they are free thinker... normally we went out, we eat any chinese food like zhi cha, bak kut teh...


once a hawker ask me if they are from philippino... I just smiled and walk off....


yup less than 1% of the malays are non muslim

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New comment out in the Straits Times, which in my own opinion, is more offensive. This is printed and circulated.


What on earth were the writers, editors and publishers thinking?


Our government have to clean up this mess, Malay/Muslim community angry, wider repercussion (maybe).


It is us, plus our next generation who have to live with this mess.


MM Lee really has crossed the line this time with his book.




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I have a feeling the MM sensed that his time would be up soon and that this book would be his last, so he wanted to be frank about how he felt all along..

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I agree with MM in some ways... Politician also human beings, they also got their own personal opinions/concerns deep in their heart, that's why this book is call "Hard Truths". [laugh]


With or without this books, these thoughts is already in his mind... it is up to you "want or do not want" to know about his thoughts, no one can change his thinking at this age. Face the fact... we human beings do not like to hear "Hard Truth" of not so good fact.

Example: An below average looking women who think she is pretty. If you tell her that she quite pretty or above average, she very happy... If tell her the "Hard Truths", she might not able to accept it... [laugh]


Actually, he also commented on other religions... but why only Muslim community make a big hoo-ha [hur].

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I agree with MM in some ways... Politician also human beings, they also got their own personal opinions/concerns deep in their heart, that's why this book is call "Hard Truths". [laugh]


Actually, he also commented on other religions... but why only Muslim community make a big hoo-ha [hur].



i agree with his views on the muslim community.

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Neutral Newbie

There are malays who are non-muslims, but numbers are small. I personally know someone who converted out.


To add, being a Malay doesn't necessarily make one a Muslim. Being a Muslim doesn't necessarily make one a Malay.

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To add, being a Malay doesn't necessarily make one a Muslim. Being a Muslim doesn't necessarily make one a Malay.


I think these numbers are extremely small... I heard to convert out of Muslim family, they have to resign from their family (something like been kicked out).


I have some Chinese friends who converted Muslim... cos they married Muslim Malay gals. One of them, the father super super angry cos the son need to change the name... if convert Muslim, got to change their name. In Malay Muslim naming system, they follow the father's name to roll on instead of a fixed surname... which means they do not have a fixed surname. Traditional Chinese until today still cannot accept their surname been erased when pass to the next generation.

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YI has commented that what MM said is a "worst-case scenario".


Please lor. This comment insults the intelligence of Singaporeans. [:|][thumbsdown][shakehead]

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Neutral Newbie

from what i understand. the chinese guy gets to keep his surname. Infact some of the chinese converts i know have 2 names.


Heck, my cousin married a christian indian who converted. Dude kept his christian name and almost everyone, even my parents call him by his christian name.



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from what i understand. the chinese guy gets to keep his surname. Infact some of the chinese converts i know have 2 names.


Heck, my cousin married a christian indian who converted. Dude kept his christian name and almost everyone, even my parents call him by his christian name.




Yes, they add a malay name in front of their orginal name. So the surname is kept... but for their next generation children, the surname is gone...

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YI has commented that what MM said is a "worst-case scenario".


Please lor. This comment insults the intelligence of Singaporeans. [:|][thumbsdown][shakehead]



its telling the truth about the muslims in spore. sometime the truth hurts

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