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Different between your time and your Dad's time.


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last time


- no need for much education (cost about $2)

- eldest sibling hand-me-down clothes all the way to the youngest 20th child (cost $5)

- no casino

- trishaw rides cost abt 10cents per trip (flat rate)

- pah goh lee on grass field/fly kites/longkang catch fish,spider (cost nil or $1 at most)

- no SCV, Cable

- landed property cost $20k only

- no GST

- no handph/ipad/computer/gt5/xbox/psp/ps3




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last time


- no need for much education (cost about $2)

- eldest sibling hand-me-down clothes all the way to the youngest 20th child (cost $5)

- no casino

- trishaw rides cost abt 10cents per trip (flat rate)

- pah goh lee on grass field/fly kites/longkang catch fish,spider (cost nil or $1 at most)

- no SCV, Cable

- landed property cost $20k only

- no GST

- no handph/ipad/computer/gt5/xbox/psp/ps3

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like this they more heng abit [laugh]


years to years comparison, to be frank,they might be more hardtime than us


BUT they have lesser burden in terms of other stuffs



u mean we have more burdern to want [laugh][laugh]

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my dad's salary was more then double mine and HDB back then was probably doubly cheaper


Yeah, true. For some lucky ones, the rate of inflation is proportional to the increase in their salaries. Mine sadly, isn't! [:(]

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Yeah, true. For some lucky ones, the rate of inflation is proportional to the increase in their salaries. Mine sadly, isn't! [:(]



i dont call them lucky. i call them wiling to find means to increase pay. Inshort, hard working.


my dads use to work as a odd job labour. then he find kan tao and become sub-con for a few years during manufacturing boomz... then when gahmen regulate that you must have cert to be sub-con (no guess only related ppl got issue the cert.) he turn to drive taxi and play with stock. but his pals?? most stay stagnate as odd job labour and their pay didnt go up to even 2K.


it called moving with time.

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i dont call them lucky. i call them wiling to find means to increase pay. Inshort, hard working.


my dads use to work as a odd job labour. then he find kan tao and become sub-con for a few years during manufacturing boomz... then when gahmen regulate that you must have cert to be sub-con (no guess only related ppl got issue the cert.) he turn to drive taxi and play with stock. but his pals?? most stay stagnate as odd job labour and their pay didnt go up to even 2K.


it called moving with time.


True true. Luck and Timing plays a part too...

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Last time my father time, liverpool were winning trophy after trophy, league after league... now we are winning comical laughter game after game [laugh]

Edited by Dj_spike
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i think its more about family planning. last time where got family planning one. just give birth to one after another. live on the next pay check, etc.......

no need to worry about child education, insurance, future, etc.......

the thinking back then was "when the boat reach the dock, it will straighten by itself".

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All are excuse by the current generation who only want to enjoy.



Monthly expenses

Infantcare after subsidies = $1100

Milk Powder + other baby necessities = $400+++

Baby clothing + toys = $200


Excluding PD charges, its almost 2k a month.


I don't see how thats an excuse...unless someone is raking in 20k a month.



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I always hear and read that standard of living cost now is higher and can't afford to have kids blah blah blah.


Well, if you were to look at it, our salary now is defintely much higher than last time.


If last time parents or even grandparents can afford to have 3 to 12 kids, why are we complaining even we have only one?


What is your take?


This is an opened discussion, all ideas and comments are welcome. [rolleyes]

did u study economics at all?????

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Last time buy car can take two years loan.

Last time buy hdb can take 10 years loan.


Now your high salary...you tell me you take how many years loan?


On top of that, I remeber last time CPF contrbution was like 50% then taper off to 40% and finally

to our 3X%, contribution cap was higher at 6K instead of today 4.5K. That make a huge different.


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Monthly expenses

Infantcare after subsidies = $1100

Milk Powder + other baby necessities = $400+++

Baby clothing + toys = $200


Excluding PD charges, its almost 2k a month.


I don't see how thats an excuse...unless someone is raking in 20k a month.




my expenses about 4k/mth ... damn siong ... need 1 - 2 more job related jumps to really live it up in SG sia ... [:(]

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Monthly expenses

Infantcare after subsidies = $1100

Milk Powder + other baby necessities = $400+++

Baby clothing + toys = $200


Excluding PD charges, its almost 2k a month.


I don't see how thats an excuse...unless someone is raking in 20k a month.




Indeed. Spoken like a 过来人。。。


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Monthly expenses

Infantcare after subsidies = $1100

Milk Powder + other baby necessities = $400+++

Baby clothing + toys = $200

Excluding PD charges, its almost 2k a month.


I don't see how thats an excuse...unless someone is raking in 20k a month.





this is the need. the rest are want. tell me is that excuse??

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