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Malaysian Cars Looking Better Than SG Vehicles


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Yeah, noticed this too on the NHHW and in KL while on a trip there early November.

While most of our Camrys are 2.0, majority of the badge there are 2.4. Same for Accords.

While most Beemers here for 3 and 5 series are the entry 320 and 520 (talking about E60), over there I see more of 323 and 523 respectively.

I don't know how they afford these rides as non-Proton/Perodua are not cheap.


To afford an "entry" model of 323 there costing RM280K with 20% down and 80% loan will result in monthly of more than RM3k per month.

My cousin staying in Perdana Residence...he's driving an old model W124 Merc 230E. While the neighbours' cars are newer models beemers, merc and 1 or 2 Lambos etc.


Signs of the changing fortune there I guess.



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how to change new car when COE is so bloody high ......... [mad][furious][:|]

U r rite. But before the COE became so bloody high, there are already many cars on the rd which is abt 4 yr or more liao. [:p]

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in case uve been living under a rock, MY's economy is expected to grow abt 6%+ this year. the rich in MY are way richer than most Sinkies, but the poor are way poorer than the poorest sinkie

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in case uve been living under a rock, MY's economy is expected to grow abt 6%+ this year. the rich in MY are way richer than most Sinkies, but the poor are way poorer than the poorest sinkie

Msian shld be rich, as i think many msian have 2 or more cars per household. [rolleyes]

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No point lah, driving flashy cars in Malaysia, or Jakarta. Majority surrounding you are still poor folk. You attract too much envy, something will happen to you or your car [knife]

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Heard that lots of oil palm and rubber plantations tycoons are being generated as Malaysia is one of the world (if not the largest) oil palm and rubber producer in the world. Also, lots of these rural tycoons build bird nests out of unused houses.


With their tremendous natural resources, Malaysia can do better than us in the longer run.. I think Singaporeans will loose to them if we are not on our toes, and maintain and constantly improve on our position which we currently enjoy -- we got nothing but people. Once our people do not work well and excel, that's when we go down.....

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So are we seeing the catching up by others.

Small company very difficult to stay at the top of the game for so many years.

The decline seems to have started.

Soon the uniquely Singapore will become the usual Singapore.


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So are we seeing the catching up by others.

Small company very difficult to stay at the top of the game for so many years.

The decline seems to have started.

Soon the uniquely Singapore will become the usual Singapore.



Uniquely $inkapore will STILL BE UNIQUELY $INKAPORE......... due to their coe [laugh]

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i hope to continue dirivng mustank until it is 30 years old [sunny] when it get compulsarily retired by lta [:(]


5 years has gone, hopely another 25 years more [inlove]


my neighbours who drive new car one all siam me [laugh]:D , end up only lowlee and van don mind me [laugh]

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most come SG to earn Sing, go back spend ringgit...of course bigger car than us...while we struggling to pay our 5/6 yr old cars



obviously, u know nuts about MY... those who come here and work, cant afford those big car..... only those stay back and made it drives those big car.... [:p]

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