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Double/twin chain collissions along Enous Link on 10 Dec 201


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I was among those caught by a traffic jam along that road at around 6.00pm. Both Lane 1 and Lane 2 occupied by damaged cars. Lane 1 chain collission and Lane 2 chain collision in parallel almost exact duplicate. I believe there was no casualty, just more business for tow-truck businesses. Anyone of you involved?

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  On 12/11/2010 at 3:04 AM, Good-Carbuyer said:

I was among those caught by a traffic jam along that road at around 6.00pm. Both Lane 1 and Lane 2 occupied by damaged cars. Lane 1 chain collission and Lane 2 chain collision in parallel almost exact duplicate. I believe there was no casualty, just more business for tow-truck businesses. Anyone of you involved?


have to say tat alot of these accidents by farking hoggers or kuku drivers. many a times see a hogger drive so slow on lane 1, even lane 2 faster than them. suddenly they wanna filter to lane 2 for upcoming exit, but dare not speed up to match lane 2 speed. end result, will cause pile up in lane 1. then suay suay come along a lane 2 hogger, seeing the gap the lane 1 hogger filter in thinking can switch, but unfortunately, both kuku drivers zham brake, the rest is history, both lanes kena chain collision [thumbsdown][shakehead]

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I was also caught in the jam.


Think a total of abt 8 to 9 cars were involved.


Travelling too close to one another vehiclles caused this chain effect.

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Neutral Newbie
  On 12/11/2010 at 3:10 AM, Yeshe said:

have to say tat alot of these accidents by farking hoggers or kuku drivers. many a times see a hogger drive so slow on lane 1, even lane 2 faster than them. suddenly they wanna filter to lane 2 for upcoming exit, but dare not speed up to match lane 2 speed. end result, will cause pile up in lane 1. then suay suay come along a lane 2 hogger, seeing the gap the lane 1 hogger filter in thinking can switch, but unfortunately, both kuku drivers zham brake, the rest is history, both lanes kena chain collision [thumbsdown][shakehead]


what?? road hogging is not an offence??





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I agree, alot of kuku no skills to filter last min still wanna take risk and filter last min. Cannot just start filtering 1 or 2 exits before your desire exit??? Alot of times lane 1 slow down because of such b------ds.....

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  On 12/11/2010 at 4:51 AM, Ghostami said:

I agree, alot of kuku no skills to filter last min still wanna take risk and filter last min. Cannot just start filtering 1 or 2 exits before your desire exit??? Alot of times lane 1 slow down because of such b------ds.....


becos driving lessons didnt teach them how to match speed and finding the right gap when doing lane filtering [rolleyes]

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Neutral Newbie
  On 12/11/2010 at 4:51 AM, Ghostami said:

I agree, alot of kuku no skills to filter last min still wanna take risk and filter last min. Cannot just start filtering 1 or 2 exits before your desire exit??? Alot of times lane 1 slow down because of such b------ds.....

this is a true classic...what to do? suck thumb and approach cautiously when these exits are in sight...can expect some drastic drop in speed on lane 1 and 2 to cater to this last min filtering to exit...

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  On 12/11/2010 at 5:17 AM, Babyt said:

road hog or not, if the drives keep safe distance from each other, accident can be avoided.

and to be ALERT when driving. I've seen drivers talking with their heads turned to their passengers or fiddling for something in their vehicles without looking at the road ahead while the vehicle was in motion. Such drivers are a hazard to other road users.

T/fore, I hope ALL drivers remain alert and practice road courtesy when driving. More so when there are more new drivers (regardless how old their license may be) as well as careless and reckless drivers on our roads today than yesterday.

Have a nice weekend! [wave]

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I notice more and more people using their mobile on the go recently. I saw one taitai once and she almost hit a car beside her because one hand on phone, the other pointing as if talking to someone. I think the TP must step up on catching such people.

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  On 12/11/2010 at 5:49 AM, Ghostami said:

I notice more and more people using their mobile on the go recently. I saw one taitai once and she almost hit a car beside her because one hand on phone, the other pointing as if talking to someone. I think the TP must step up on catching such people.

U sure the tai tai drove without her hands on the steering wheel? [speechless] Cannot be lah.

Fully agree with this "TP must step up on catching such people" because such practice (especially without handsfree) is on the increase and often contribute to road hogging and accidents. [rifle]

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Dude, do you need me to elaborate so clearly how its done?? Shes' driving a 5 series. That is just a more serious case I saw, most common are on the expressway.

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  On 12/11/2010 at 6:03 AM, Ghostami said:

Dude, do you need me to elaborate so clearly how its done?? Shes' driving a 5 series. That is just a more serious case I saw, most common are on the expressway.

Ok. It is no wonder why the car next to hers was almost hit [whip]

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  On 12/11/2010 at 5:49 AM, Ghostami said:

I notice more and more people using their mobile on the go recently. I saw one taitai once and she almost hit a car beside her because one hand on phone, the other pointing as if talking to someone. I think the TP must step up on catching such people.


Taitai or not, more and more people doing it like "bo zheng hu" style. recently an auntie in a Lancer GLX did the same, she was travelling on Lane 1, I was on Lane 2. when i was passing her on lane 2, i noticed her using her phone and she swerved to lane 2 to change lane, without signalling, all very sudden. I horned at her immediately.. the SUV behind her helped me blast horn too, to wake up her fking idea.


so i cruised beside her, since she havent changed lane yet and gestured wtf she's doing.. she looked at me, then looked straight.. like nothing happened.


stupid lowlife.

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  On 12/11/2010 at 5:17 AM, Babyt said:

road hog or not, if the drives keep safe distance from each other, accident can be avoided.


yup, accidents can be avoided by keeping a safe distance..which is misinterpreted by most impatient drivers as hogging [grin]

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