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Wikileaks . . . OMG!


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Bet its not the only person he talk bad about. you should know he think quite highly of himself and look down on other people. wonder what he think of the black american president.

Edited by Assaxefour
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Bet its not the only person he talk bad about. you should know he think quite highly of himself and look down on other people. wonder what he think of the black american president.



i think its pot calling the kettle black..



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wikileaks is a wiki lah.. any gundu can contribute, therefore the data is not credible. nowadays i believe people are using wikis as a reference. seriously crap research.. i can tell u even the highest paid researchers use wiki data... ridiculous

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I have a question for the political experts.


The view now is that China wants N.Korea around as a buffer against USA.


But then, the Americans are in South Korea to help protect against North Korea. If the North were to collapse and come under Southern rule, then the security threat would be eliminated and America would no longer have an excuse to stick around right?


If the Americans can't wait to get out from a half stabilized Iraq, why would they want to hang around a unified Korea? What's more USA is very broke right now and they need troops elsewhere.


So why can't China make friends with the South and let the North implode?

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i think one day, the Wikileak guy will be killed by "accident"...... he still doesnt know what is called "never die before"


he's public enemy No. 1 in every country.

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Shocking revealations this Wikileaks thingy, imagine calling your boss a nincompoop and getting caught for it. [knife]


Yikes! [sweatdrop]


But I couldn'y agree more about the N.Koreans. [:p]


How credible are all the info inside the leaks??? Maybe some... then the other just add in to spice things upz.... not that I disagree with all the things that was "leaked"... just surprise that the leak neber mention about the old senile fark upz north... [:p]

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wikileaks is a wiki lah.. any gundu can contribute, therefore the data is not credible. nowadays i believe people are using wikis as a reference. seriously crap research.. i can tell u even the highest paid researchers use wiki data... ridiculous


Wikileaks is NOT a wiki..u can read here [laugh]

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I have a question for the political experts.


The view now is that China wants N.Korea around as a buffer against USA.


But then, the Americans are in South Korea to help protect against North Korea. If the North were to collapse and come under Southern rule, then the security threat would be eliminated and America would no longer have an excuse to stick around right?


If the Americans can't wait to get out from a half stabilized Iraq, why would they want to hang around a unified Korea? What's more USA is very broke right now and they need troops elsewhere.


So why can't China make friends with the South and let the North implode?


china is friends, close trading partners and have investment deals with the south. they have more to lose if south economy is affected. fact is nobody wants to handle north korea. better to give them some aid and keep it on a leash.... then let the regime collapse on itself and have to deal with 25 million unskilled/uneducated brainwashed pple and a headless million man nuclear capable army.

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i recall that there was an analysis in the ST for this matter


i think the conclusion was everyone wants status quo [:p]


no one want to rock the boat :huh:

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Wikileaks is NOT a wiki..u can read here [laugh]


but obviously he wants to associate wikileak with wikipedia or else why the similar name? its just plain confusing & makes wikileaks less credible & more like a marketing hype


ok wikipedia isnt anymore credible so everything is just virtual BS

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Neutral Newbie

N Korea need to transform like China, or else it's difficult for China to keep bailing them out, luckily China is much stronger now and US got their own economy problems, or else US sure will do what they did to Iraq. That's my 5 cents view.

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