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If he wants just medals, he should join MC which IMO has a much better chance of winning the league and UCL...


MC can't afford the price,

probably realised that they could've won things without ArsenalHasBeens as well. [laugh]

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MC can't afford the price,

probably realised that they could've won things without ArsenalHasBeens as well. [laugh]


Ya i feel Mancini did not really want RVP in the first place...

he help Gunners push the price up by declaring interest...


we all know if MC wants something... they can outbid anyone anytime...


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a lengthy, but very worthy read.. from a fan's perspective.




Posted by arseblog on 16 Aug 2012 / 239 arses



The bottom line is that I want to win trophies with Arsenal, not with anybody else. I know you can win trophies in many countries and in many ways, but I want to do that in our way and in an Arsenal shirt.



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how can it only be about $$


its about his personal resume as well what.

he want a BPL medal, or UCL medal got wrong meh?


when a player leave,

people will just blame him....


what makes you think is for personal resume?


we did not blame glichy when he left, we did not blame henry when he left, we did not blame fab when he left...



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he wanna join who,

which club bid higher,

we all dunno wat.


and, comparing squard strength,

i prefer to leave it to May 2013 and let the league table speak for itself.


and i agree Barca and Real and damnnnn strong on paper,

(also kena from Chelsea in UCL last yr.........)


so when their power are, example, 99.8 vs 99.9

its down to luck and mental strength liao.

(who wanna win that 50-50 challenge more, who wanna win the match more)

on paper ?............ i prefer not to talk about paper.


don't talk paper then why you say barca and rm on paper very strong


and how you get your percentage? pluck numbers out of thin air?


talk rubbish sia



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rumour is indeed true.. so the ingrate has left arsenal to manure.. hate SAF gloating about how his current strike force in similar to 1999 which comprise yorke, cole, teddy and ole.


though i would not want to curse any player to be injured, i'm sure none of us would be feeling sorry for RVP if he got injured.


Pity wenger who stood by RVP throughout all his injuries, only to be given a tight slap in his face. Makes me wonder, if Diaby was to really perform to his potential this season and free from injury, what would happen?


at least AW is wiser this year and bought 3 established players early.. heres me wishing we can make another world class signing using the funds from the ingrates move to manure.,, M'villa anyone?


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