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Do u ever check into any haunted hotel B4?


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Neutral Newbie

was told that Asia Hotel in Bangkok is very haunted. But i've stayed there twice and nothing happened!

few years back stayed in one of the corner room without window.

the feeling once inside is no good.

Got one morning, open my door and saw the opposite room door open big big,

thought nothing of it, look down and saw a lady in white, clipping her nails just beside my door.

kaoz, got a shock.

until now dunno is "it"


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A few years ago in Hong Kong, stayed at a hotel in mongkok which I can't remember the name, with my friends and I. My friends was in the room next door with an adjoining door. Middle of the night, they rush into my room saying that they cannot sleep and was quite shakened. Its seems during the night, my friend woked up and saw a dark shade above him. Next thing he felt being pressed down on the bed and couldn't scream and move. It was only when the person next to him woke up, that he finally was able to move. That was when they moved to my room to try to sleep....

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Pan Pacific Serviced suites, Bangkok


Was sitting at the desk, with the main door to my right.


Kept hearing sound of the door handle turning "yik". Switched off tv and looked at door handle.


"yik", "yik".


Could it be other rooms?




Went out of room and closed the door.




Other rooms all closed.


Opened my door, definitely "yik" sound coming from this handle.


Go in room, said I'm only here for 2 nights and after that I'm gone. I'm going down for a smoke and you do whatever you need. Thanks.


When I went back to my room, still "yik".


Was more dulan then scared. Placed my amulet on the table and went to bed. Whole night "yik" until I slept.


Luckily no other things except "yik".



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was told that Asia Hotel in Bangkok is very haunted. But i've stayed there twice and nothing happened!


Stayed there a few yrs ago...also in one of those rooms without windows.


Went into the room, closed the door and started unpacking my stuff with my fren. Then there was knocks on the door. Thinking it was my fren next door I went to open the door. When I opened it there was nobody along the corridor and it was one long corridor with nowhere to hide. My fren's room next door was shut and there was no sound of anyone closing doors. So I shouted down the corridor, "Do not knock on my door again for no reason!" in Chinese.


Now comes the good part...on the 3rd day, coming back after a long day out the door bell started ringing! :D


Again, thinking it was my fren next door I went to open the door and again there was no one along the corridor. I suddenly remembered that my frens were still out shopping...so it couldn't be them. I was at this point more bemused than frightened as I recalled shouting out not to knock on my door previously. :D How mischievous!


Still dun believe in ghosts though... ^_^

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few years back stayed in one of the corner room without window.

the feeling once inside is no good.

Got one morning, open my door and saw the opposite room door open big big,

thought nothing of it, look down and saw a lady in white, clipping her nails just beside my door.

kaoz, got a shock.

until now dunno is "it"


wah.. creepy!!!!! :blink:

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few years back stayed in one of the corner room without window.

the feeling once inside is no good.

Got one morning, open my door and saw the opposite room door open big big,

thought nothing of it, look down and saw a lady in white, clipping her nails just beside my door.

kaoz, got a shock.

until now dunno is "it"



at least u din look down and see the lady in white clipping your nails instead :D

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Wondering does 4 or even 6 stars hotel unlikely to be haunted? Whereas those no star to 3 star hotel likely to be haunted? [:/]

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Neutral Newbie

remember not to put shoes neatly in the rooms and never ever wear red and black in the rooms and close the toilet door before sleepingetc i have been following this rule..... [sly]


I always put shoes neatly leh, cos I was told to respect to who ever we are sharing the room with.

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Years ago stayed in a Taiwan 5* hotel with 2 other colleagues. Woke up in e nite and barely could see a large dark shadow (room lights off but this thingy is darker den e dark room....no other lights and heavy curtain also drawn shut) abv me. Nxt moment, i cld nt open eyes at all and felt this heavy weight pressing down on me. Found myself unable to breathe and unable to open eyes/mouth, started reciting certain biblical verses in my head.....shortly after, dun knw exactly wat happened but slept thru till am.


One of the colleague asked me why heard me like struggling in bed....told dem e incident and luckily for us, tat was e last nite otherwise, probably ask for another room.


Nt a dream and to-date, I can still remember tat "large darker than darkness shadow"...and e feeling of being almost suffocated.....its nt a gd memory....problem is, can't remember which hotel and room number now....otherwise u guys can avoid or for e brave hearted, to try out e experience.


A personal true encounter of e shadowy kind......haizzzz....gd to knw dey exist.





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Not possessed but like kena totally pressed down till eyes/mouth can't open and unable to breathe. Guess nearest equivalent wld be like having a pillow pressed over one's face but in my case, my hands/legs were also trapped and rigidly cold at once. Its nt a natural thingy and somehow one will knw its a presence of e other worldly kind.


I did feel a sense of relief after awhile during e reciting stage as though e shadow was lifted off me but either too exhausted or drained frm e encounter to knw more than tat when I woke up, its already am.


Just sharing.....others may hv different experinces though....




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Tot there is a scientific or medical explanation for those pressing down experience. Cannot remember the actual name but it is something to do with tired limps and active brain. I have quite a few such experience in my teens. At later part have somehow learnt to overcome them. The key is close your eyes, try not listen to the noise and relax yr body. It is no use trying to move yr limps. Sometimes while doing that, i fell in another dream, like a dream within dream...

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Tot there is a scientific or medical explanation for those pressing down experience. Cannot remember the actual name but it is something to do with tired limps and active brain. I have quite a few such experience in my teens. At later part have somehow learnt to overcome them. The key is close your eyes, try not listen to the noise and relax yr body. It is no use trying to move yr limps. Sometimes while doing that, i fell in another dream, like a dream within dream...


It is call Sleep Paralysis, a period of inability to perform voluntary movements at sleep. There is nothing to do with unnatural causes. It is all within ourselves.

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few years back stayed in one of the corner room without window.

the feeling once inside is no good.

Got one morning, open my door and saw the opposite room door open big big,

thought nothing of it, look down and saw a lady in white, clipping her nails just beside my door.

kaoz, got a shock.

until now dunno is "it"



she got zao geng?? underwear wat colour huh??

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