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Do You Think Gahment's Policy for Vehicle is Too Optimistic?


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Do you think gahment's policy for vehicle is a little too optimistic? I think you all should know that the gov set veh population growth to be at 1.5% per annum. Do you think this value is a little too aggressive or too optimistic considering the jam we are facing daily? Although there is work done to improve road system, I don't think LTA can accurately predict the results of these improvements. It may increase car handling capacity by 20-50% or more but no one knows for sure till its completed and we see the results.




Stats taken from LTA website shown that we have close to 600K car on the road. 1.5% is ~9K..... thats quite a big number esp. when you consider that distribution of veh is not even. This increase is not distributed evenly to all the road but some roads (esp. highways) will see more increase than other roads esp. during peak hours. And we have yet to include other vehicles.


I am just wondering if our road systems (even when upgraded) can handle this annual increase. If you think of 10yrs from now, there will by close to 100K more cars on the road. Do we even have enough parking lots to cater for these cars....


Thus I feel it will a matter of time because gov has to reduce the coe till growth is negative in order to reduce no. of vehicles on the road. IMHO, ERP can only solve the problem to a certain extend, if there are way too many cars on the road, no matter how much you increase ERP, there will still be jams.

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