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Better FC Thru Side Gapping and 2T Oil


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I have tested and it confirm works.


I side gap a set of copper autolite plugs (they are just normal copper plugs), regap them to 0.03 inches and add 1ml of Castrol 2T oil per 1L of petrol (I believe other brands work as well).


Previously using Denso Iridium plugs and no 2T, I get a very consistent 7.5KM/L for my car.


Tried those expensive Nology plugs, slightly better to 7.8KM/L.


Now with 2T oil and side gapping of copper plugs, I get 8.1KM/L, its a big increase over my iridium plugs considering iridium is supposed to give you better FC.


However, do take note that side gapping also requires a higher voltage to fire the spark. My MSD coil misfires at around 3-4K RPM. I modded my Mallory coil to reduce the no. of wounds on the primary coil (to increase secondary:primary ratio) hence producing a slightly higher voltage. It works and misfiring issue is solved.

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