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Dangerous Orange Fiat Doblo GBA 115X Z


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He is my cousin..yes he is a fast driver but to me i think he is fast but he is confident amd zai in wat he is doing..


I myself is a fast driver too..and i hate ppl who hog road and ppl who obviously noe u cutting in and for some reason dash infront for a few meter b4 brake suddenly.. Is it really so

Hard to give way to ppl? And its not even like normal road just cut in..there is a accident infront and obviously ppl have to change lane...


Flame me if u wan..my way of dealin road hoggers and ass is to cut infront of them

And road hog them to let them

Noe how others feel..


Look at this video before you inflate ur EGO here..


Always remember that there are PEOPLE in the other car, and not just a hunk of metal..


Your hot headed ways of cutting infront of others and road hog them will cause many unnecessary deaths, esp to kids in the other vehicle..


Can you live with this guilt that you caused a baby to die just bec you wanted to "teach" others a lesson in road hogging n not giving way to you and you can cut infront of them recklessly?


Perhaps when you grow up and be a parent then you will see that people drive slow for a real reason.. for their family's safety..


Not everyone is rushing to 投胎 like you, young foolish person...

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Look at this video before you inflate ur EGO here..


Always remember that there are PEOPLE in the other car, and not just a hunk of metal..


Your hot headed ways of cutting infront of others and road hog them will cause many unnecessary deaths, esp to kids in the other vehicle..


Can you live with this guilt that you caused a baby to die just bec you wanted to "teach" others a lesson in road hogging n not giving way to you and you can cut infront of them recklessly?


Perhaps when you grow up and be a parent then you will see that people drive slow for a real reason.. for their family's safety..


Not everyone is rushing to 投胎 like you, young foolish person...



bro i understand wat u r trying to say...

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i have alot to say but i think i choose to just close the case...


1.watever u all say i understand... but do u all understand from a person who kenna road hog 's POV? i am not talking about whose right whose wrong... there is 3 lane for a reason... for me if i wanna have a relax drive, i would just drive at the left lane. dun stop the earth from spinnning...


2. i know its my cousin's fault. so i already say , i hope TP will give him some stern warning or fine or demerit so that he can learn. revoke licence is too much.. b4 u all say anything.. think for urself .. if u r driving van , licence is ur life... without it, u wun even get a job.. so .. i hope he will learn from the fines and demerit..


3. for those ppl who say kid this kid that... maybe its just different POV again.. i am not good with words... my england vvvvvv lousy... b4 u all flame anything, i am from engineering... so england lousy nobody care.. my Profs's eng lagi power.. maybe my bad at words make alot ppl " dig bones from egg"


4.sry for using civic and ahbeng as examples.. maybe its just v bad example.. but to me, i repeat, IN MY OPINION, i dun have good impression of them.. coz i see them drive more reckless.. maybe just nobody bother to video down...

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eh..... for 1 , i nv once agree tat wat my cousin do is right... yes... signal is a must... i do signal when i change lane.. but for how many god damn time i kenna ppl floor acc just to prevent u from changing lane.


i talk about civic coz i wanted to say tat we are not those ah beng who go aroundblasting their exhaust....


about getting irriated when ppl derive slower infront of u.. dun tell me u are a saint la bro... u nv once kenna ppl road hog like is their father's road, driving slowly on expressway with 2-300m infront no car.. wat i normally do is a few high beam first... then i cut... u wun get irriated when stuck behind? apparently i am not the only one who overtake those road hogger from left...


about the kid no kid... i was ok until some ppl just come in... say things like sushi shitbox, am i the driver trying to cover up, 1st time drive car all those. when i never even say anything infront.. if i am a kid.. wat are they? i choose to ignore them, tat makes me a kid???


can u please explain and code which part or sentence i say tat protray me as a kid? coz i really wanna learn from YOU ADULTs ...


sometime i think ppl flame just for the fun of flaming aka die-nth-to-write-ok-nvm-just-write-he-kid....


i not flaming u... but guess if u think i had undermined ur maturity, i apologise


i no saint... i stick to lane 2 unless overtaking... i do get iritated, but i dun need to prove any point by highbeam/horn


u might not believe, but last sat i encounter a lady driver at a x-junction along yio chu kang road. she's waiting to turn right in the junction box. red light green arrow in her favour... however, somehow her soul like drifted away n did not move. seconds later, green light in my favour (i'm e 1st car).. her car is right in e centre of the junction, blocking 2 lanes of our road... but i, as e 1st car, did not horn/highbeam at her... cos wat is e point? can she move her car away after u horn? luckily there r like minded drivers who willingly stop their car, allowing her to reverse back to her stop line n thus we could carry on... e point here is, u can do all u like to vent/show ur temper, but if it dun improve the situation, dun waste ur time/energy... i always believe arriving at ur destination 5mins late wont kill u.. but trying to arrive 1min earlier might.....


i dun highbeam/horn when pple drive slow in front of me... cos i deem it pointless as it dun make a point (if it only serves a purpose to make ur feelings known).. horn/highbeam only used when trying to avoid accident....


true adults r pple who would really think of a bigger picture than own picture


true adults r pple who accepts pple criticism with an open heart


true adults r pple who do not brand a group of pple with discrinimating words





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Look at this video before you inflate ur EGO here..


Always remember that there are PEOPLE in the other car, and not just a hunk of metal..


Your hot headed ways of cutting infront of others and road hog them will cause many unnecessary deaths, esp to kids in the other vehicle..


Can you live with this guilt that you caused a baby to die just bec you wanted to "teach" others a lesson in road hogging n not giving way to you and you can cut infront of them recklessly?


Perhaps when you grow up and be a parent then you will see that people drive slow for a real reason.. for their family's safety..


Not everyone is rushing to 投胎 like you, young foolish person...


Well said. [thumbsup]

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i always believe arriving at ur destination 5mins late wont kill u.. but trying to arrive 1min earlier might.....


Agree. [:)]

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Finally finished reading all the 7 pages of reply, jokes, CSI speculations...etc etc hahhaha. few things I wanted to say: dun wan to add quote as it is very siong reading all the reply liao...save all the repeat quotes.


1) Lego....................!!!!how come you here ? hahaha tot I see some headlights which is very familiar..just saying hello.


2) regarding the ah beng having one hand outside ,one hand on steering , where to change gear??This one I experience last time can share share. firstly, I feel sleepy everytime cos nite time always chiong with ah lianz....so the only way I find can really keep the sleeping bug away is to light the cagie but becos if i on air con I will be choked so wind down lor. one hand on steering is when no change gear, when needed, Have to shift the steering hand to do the the gear shift so means no hand on steering....hahaah reckless rite? I think so too. but well I learn the hard way. so guys pls dun do it like I do .


3) Come to the signal part, You signal, I must give way to you????? I can either choose to give way to let you cut in or not to becos I may be rushing also. Your time is money, other people time not money? normally if I not in a rush I will let the other party cut in but sometimes people cut in and just leave a big gap and slow you down . Is this what I get from being gracious? and most of the time people will signal and expect to cut in . its like asking : May I ? but when the other party says : sorry no cos I am also in a hurry..But the thing is many people cannot take No ! as an answer! I signal, I wan, I cut. you don;t allow me to cut in , I zoom fast fast from the other side and cut in dangerously in front to show you : See! I am still in front!..Its the people mentally. I dun wan to eleborate more am sure you guys know what I mean.


4) On a congested or heavy traffic conditions, everybody is fustrated and rushing, why dont keep on the same lane instead of keep changing lane as it is not only slowing down the others as they have to jammed brake becos of such people . why not just be alert and close up the gap instead of daydreaming or kapo looking at the pretty gers in the next car .


5) what that van do is actually making people piss off with him and generally if he dun drive so agressive, people will give way to him .but if he goes like this , people will not wan to give way to such people. one more thing, Please wave to say thanks to the car for letting you cut in, becos of that he is late by a few seconds.


I always wave to say thanks and I hope it will affect others and make our roads more relax to drive. So please wave, its a small thing but It means a lot to the other party and in return he will give way in future if someone signal. Be gracious. Many times I let them someone in, they just take for granted and just drove off ( I got signal mah, so he should let me in mentally)but I am begining to see more guys wave his hand which is a good sign. Strange, but one thing I notice .I seldom see lady driver wave to say thank you even if you stop your car to block the whole traffic to help her get out of a merge lane.


Thats all guys . I am not here to yi lao mai lao cos I uncle but I was young b4 wat. The sad thing is: If you are lucky, sometimes you get a second chance but sometimes one mistake and you fate is seal. so think before you act reckless cos when things happened , there's no way to reverse it. Pardon me for this long naggy msg and the poor English cos no choice lah uncle lao ah beng mah. all this English is copy here , copy there learn one...k cheers and drive with care.

Edited by Raygooh
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Hey soho, from the way you replied, it says a lot about you.

People was discussing about the orange van driver who is clearly reckless

base on the video.


And you complained about road hogs and how you plan on using your

Superior driving skills to seek instant revenge on them


Sure many of us have encountered road hogs, what is there to accomplish

by over taking them and be a road hog to them? Driving is no laughing matter,

neither it is a game like Grand Theft Auto IV!!

Edited by Razer_Blaze
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It doesn't matter what type of car is driven, but it is the action of the driver who drove recklessly should be condemn.


With such driving as shown in the clip, what is the driver trying to proof?

Such driving habit is just waiting for accident to happen.

If cannot wait and rush for time, y not just leave the house earlier.

If cannot beat the jam, y not travel during less peak hours.


This type of reckless driver will not know the consequences only when they get involve into an accident.

Worst if a life is involve in a accident.

Even driving at 40km/h in KPE, it only takes 6mins to travel from tampines entrance to PIE exit.


According to statements from a few bros in the forum, seems like this driver is doing all these action at a regular basis of almost every morning. We really need such drivers off the road to reduce possibility of accident on the road.


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People was discussing about the orange van driver who is clearly reckless

base on the video.


And you complained about road hogs


Sure many of us have encountered road hogs, what is there to accomplish

by over taking them and be a road hog to them? Driving is no laughing matter,

neither it is a game like Grand Theft Auto IV!!


I second this... your cousin deserves to get demerit points and fine big time... SOHO please keep us informed if the TP did not contact your cousin... we will follow up with the TP... thanks... ^_^

Edited by Xers007
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Neutral Newbie

Dear soho,


You seem to have lots of issues with civics and 1 hand out smoking their ciggies.. and also a problem with their loud exos.. i somehow feel that you're a victim to some of these civics and result you with this hatred with civic.. live and let live.. don't sterotype any makes.. i've seen lexus, bmws, evos, wrx, almost every brand and make with their window winded down and 1 hand out with their ciggies puffing away..


Another point is that you stated its too much of a punishment to revoke his license.. i disagree on this point. If he continues with this driving style, he end up ending is life is his problem, but what if he ends someone else's life? pedestrian or some motorcyclist ? and happen that someone's life he ended is someone dear to you ? would you still be saying the punishment is light ? I believe you would wished he was never on the road before..


No offence to anyone here. :)

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2nd time encounter you on the morning peak hours on KPE and then PIE toward Jurong.


You cannot stand any vehicles overtaking your orange VAN. If they cut into your lane, you will swerve immediately to the left/right to overtake them back. No qalms about speeding unto road dividers/shoulders/lane 1 in order to do so. Constantly swerving from lanes to lanes without considering the safety of others. On the short journey exiting KPE to PIE jurong and before I exited shortly at Stevens Road, I have seen so many cars totally frustrated with your antics.


Please note that I have personally reported this matter to the traffic authorities and I hope that they catch a personal glimpse of what a menace you are to other roadusers. Although I do not have recorder on board yet (but seriously considering to do so cos of hell drivers like your good self), I have pleased to note that your antics are also caught on video and loaded unto Youtube. I have provided the authorities with the links.




Pls consider your actions carefully.



I believe all of us do appreciate and very thankful if you report such observation/encounters to the Authority. Your slience means consent/support of such reckless driving mentioned. Many thanks (already reported the black Renault Kangoo along West Coast Highway every morning for zig-zag driving)

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i have alot to say but i think i choose to just close the case...


1.watever u all say i understand... but do u all understand from a person who kenna road hog 's POV? i am not talking about whose right whose wrong... there is 3 lane for a reason... for me if i wanna have a relax drive, i would just drive at the left lane. dun stop the earth from spinnning...


our young gentleman here,


1) if kanna hogged

- overtake from left safely if you can (i know some will disagree on this)

- if cannot, hogger oblivious, nothing much pretty you can do, well you can high beam or honk, up to you. before that, think if you have offended the bugger in front by being aggressive. can even try back off a bit and try again.

- during overtaking, you can hurl $&^@#$ and point whatever fingers you want, but NEVER NEVER thinking of getting revenge and doing something stupid like jam braking. some bros here already highlighted that you may be getting back at the bugger driver, but there may be innocent passengers inside. should anything happen, I can confirm you will live with regret.

- you can come into this forum and rant all you want, it is afterall safer than chut stunt on the road in a fit of anger. bros here will help and guide you, and cool you down perhaps.

- hogging and tailgeting is always a contentious issue, different people take different stand, most of the time w/o considering the situation where it takes place, w/o anticipation and most of the time BIG EGO at work.

- think whatever you wanna think, but when you mince your thoughts and translate into any action, it is always safety first.


young man, this is speaking partly from my experience. me not that old als not that young, but old enough to share with you.


I have mellowed down so much during the past decade or so, just so I can relax on the road and keep my blood pressure down.


Separately, signalling does not constitute to an obligation for other drivers to give way, you are still the one ensuring that it is safe to do so. Please bear in mind the point of perspective of yourself and the other driver whether he is going to give way to you. They are always different. Just like racing accident, most of the time end up 50/50.


I am far from perfect myself, and I am always learning on the road, especially when there are more and more drivers, a mix of local and foreigners, and each bring with them a different set of driving culture that has yet to establish a certain norm or standard and clearly not stabilised.


So in the midst of all these madess on the road, drive with a clear mind and think of safety and consequence.




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