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Anyone into Malay Pop Songs?


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Hi all,


Do Malay pop groups have the following style of music like the following Thai Pop Song Groups:


Ngao Baak by K-Otic


Game Tai Jai by C Quint


Thank you.



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Hi all,


Do Malay pop groups have the following style of music like the following Thai Pop Song Groups:


Ngao Baak by K-Otic


Game Tai Jai by C Quint


Thank you.




Oh you mean like hip-hop style. Well, I'm afraid I don't know of any. Sorry, not my style of music...

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Another one by a Twin pop group known as T2. Recommending this easy listening one for those wanted to relieve exam stress [laugh].


Song titled, "OK"



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i am chinese .... i only like the songs from one malay band (disbanded) .... although i dun really get what they are singing, but their rhythm and how they sing together is really really good, equivalent to Boys2Men.

i know what song u are referring to: innuendo - belaian jiwa. taufik batisah got sing b4 at sg idol.

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Hi all,


I find PeterPan not bad, recommend 3 rock songs from them:


Ada Apa Denganmu by Peterpan


Mimpi Yang Sempurna by Peterpan


Tak Bisakah by Peterpan



Edited by Kelpie
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Music is indeed an international language, introducing "Si Keras Hati" by Marvells:


Really "raw" sushi, anyone? [laugh]






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Malay wedding sometimes they got live band one

Then they will sing steel heart's she gone

Very nice

waliao....that song like kana constipation like that.....forcing every bit of donno-what out ftom the body......😂😂😂😂
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Most of the songs here recommended is indonesian haha

indonesians got a lot of nice songs from 90s onwards......Peterpan...ungu...kris dayanti and agnes monica.....Malaysia ones also not bad especially those from the 80s and 90s. The best evergreen malay songs are suprisingly from Alleycats whose hits are mostly composed and written by a former Singaporean M. Nassir.
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indonesians got a lot of nice songs from 90s onwards......Peterpan...ungu...kris dayanti and agnes monica.....Malaysia ones also not bad especially those from the 80s and 90s. The best evergreen malay songs are suprisingly from Alleycats whose hits are mostly composed and written by a former Singaporean M. Nassir.

Agree 90s song really nice.



But agnes monica nvr find her song nice lol



Anyway i listen to indonesian song once in. Awhile

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