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Does Spark plug increase performance ??


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Neutral Newbie

oil prices are going up, i'm also trying spark plug upgrades on an old set of spark plug on a accent clocked some 70+ K km

prior to this changed air filter, strangly fuel economy improved from 10+, 11 km / liter to ~ 12 km / liter


so next 'mod' is a fine tipped spark plug, surprisingly a supporting article on spark plug fuel economy is found from planes



"RAM flight test data has shown fine wire spark plugs to be around 2.2% more efficient than massive electrode spark plugs. The TSIO-520-NB engine at high cruise or climb power ( 232 hp at 2400 RPM; EGT at Peak +100

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Neutral Newbie

new spark plug verdict is out (those expensive Iridium type)

before esso 5000 10.93 l / km - 236 km

change paper air filter - 12.02 l / km - 239 km

new Iridium spark plugs - 12.18 l /km - 184 km

caltex 98 - 10.1 l /km - 231 km

esso 5000 - 10.46 l/km - 186 km


50% highway / 50 % city

note mixture of different driving conditions for the above, those 12.02 l / km probably have more uncongested highway %, vs city driving


new Iridium spark plugs makes almost imperceptible improvement to fuel economy [:/]

Edited by Ag123
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new spark plug verdict is out (those expensive Iridium type)

before esso 5000 10.93 l / km - 236 km

change paper air filter - 12.02 l / km - 239 km

new Iridium spark plugs - 12.18 l /km - 184 km

caltex 98 - 10.1 l /km - 231 km

esso 5000 - 10.46 l/km - 186 km


50% highway / 50 % city

note mixture of different driving conditions for the above, those 12.02 l / km probably have more uncongested highway %, vs city driving


new Iridium spark plugs makes almost imperceptible improvement to fuel economy [:/]


If spark plug can improve performance, then all those doctorates developers will use it as a key parameters in engine design. [shakehead]


Just use recommended stock plugs will do. My friends spork car only use recommended bosch plat.. ea $6 nia. Dont be a gong kia... [smash]

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Neutral Newbie

If spark plug can improve performance, then all those doctorates developers will use it as a key parameters in engine design. [shakehead]


Just use recommended stock plugs will do. My friends spork car only use recommended bosch plat.. ea $6 nia. Dont be a gong kia... [smash]


rats shd've hunt for bosch plat [laugh]

btw bosch plat are good plugs, i didn't run enuf places to find them




btw not totally placebo effect lah, now engine rev better, so i tend to rev more from traffic light + travel nearer to speed limit on e-way [laugh]

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oil prices are going up, i'm also trying spark plug upgrades on an old set of spark plug on a accent clocked some 70+ K km

prior to this changed air filter, strangly fuel economy improved from 10+, 11 km / liter to ~ 12 km / liter


so next 'mod' is a fine tipped spark plug, surprisingly a supporting article on spark plug fuel economy is found from planes



"RAM flight test data has shown fine wire spark plugs to be around 2.2% more efficient than massive electrode spark plugs. The TSIO-520-NB engine at high cruise or climb power ( 232 hp at 2400 RPM; EGT at Peak +100

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Neutral Newbie

new spark plug verdict is out (those expensive Iridium type)

before esso 5000 10.93 l / km - 236 km

change paper air filter - 12.02 l / km - 239 km

new Iridium spark plugs - 12.18 l /km - 184 km

caltex 98 - 10.1 l /km - 231 km

esso 5000 - 10.46 l/km - 186 km


50% highway / 50 % city

note mixture of different driving conditions for the above, those 12.02 l / km probably have more uncongested highway %, vs city driving


new Iridium spark plugs makes almost imperceptible improvement to fuel economy [:/]


esso synergy 5000 253 km 11.57 km / l

synergy 5000 158 km 10.57 km / l

synergy 5000 244 km 11.13 km / l

synergy 5000 179 km 12.29 km / l

synergy 5000 216 km 11.71 km/l

synergy 5000 228 km 13.11 km/l


after another thousand km or so, had to say new Iridium spark plugs may have made a minor improvement :D

fuel economy has gone from10.x km / l to about 11.x km / l (but whether the contribution is due to it being new or being Iridium and fine tipped is hard to tell, i guess it is a contribution from the combined effect)


also slightly changed driving habits e.g. driving average 70-85 km/h (only occasional 90 km/h on highways) when it is not necessary to drive fast

(this could also have contributed to fuel savings, as aerodynamic drag eats up energy at the cube of your speed

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Drag_(physics)#Power, a small change in max speed can make a bigger diff in energy lost to drag and allow your car to run at lower rev thus saving fuel)


note that my old copper spark plugs are too cold (wrong heat range) a bit burnt out look (slight fouling) in a car which has been driven tens of thousands of km prior to the change. hence it may be worth changing copper spark plugs which have been worn out or is having fouling problem etc (note: choose the right heat range for your car according to your manuals etc, for some performance cars hot plugs could be too hot & can cause pre-ignition which i think is a worse problem)

Edited by Ag123
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