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Should I convert or not?


To convert or not?  

88 members have voted

  1. 1. Your opnion is

    • Convert- Sg is great place to be
    • Dont convert-No benefit to you
    • Get lost you FT &%$#)(*

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Ok I admit I am a FT which some Singaporeans hate cos we take away jobs etc. Fact is that I have been here since Sec3 and after Uni, I worked here being bonded and have been here for more than 20 years. Most of my adult life has been here so in sense, I suppose I am Singaporean at heart.


Then why am I not a fully fledged Singaporean you ask? Well sentimentality is 1 reason, 2nd reason is that I dont know if I can afford to retire here. Singapore is getting more & more expensive. Things are affordable when you have a job, when you retire what do you do here? Just wait to die slowly using ur CPF? I dont have any kids which is good and bad, which means in my old age there is no one to steal my property or help give my living allowances( do children here give their parents?)


MM says we can and should work as long we are healthy. The fact is that when you are older, slower & expensive, many companies would rather take in a cheaper young, faster employee. So I dont wanna be a burden. I was thinking I can convert what I have into northern currency and stay in some highlands waiting for my eventual demise. Medical care is of far lower standard but a lot cheaper...anyway once you are old medical care cant really help much.


Yet I would in a sense have to restart my life all over again & make new friends( anyway dont have much friends here haha). I have few relatives here & there but no one i need to be responsible for. Naturally I feel comfortable in Sg since being here so long and sometimes when I see the younger Singaporeans complain this & that or gripe over small things, I think to myself, if only they knew what is like like to be a country which your Govt cant care two hoots about you to even borther about your complains and in fact try to place you in a disadvantaged position! Sg is not the perfect utopia but its not Hell on Earth, the Govt tries..maybe that what counts?


Anyway cut long story short, GCT says I should convert to Singaporean( I am not sure why converting is any benefit to the Sg govt..I still pay the same taxes?), Wife say she wants to retire in Cameron Highland( told her very boring there long term..well maybe old age is boring anyway). So here I am at a crossroads middle aged salary worker so what do you guys say/think?

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Ok I admit I am a FT which some Singaporeans hate cos we take away jobs etc. Fact is that I have been here since Sec3 and after Uni, I worked here being bonded and have been here for more than 20 years. Most of my adult life has been here so in sense, I suppose I am Singaporean at heart.


Then why am I not a fully fledged Singaporean you ask? Well sentimentality is 1 reason, 2nd reason is that I dont know if I can afford to retire here. Singapore is getting more & more expensive. Things are affordable when you have a job, when you retire what do you do here? Just wait to die slowly using ur CPF? I dont have any kids which is good and bad, which means in my old age there is no one to steal my property or help give my living allowances( do children here give their parents?)


MM says we can and should work as long we are healthy. The fact is that when you are older, slower & expensive, many companies would rather take in a cheaper young, faster employee. So I dont wanna be a burden. I was thinking I can convert what I have into northern currency and stay in some highlands waiting for my eventual demise. Medical care is of far lower standard but a lot cheaper...anyway once you are old medical care cant really help much.


Yet I would in a sense have to restart my life all over again & make new friends( anyway dont have much friends here haha). I have few relatives here & there but no one i need to be responsible for. Naturally I feel comfortable in Sg since being here so long and sometimes when I see the younger Singaporeans complain this & that or gripe over small things, I think to myself, if only they knew what is like like to be a country which your Govt cant care two hoots about you to even borther about your complains and in fact try to place you in a disadvantaged position! Sg is not the perfect utopia but its not Hell on Earth, the Govt tries..maybe that what counts?


Anyway cut long story short, GCT says I should convert to Singaporean( I am not sure why converting is any benefit to the Sg govt..I still pay the same taxes?), Wife say she wants to retire in Cameron Highland( told her very boring there long term..well maybe old age is boring anyway). So here I am at a crossroads middle aged salary worker so what do you guys say/think?



you convert you die [laugh]


btw, you got any lobang to get malaysia PR for me?

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msian ok la...

its the ah tiong, abnn, bangala, burmese, filipinos FT tat we tulan abt...


msians we all along have. and many msian chinese contributed to sg economy in the past n present.

without them tink sg also cannot develop so fast


even health minister also msian and speaks with a '几得空一下' accented chinese.

wads there to kaopeh still?


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tolong sikit la bang~~~

say more & give some kopi money can get PR liao...


u wan... can even buy a dato.



ai mai?





you convert you die [laugh]


btw, you got any lobang to get malaysia PR for me?


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i think u already know your answer... [laugh]

none of my surrounding talent colleagues want to convert either..


on the other hand, quite a bunch of my close singaporean buddies have quitted to australia, new zealand, us, and one to thailand.. [:(]

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tolong sikit la bang~~~

say more & give some kopi money can get PR liao...


u wan... can even buy a dato.



ai mai?



aiyo bang.............dato mai lah, PR can liao, how much huh?


but must be siew siew one leh, not later must pay somemore that kind hor....................Ok? [laugh]

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Ok I admit I am a FT which some Singaporeans hate cos we take away jobs etc. Fact is that I have been here since Sec3 and after Uni, I worked here being bonded and have been here for more than 20 years. Most of my adult life has been here so in sense, I suppose I am Singaporean at heart.


Then why am I not a fully fledged Singaporean you ask? Well sentimentality is 1 reason, 2nd reason is that I dont know if I can afford to retire here. Singapore is getting more & more expensive. Things are affordable when you have a job, when you retire what do you do here? Just wait to die slowly using ur CPF? I dont have any kids which is good and bad, which means in my old age there is no one to steal my property or help give my living allowances( do children here give their parents?)


MM says we can and should work as long we are healthy. The fact is that when you are older, slower & expensive, many companies would rather take in a cheaper young, faster employee. So I dont wanna be a burden. I was thinking I can convert what I have into northern currency and stay in some highlands waiting for my eventual demise. Medical care is of far lower standard but a lot cheaper...anyway once you are old medical care cant really help much.


Yet I would in a sense have to restart my life all over again & make new friends( anyway dont have much friends here haha). I have few relatives here & there but no one i need to be responsible for. Naturally I feel comfortable in Sg since being here so long and sometimes when I see the younger Singaporeans complain this & that or gripe over small things, I think to myself, if only they knew what is like like to be a country which your Govt cant care two hoots about you to even borther about your complains and in fact try to place you in a disadvantaged position! Sg is not the perfect utopia but its not Hell on Earth, the Govt tries..maybe that what counts?


Anyway cut long story short, GCT says I should convert to Singaporean( I am not sure why converting is any benefit to the Sg govt..I still pay the same taxes?), Wife say she wants to retire in Cameron Highland( told her very boring there long term..well maybe old age is boring anyway). So here I am at a crossroads middle aged salary worker so what do you guys say/think?



Welcome to the life of singapore for 20+ years. i should say that you have already bond into our society. If you have mention younger generation being complaining what is good and bad in sinagpore, which you might feel incorrect for them to criticize as they are not exposed to other kind of living standard apart from here. Then what is the reason of you have a second thought when come to giving up your original citizenship? Perhaps at this point of time you still have the "chip" to consider.


Mind you, younger generation who live here since birth have to speak up for themselve as they might not have the "chip" in their pocket. Unlike you, you have a 2nd thought on retirement if you are to take up Sinagpore citizenship, isnt that is what the younger generation is complaining about at this very moment? I would say, since you are at here for 20+ years, take up citizenship and give up others.


Maybe, by then, i may see your other posting on asking how to retire in Singapore with this kind of expenses we are facing. I do hope not that you use Singapore Citizenship as a step board to get to others. When we say Citizen, mean.. maybe work and live here till your last breath pal :)

Edited by XXPlutoXx
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Ok I admit I am a FT which some Singaporeans hate cos we take away jobs etc. Fact is that I have been here since Sec3 and after Uni, I worked here being bonded and have been here for more than 20 years. Most of my adult life has been here so in sense, I suppose I am Singaporean at heart.


Then why am I not a fully fledged Singaporean you ask? Well sentimentality is 1 reason, 2nd reason is that I dont know if I can afford to retire here. Singapore is getting more & more expensive. Things are affordable when you have a job, when you retire what do you do here? Just wait to die slowly using ur CPF? I dont have any kids which is good and bad, which means in my old age there is no one to steal my property or help give my living allowances( do children here give their parents?)


MM says we can and should work as long we are healthy. The fact is that when you are older, slower & expensive, many companies would rather take in a cheaper young, faster employee. So I dont wanna be a burden. I was thinking I can convert what I have into northern currency and stay in some highlands waiting for my eventual demise. Medical care is of far lower standard but a lot cheaper...anyway once you are old medical care cant really help much.


Yet I would in a sense have to restart my life all over again & make new friends( anyway dont have much friends here haha). I have few relatives here & there but no one i need to be responsible for. Naturally I feel comfortable in Sg since being here so long and sometimes when I see the younger Singaporeans complain this & that or gripe over small things, I think to myself, if only they knew what is like like to be a country which your Govt cant care two hoots about you to even borther about your complains and in fact try to place you in a disadvantaged position! Sg is not the perfect utopia but its not Hell on Earth, the Govt tries..maybe that what counts?


Anyway cut long story short, GCT says I should convert to Singaporean( I am not sure why converting is any benefit to the Sg govt..I still pay the same taxes?), Wife say she wants to retire in Cameron Highland( told her very boring there long term..well maybe old age is boring anyway). So here I am at a crossroads middle aged salary worker so what do you guys say/think?


[laugh] [laugh] [laugh]





Well bro, that is a decision you have to make. Go pm tjkbeluga...ask him why he made the choice.....and also look at what your country offers you as opposed to here


Best of luck..



oh ya, citizens get better burial benefits and coffin packages [laugh] [laugh]



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Trust me...


Get PR ( the most) will do...


Work hard here, earn enough here....


Ensure your kids grow up here instead of boleh land...


When u are older and ur kids already grown up...


Its time for ur retirement and then back to ur home land...



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I'm almost exactly in the same situation. Except instead of sec 3, is sec 1, and worked 6 years instead of 20.


I doubt I'll be converting.


But I may choose to retire here. This one have to see how well/bad I do for the next....30 years.


Gosh, such a long time. Easier if a meteor fall out from sky and end me right now.

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The CPF is a life saver. If you earn more than 80k per year in fact you should make as much voluntary CPF contribution as allowed to avoid having to pay to much taxes. Imagine paying 500 to 1k taxes per month with no CPF. Enough to buy a car. [bigcry]

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Retire back in your homeland better la. Here how to retire? No work = jia ka ki already. That's why up there say work while you're still healthy (a.k.a work until die (a.k.a get taxed until die)). Just come back occasionally spend some money can liao. Go IR don't even need to pay $100. Lua song.

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