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Chance to own a maserati...


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no lah...buy and park in mscp oni...to admire [laugh] [laugh] [laugh]


Your MSCP at the Hill not safe... People normally get sore eyes when they see these kind of cars... And then comes the uncontrollable tendency to leave their mark on it...

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Your MSCP at the Hill not safe... People normally get sore eyes when they see these kind of cars... And then comes the uncontrollable tendency to leave their mark on it...



acherlee at my place here...not too bad.... when i had the boxster, leave here also ok nia....


my neighbors pretty ok wan [laugh]

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Your MSCP at the Hill not safe... People normally get sore eyes when they see these kind of cars... And then comes the uncontrollable tendency to leave their mark on it...



park mscp reason being the bloody car too wide to go in and out of the mscp safely [sweatdrop] [sweatdrop]

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acherlee at my place here...not too bad.... when i had the boxster, leave here also ok nia....


my neighbors pretty ok wan [laugh]


Oh yeah... The people staying at your blocks are the ones with a more extravagant budget...

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the MSCP wide enough....


the 7-Series at my house MSCP no problems width wise....


The MSCP at my in law's place is ridiculous... Narrow and the turns are tight... Height limit is at 1.8m as opposed to the uual 1.9m to 2.0m... The underside of the height limit bar has claimed many many roofs...

Edited by Typhoonz
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The MSCP at my in law's place is ridiculous... Narrow and the turns are tight... Height limit is at 1.8m as opposed to the uual 1.9m to 2.0m... The underside of the height limit bar has claimed many many roofs...



most MSCP are liddat one....




those at my estate is 2.0m height limit....


so you'll see goods vehicles (pick-up and HIace vans) park there too....

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The MSCP at my in law's place is ridiculous... Narrow and the turns are tight... Height limit is at 1.8m as opposed to the uual 1.9m to 2.0m... The underside of the height limit bar has claimed many many roofs...




I think Bishan is one of those unfortunate estates that got developed around the same time they suddenly thought that existing car park sizes were way too big and so they swung the other way and built mini ones.

Edited by Celicar
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I think Bishan is one of those unfortunate estates that got developed around the same time they suddenly thought that existing car park sizes were way too big and so they swung the other way and built mini ones.


Bedok South Ave 2... Sometimes in order to squeeze more lots, they have forgotten to put a bit more buffer space on the ramps and turns often require full lock on your steering wheel...

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Wah! $24K/year depreciation. Siao! Plus Insurance, RT and Maintenance, Wear & Tear. Deflated account for man in the street. Will be walking the street after purchase. Ha Ha.


aiya, obviously its not for man in the street. dats why my initial post specified for those tinking of getting $150k+ car.....man in the street can't afford 150k+ lar....and of course he must renew COE for another 10 yrs then will worth it (with the low mileage should be worth to renew).


If i'm not wrong, the $24k/yr depreciation is based on the PARF rebate u get (rougbhly 50% of OMV) at the end of 10yrs, i.e. ($145k - $50k)/4. but definitely if u sell off at the end of the 10yrs, u will get more than dat, still have body value. If u can get, say, $75k ($50k PARF + $25k body) ur actual depreciation is about $18k/yr which is not that high for this kind of car.


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Wow, chance to own a maserati....for those contemplating getting a $150k+ car, would u consider getting this? mileage pretty low for a 6yr+ old car. COE can renew but RT and INS should be very xiong....




The price of $150K+ to buy a Maserati seems cheap but depreciation is $23,948 per year :o


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The price of $150K+ to buy a Maserati seems cheap but depreciation is $23,948 per year :o


see post #29....dun tink the actual depre will be that high...

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