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Injured in car accident without being involved


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See this [laugh]


Click on it. It's slow but I don't know why...paiseh.


Edited by Fcw75
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You guys can see the clip? Is it very slow?


I have no problem viewing it on my computer but when I attached here, it's really sssssssslow.

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You guys can see the clip? Is it very slow?


I have no problem viewing it on my computer but when I attached here, it's really sssssssslow.


I have no problem viewing and it isn't 'slow'.....

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I think the claim would hold up if willing to sue all way. But only if they have this clip and can see the details clearly.





Basis: Tripped while trying to get out of the way of an accident vehicle coming her way, resulting in injury.


Accident vechile in clip on direct collision course with person. Person managed to get out of way but injured(due to cockanarden or not is not the issue) with the oncoming vechicle being a basis for such action. (But in SG, if there's a pedestrian crossing anywhere 50m away, you lose.)



Result: Whoever is deemed to be responsible for the accident will have their insurance cover it.

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