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Next Generation Nationwide Broadband Network


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sometimes it is not the speed of your connection, it is the speed of the server providing the data......if it is a popular server, things will also be slow :huh:

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Everyone please queue up at the int'l gateway.............please line up.


100Mbps and 10Mbps, actually may not be much different when accessing int'l sites.

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at home using 2Mbps Singnet , <$20/month. (lowest plan fr singnet). last time, got starhub 6 Mbps. no different in downloading big files. but commercial 512Kbps is faster then my home one.

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i dont think i will bite........... im still on ST 1Mb mobile BB which cost ~$12+/mth and it works fine for me and sufficient for my usage....... those extra ~$20 buck can go into buying some medical insurance coverage for my son.... [:p]

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i have 2 internet plans at home that have matured, one M1 (10mbps), another starhub (8 or 10 or 12mpbs, whichever). M1 offer of $59 for 100mbps is quite decent.


for 2nd broadband, i'll see whether starhub or singtel offer better promotions during COMEX :D

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yeah but they keyword is freebies when it comes to COMEX or PCshow or similar.. lol.


starhub having the promotion for xbox360.. but for higher end plans only, not worth. and i already have the console at home.

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