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"Dutiful Son" jailed 4 mths for evading NS


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'Dutiful son' told: NS comes first

by Shaffiq Alkhatib

05:55 AM Sep 01, 2010

SINGAPORE - For five years, Goh Khim Song evaded National Service (NS). And when he was caught, he was fined $3,000.


But the prosecution said the sentence was too light.


In the High Court yesterday, Justice V K Rajah agreed and jailed Goh, 28, for four months.


Goh, a supervisor with a courier company, had registered for NS on Oct 2, 2002. He then applied for a deferment to study in a polytechnic but dropped out.


On Aug 1, 2005, officers from the Central Manpower Base (CMPB) gave a reporting order to Goh's mother. Goh was supposed to report to CMPB for a medical checkup two days later but he did not turn up.


Officers continued visiting Goh's flat between 2005 and last year, and even tried to ambush him there, without success. Police arrested him on April 26 this year. MediaCorp understands he had surrendered.


He pleaded guilty on June 2 and was fined $3,000. But in the High Court yesterday, Deputy Public Prosecutor Eugene Lee told Justice Rajah that a fine was "grossly and manifestly inadequate" and asked for a jail sentence instead.


Goh claimed he was not aware of the order or of the officers' visits and that he did not try to escape.


Goh said he had to support his mother, who was ill and unable to work, and a 25-year-old brother who is studying at a local university. He had intended to serve his NS after his only sibling was able to support their mother in his place.


Justice Rajah said that while Goh "may have been a dutiful son", NS obligations had the highest priority, ahead of studies and personal matters. Goh was ordered to report for NS immediately after his release from prison.


some will never understand the pain ns inflicts on some individuals in spore bcos they are born with a golden spoon or even a normal spoon.


nothing is more frustrating to me than hearing some f--king chao keng/downgrade personals doing office job during ns trying to tell us how gd ns is to all of us.... wish i could just punch their pussy faces when they tell this to me.




anyway even if not born in a conducive environment... this is spore... you have to play by spore rules... and eventually go for the win... as simple as that...

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but we need clerks in office leah....




but mostly now outsourced to public lah....


work for mindef....


not army....


yup we need clerks. but i don't need them to tell me how great ns is to all of us... for the matter ppl from any other vocations. i would appreciate it if they could just stfu.


i know ns is important and i know how gd it is to us.

Edited by Blackwind
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How come MP can't catch him during all these years? Don't tell me he never clear custom & go oversea (esp. JB) all this years? What about his CPF contribution, can't they track his work place?



Some work dont have CPF one.

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Just look at what the PR get and what the citizens which need to serve NS get? They get almost the same things minus the commitments we need to give to our country. HDB meant to be an entitlement to citizens now because of those PRs being able to buy public housing , we get our housing to become so ridiculously expensive. Is this country really worth our efforts? Many earning lower incomes aren't even able to afford to buy flats without taking 30 year loans. Where did the word affordable housing go to ? More like a 30 year jail term to me.


Think hard , those PRs after making their monies sell their property after pushing them to such high prices would just sell their "flats" and go back to their own countries rich , while the Singaporean have to slog and still serve ns ? While these PRs work straight after uni at 21 , headstart 2 year nvm , still got 2 weeks reservist coupled with RTs if one doesn't pass his IPPT. For all those effort from the citizens what entitlement do we as citizens have? I think being a PR is so much better.


Vote wisely. Our voices aren't heard coz it is a one party full of yes man. BTW where is the succession planning for the 3rd gen Singaporeans to take over should something happens to LHL. Non .. Future is bleak. VOTE wisely

[thumbsup] tts y i never pity those F.W, F.T or PR.... some stupid sillyporeans standup for them and fight for their rights for better living conditions and so on so on........ end of the day they will go back to their home and buy land and have a good laugh at us.

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eh, they give us 9k cpf already hor! [rolleyes] now ur 2 to 2.5 yrs + reservist 10 yrs is justified! [laugh]

2 yrs of ns only 9k.... FT in two yrs time earns more and overtake u in their career liao...we still have to suck thumb and protect them during war?

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I for one will bear arms if SG is threatened, PAP or not. Its our country anyway, we should band together as one if SG is ever threatened lah .... its internal strife and civil war that breaks a disunited country.


I think most SG bros, born and bred in SG will do so.

our garhment like to import FT den to solve the problems with own true blue citizens...when war we better export ourselves lah...let them taste their own medicine...

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2 yrs of ns only 9k.... FT in two yrs time earns more and overtake u in their career liao...we still have to suck thumb and protect them during war?


but the tekan and chiongsua builds our character ok! als owe learn how to slack smartly. life skills ok! 2 yrs of life skillz!!! [idea]


haha cant u tell im being sarcastic?

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but the tekan and chiongsua builds our character ok! als owe learn how to slack smartly. life skills ok! 2 yrs of life skillz!!! [idea]


haha cant u tell im being sarcastic?

[laugh] duno to laugh or cry....hahaha

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but the tekan and chiongsua builds our character ok! als owe learn how to slack smartly. life skills ok! 2 yrs of life skillz!!! [idea]


haha cant u tell im being sarcastic?



yep, we learn how to slack "professionally", even at work, ppl think u are working hard even tho you are eating snake ... lol

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