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Citizen NSmen to get $9k award


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oooh.... too chim for me leh... can exprain what you mean by this?



Must read it in Chinese lah

Edited by GoodCar
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Is that because they are already over 40 yrs old? From what I know, those who complete their cycles but below 40 are released to MR. Then wait until 40 yrs old to be ROD'ed.


no all below 40...

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The pride of serving NS money cannot buy one.....but token of recognistion is welcome.

If everything in Singapore is measure by $$ only, I think something is not right liao.


I know, but dun want to serve also serve already. Pride enough liao. Now asking for some $$. [laugh]

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Neutral Newbie

Well, in gist:


Those who have fulfilled more of the obligation are the lesser recognised.... so much for recognition.


It's like trying to buy over new voters if you ask me. (you fresh to the voting booth, I give you more freebies...)


Bull's eye. [rifle] Enough said.

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Neutral Newbie

Well, in gist:


Those who have fulfilled more of the obligation are the lesser recognised.... so much for recognition.


It's like trying to buy over new voters if you ask me. (you fresh to the voting booth, I give you more freebies...)


I get no more recognition than a PR who enjoyed the same security I provided. Recognition is about what you have done, not on what you are going to do. If this reward is on what has been accomplished by someone during his NS times, then that everyone who had served should be 'recognized' with a reward. But my contribution is not recognized because I have already 'enjoyed' my contribution or someone else in my family 'might' be recognized, what kind of crap logic is that. Recognition is not about money, but the thought that counts. This is absolutely humiliation to those who have served the NS. This is akin to the Telcos only giving new customers (voters) all the promotions offers while none for the loyal ones. Well, the loyal ones better start thinking of switching service providers.

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NATIONAL servicemen can expect to get the disbursement of the National Service Recognition Award (NSRA) by the time they complete their Operationally Ready National Service training cycle.


The monetary award will range between $9,000 and $10,500.


The payout depends on their service period and rank.


The award, which took effect last Sunday, will be paid out in tranches of $3,000 across three milestones of an NSman's service cycle: the completion of full-time national service; the middle of the NSman's In Camp Training cycle; and at the completion of this cycle.


NSmen who are commanders, or hold the ranks of Third Sergeant and above for Singapore Armed Forces (SAF) servicemen and Sergeant and above for Home Team servicemen,will receive $500 more at each milestone to make up a total of $10,500.


The award will not be paid retrospectively, so servicemen who have passed any of the three phases will not get the payments associated with those milestones. They will be eligible only for payouts at milestones they have not yet crossed.


This also means that servicemen who do not have to serve a reservist cycle will get only the first payout after they complete their two-year full-time national service, regardless of vocation.


Regulars will typically not be eligible for the award, but this would depend on when they signed on.


The Ministry of Defence yesterday provided details on the NSRA, which was announced by Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong during his National Day Rally speech on Sunday. The award is only for Singapore citizens.


Minister of State for Defence Koo Tsai Kee reiterated yesterday that the award is to provide "sustained recognition to Singapore citizens who serve national service".


Dr Koo declined to reveal the annual cost to the Government for disbursing the award, but said that it was "significant".


However, he stressed that there was no monetary value that could be put on the contributions of NSmen.


The first payout will be deposited into each NSman's Post-Secondary Education Account (PSEA) after his full-time national service is completed. It can be used for further education in approved institutions here.


The PSEA, run by the Education Ministry, cannot be used for education overseas.


The remaining two payouts will be deposited into NSmen's Central Provident Fund (CPF) accounts and allocated based on prevailing rates for the Ordinary Account, Special Account and Medisave Account.


Any unused funds in the PSEA will be transferred to the NSman's CPF Ordinary Account when he turns 30.


Payouts of the award will be done within two months of reaching any of the three disbursement phases.


NSmen can go to www.mindef.gov.sg/nsra for more details.

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The monetary award will range between $9,000 and $10,500.


The payout depends on their service period and rank.



The award will not be paid retrospectively, so servicemen who have passed any of the three phases will not get the payments associated with those milestones. They will be eligible only for payouts at milestones they have not yet crossed.

This also means that servicemen who do not have to serve a reservist cycle will get only the first payout after they complete their two-year full-time national service, regardless of vocation.


Dr Koo declined to reveal the annual cost to the Government for disbursing the award, but said that it was "significant".


However, he stressed that there was no monetary value that could be put on the contributions of NSmen.


so.... ORDed RODed all no moneny


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I think if the govt do not manage this properly, it will be a potential marketing backfire cos:


(1) It is risky linking the sacrifices NS man has made with the payout 9K or 10.5K. It cheapens National Service


(2) The payout is not fair. NS man who has missed certain milestones will not get payments

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haha, after 2.5 yrs plus 10 yrs of reservist, only worth 9-10K.......that's how much we are worth, worst off than a maid....me MR liao, I will get 0 bcos not much of use liao..so those that contribute before the policy came in are worth nothing.....

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haha, after 2.5 yrs plus 10 yrs of reservist, only worth 9-10K.......that's how much we are worth, worst off than a maid....me MR liao, I will get 0 bcos not much of use liao..so those that contribute before the policy came in are worth nothing.....

hello worthless pal, we know who to vote v clearly now...

if objective is really for recognizing the sacrifies of nsmen, then it shld be given to those who hv fully completed, and not those who defer or yet to complete. anw, I am $0 like u also. MR status even tho i am only mid 30s. dillengtly reported by to every single recall twice per yr.. now i am worthless.

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haha, after 2.5 yrs plus 10 yrs of reservist, only worth 9-10K.......that's how much we are worth, worst off than a maid....me MR liao, I will get 0 bcos not much of use liao..so those that contribute before the policy came in are worth nothing.....

i calculate b4, compare to my female or PR!!!!!! classmate. for 2.5 year, they get pay from job site - I get from MD. i lost more then 20K. after ROD, their pay is better then us by $300~$500, that one cannot count liao. in NS, i "work" OT 24 hrs and full week sometime, but no pay!!!! suei suei kana a "mad dog" bark or bike u, u have to said "yes sir", "thank you sir" etc......

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