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Road bully spared jail. Fined $2000 instead


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Road rage biker spared jail

By Khushwant Singh


WHAT Christophe Georges Andre Mille did was wrong, but the High Court noted that the French man had been provoked by some very dangerous driving by the motorist he punched.


Chief Justice Chan Sek Keong felt the one-week jail term imposed by a district court on the motorcyclist was too excessive and replaced it with a $2,000 fine at an appeal hearing on Thursday.


Mille, 33, a swimming instructor, was riding home in the right lane of Jalan Bahar towards Jurong West Avenue 6 at 5.30pm on Aug 27, 2008. Despite a car travelling alongside in the left lane, Mr Chong Yuen, 54, tried to squeeze his car between the vehicles.


Mr Chong's car bumped into the motorcycle sending it wobbling slightly. Mille's lawyer Suresh Damodara told the court that any wobble can sent a motorcycle out of control.


However, Deputy Public Prosecutor Gillian Koh-Tan insisted that Mille's violent reaction was disproportionate to the slight wobble the collision caused. 'He was unhurt and the motorcycle was not damaged,' she said.


Disagreeing, CJ Chan said': 'Don't you know it's very dangerous to knock into a motorcycle because the rider could fall and be run over by a car. You see the accidents. Who gets killed? It's the cyclists and motorcyclists.'


Outside the courtroom, Mille told reporters that he is relieved but remains disappointed that Mr Chong has not been charged with dangerous driving.

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  On 8/27/2010 at 1:24 AM, Cootie-Monster said:

Road rage biker spared jail

By Khushwant Singh


WHAT Christophe Georges Andre Mille did was wrong, but the High Court noted that the French man had been provoked by some very dangerous driving by the motorist he punched.


Chief Justice Chan Sek Keong felt the one-week jail term imposed by a district court on the motorcyclist was too excessive and replaced it with a $2,000 fine at an appeal hearing on Thursday.


Mille, 33, a swimming instructor, was riding home in the right lane of Jalan Bahar towards Jurong West Avenue 6 at 5.30pm on Aug 27, 2008. Despite a car travelling alongside in the left lane, Mr Chong Yuen, 54, tried to squeeze his car between the vehicles.


Mr Chong's car bumped into the motorcycle sending it wobbling slightly. Mille's lawyer Suresh Damodara told the court that any wobble can sent a motorcycle out of control.


However, Deputy Public Prosecutor Gillian Koh-Tan insisted that Mille's violent reaction was disproportionate to the slight wobble the collision caused. 'He was unhurt and the motorcycle was not damaged,' she said.


Disagreeing, CJ Chan said': 'Don't you know it's very dangerous to knock into a motorcycle because the rider could fall and be run over by a car. You see the accidents. Who gets killed? It's the cyclists and motorcyclists.'


Outside the courtroom, Mille told reporters that he is relieved but remains disappointed that Mr Chong has not been charged with dangerous driving.



wow thanks for sharing .....so looks like our justice system going to the dogs eh?


Serial Vandal warned but not puished..now this....I think the frenchman (though I cudn't care much fro them) should be given a medal! Sounds like attempted murder to me

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This case lagi more ridiculous:




IN A rare move yesterday, a district court judge spared a motorist a jail term and fined him instead for assaulting another man in a road rage incident.


Singaporean Bjorn Henrik Jacobsen, 31, was fined $4,500 after he was found guilty of hitting Mr Sim Seng Jin in the shoulder and stomach along Upper Serangoon Road in December 2008.


He could have been jailed for up to two years and/or fined up to $5,000 for voluntarily causing hurt.


Jacobsen, who was convicted earlier this year after a two-day trial, was fined another $1,500 for using threatening and abusive words on the 54-year-old chartered accountant.


In sentencing Jacobsen, District Judge Wong Choon Ning made it clear that the punishment was the exception rather than the rule.



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  On 8/27/2010 at 1:42 AM, Subarugt said:

never ending debate


There was never a debate to begin with.


If the laws made by men were the same as those decree by God then ..


Past cases like the Taxi company Chairman who physcially abuse another on the road becos his Mercs was damaged and the Sin Ming Ediotr who got a pillion rider killed who all got just a slap on their wrist.... then this question regarding FT would never arise.


Check and make your your facts are right before shooting your mouth off becos the next one who will be a victim of such cases could be YOU.


Then we will see whether you feel like debating on this subject or not.

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Time and time again I read such news.


I makes me feels very intense BURNING hot in my heart.

I think I better not say too much as the wrong choice of words can be dangerous....I will go to my kitchen to brew myself a Iced Coffee to cool me down.



Survivor - Burning Heart lyrics


Two worlds collide

Rival nations

It's a primitive clash

Venting years of frustrations

Bravely we hope

Against all hope

There is so much at stake

Seems our freedom's up

Against the ropes

Does the crowd understand?

Is it East versus West

Or man against man

Can any nation stand alone


In the burning Heart

Just about to burst

There's a quest for answers

An unquenchable thirst

In the darkest night

Rising like a spire

In the burning heart

The unmistakable fire

In the burning heart


In the warriors code

There's no surrender

Though his body says stop

His spirit cries - never!

Deep in our soul

A quiet ember

Know it's you against you

It's the paradox

That drives us on

It's a battle of wills

In the heat of attack

It's the passion that kills

The victory is yours alone

CHORUS (sing chorus 3 times)

In the burning heart





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Premier Taxi incident:


PREMIER Taxi chairman Timothy Chua was fined the maximum of $1,000 yesterday for road rage, but escaped the customary jail sentence for the crime.


Magistrate Ngoh Siew Yen ruled out a jail sentence for Chua, 37, because of the mitigating circumstances of the case, a decision that was met with whoops of joy from his family members in the courtroom yesterday.


Since Chief Justice Yong Pung How declared in 1992 that jail sentences should be handed out to all road-rage offenders, very few people convicted of the crime have escaped being put behind bars.


But yesterday, Magistrate Ngoh said that while prison terms have been customary for such offences, sentencing precedents were only guidelines.


Chua was convicted on Feb 4 of punching and trying to strangle assistant engineer Toh Tong Lee, 23, after their cars collided at about 8.30pm on May 1, 2003.


The taxi company boss was travelling along Bukit Timah Road in a Mercedes-Benz CLK320 driven by his wife, Madam Teo Shan Shan, that day.


His Mercedes hit Mr Toh's Honda when the latter had tried to filter to the right-most lane of the three-lane road.


The collision caused Madam Teo to lose control of the Mercedes, which then hit the central divider.


The impact caused the driver's door to jam, and Chua had to help his wife to climb out through the passenger side.


This enraged him, and he attacked Mr Toh.


Assistant engineer Toh Tong Lee.

The court heard that the victim suffered a small cut on his right cheek and redness around his neck from the assault.


In sentencing Chua yesterday, the judge noted that the attack was not premeditated.


Chua, she said, had attacked Mr Toh on the spur of the moment, and had not used a weapon.


Also, she added, the attack lasted only a few moments, as Chua backed off and left the scene soon after his wife intervened to prevent an escalation of hostilities."





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Pedestrian lost his temper because car brushed against him.

Guess the verdict?


Road rage: Pedestrian punches Straits Times photographer


By Elena Chong, courts correspondent


A PEDESTRIAN who assaulted a motorist outside a department store in Orchard Road was sentenced to eight months' jail on Wednesday for causing grievous hurt.


Sales promoter Lew Sze Kai, 32, punched Straits Times photographer Desmond Wee Teck Yew, 49, so hard that his left eye socket was fractured.



The attack happened at the pedestrian crossing between Lucky Plaza and Tangs department store on April 7 last year.


As a result of the assault, Mr Wee suffered double vision for a week and needed surgery to correct the problem.


The penalty for grievous hurt is a jail term of up to 10 years and fine or caning.


But in road rage cases, assailants may be given a short jail term or a fine.


Deputy Public Prosecutor Terence Chua told the court on Monday that Mr Wee was driving to Tang Plaza for a photo assignment when he stopped his car at the pedestrian crossing beside Tangs department store.


When he began moving forward again, he heard a loud bang.


Looking through his rear view mirror, he saw Lew kicking his right rear passenger door.


Mr Wee got out and confronted Lew.


In the midst of their argument, Lew punched Mr Wee in the face, causing him to fall.


A security officer and his colleagues then intervened and stopped the fight.


In court, Lew's lawyer said his client was crossing over from Lucky Plaza to Tangs when he felt the victim's car brush against his back.


He said Lew was shocked and frightened for his safety.


In response, he kicked Mr Wee's car.


Counsel said Lew had hit the victim when the complainant suddenly caught hold of his tie and shirt.





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Neutral Newbie

No doubt tat driver (Chong) is reckless.

But juz wondering aloud, wat does the traffic code say abt motorcycles in the rightmost lane? R motorcycles even supposed to be in the fastest lane?

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  On 8/27/2010 at 1:24 AM, Cootie-Monster said:


Outside the courtroom, Mille told reporters that he is relieved but remains disappointed that Mr Chong has not been charged with dangerous driving.


Nobody die yet, TP wont bother ...

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  On 8/27/2010 at 2:14 AM, Cootie-Monster said:

Premier Taxi incident:


PREMIER Taxi chairman Timothy Chua was fined the maximum of $1,000 yesterday for road rage, but escaped the customary jail sentence for the crime.


Magistrate Ngoh Siew Yen ruled out a jail sentence for Chua, 37, because of the mitigating circumstances of the case, a decision that was met with whoops of joy from his family members in the courtroom yesterday.


Since Chief Justice Yong Pung How declared in 1992 that jail sentences should be handed out to all road-rage offenders, very few people convicted of the crime have escaped being put behind bars.


But yesterday, Magistrate Ngoh said that while prison terms have been customary for such offences, sentencing precedents were only guidelines.


Chua was convicted on Feb 4 of punching and trying to strangle assistant engineer Toh Tong Lee, 23, after their cars collided at about 8.30pm on May 1, 2003.


The taxi company boss was travelling along Bukit Timah Road in a Mercedes-Benz CLK320 driven by his wife, Madam Teo Shan Shan, that day.


His Mercedes hit Mr Toh's Honda when the latter had tried to filter to the right-most lane of the three-lane road.


The collision caused Madam Teo to lose control of the Mercedes, which then hit the central divider.


The impact caused the driver's door to jam, and Chua had to help his wife to climb out through the passenger side.


This enraged him, and he attacked Mr Toh.


Assistant engineer Toh Tong Lee.

The court heard that the victim suffered a small cut on his right cheek and redness around his neck from the assault.


In sentencing Chua yesterday, the judge noted that the attack was not premeditated.


Chua, she said, had attacked Mr Toh on the spur of the moment, and had not used a weapon.


Also, she added, the attack lasted only a few moments, as Chua backed off and left the scene soon after his wife intervened to prevent an escalation of hostilities."


When is a physical abuse in road rage cases ever premeditated?


IF anyone can premediated an impending road rage issue, where one can be angry enough to abuse another over a road incident, then the incident would never happen becos everyone would find ways to avert it!


What kind of judge is this?


Sinkies need Pre-crime.


[b]Ever watch the movie Minority Report starring Tom Cruise?


Here they should engage a Sinkie who can foretell criminal behaviour before it happens.[/b] :D

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  On 8/27/2010 at 2:19 AM, Zztensor said:

No doubt tat driver (Chong) is reckless.

But juz wondering aloud, wat does the traffic code say abt motorcycles in the rightmost lane? R motorcycles even supposed to be in the fastest lane?



y not?

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Neutral Newbie

ya, my bad. They can use fastest lane. (for some reason, i thot they can't)

But some hog the lane or drift in between lane 1 & 2, so driving behind them is pretty stressful.

Having said tat, i think both tat driver & frenchman r at fault lah.

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