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Why do YOU think C@rlube is lousy? i mean seriously...


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really tempted to use CL for my next change. but 5L s too much... i will need yr to use up all, OPC here... I change my oil using time interval.


have use shell, toyota oil, AM***l and RL. all 5w40


i like RL most, clean the engine and it not too thick like toyota, toyota oil is good too, really clean engine too! this 2 oil are darkest where am***l is slightly less dark and more rough, after 6 month.


i think most oil in sg is good to use. anyway i noe oil will degrade over time. so 5L got ppl share with me i dun mind to use :)



I usually get 2-3 5lit bottles of cltr n use as needed n keep e bal fr next oc. I usually change 1 a year but eo can keep as long as u close e cap properly after u open. Dont store in hot place. I keep in my storeroom so temp is cool n stable.


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got the EO drain and changed yesterday after 4500km.............the feel of new EO is very song!!! smoomth and quiet


now, my feedback...................I think using C@rlube I need to change oil at <4000km to get the new oil feel!


I warmed up for about 2-3 mins each morning for the pass few days before I drove off. It gotten better, but the roar when engine starts still there, roar like the lion king!


This morning, started the car cold.......(raining heavy here since 4am), when I start the car...................hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm lion king no more, little kitten come out, engine thiam thiam leh.......................


waited for 1-2 mins than zoom off........... tok gong, si bei song!


funny, don't know is it new oil or the gap down of the plug, the car like more powerful, even on CNG, even slop up the taman jurong hawker centre and the MSCP at pioneer mall also no feeling!



CLTR is [thumbsup][nod]


I change every 10k km for many years already without problems.


Last time i use in my coe corona also [thumbsup]


Only prob was e pistons a bit loose so need to top-up in between cos its slightly thinner than RP.


Now my Optra no need top-up fr full 10k km. [thumbsup]


Oh n btw i never ''warm up'' car. As long as e auto choke is working, i just start, wear seatbelt, on fan[not ac. ac on in 5 mins] n drive off slowly till e temp reaches e 1/4 mark. Then can drive as normal.

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If u stay north, u can go my reg ws. Everything i buy my own. he only do labour but he very happy. Never give attitude n i using him fr abt 15 yrs already.

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already fired! [rifle] because not going back there anymore, actually at first i thought if good, can go there for other repairs, now I think better go back to the WS I used to go.



Ya lor, kind of [dizzy][crazy] , actually I alittle piss off liao, just that I steady take it easy.


KNN, I bring cheap oil say the oil lousy, if I bring expensive oil will say I kana chop liao, where and where sell cheaper, if I bring expensive oil at a good price, maybe will say, be careful could be cheong aa you :angry:


i think never go for consumer behaviour course.





This is a common prob wh ws. Partly cos many drivers dont know much abt cars so get scared when mech say such things n wil listen to mech[cos too trusting hahaha]. Then mech know this is ''good'' customer. Can ketok [knife]

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If u stay north, u can go my reg ws. Everything i buy my own. he only do labour but he very happy. Never give attitude n i using him fr abt 15 yrs already.



bro, can PM me contact?


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Just came back from AMK Hub NTUC. The C@rlube 5w30 is on offer now. One litre $8.90 per bottle and Five litre $40+ per bottle. Although the five liter per liter is cheaper, I got 3 x 1litre bottle instead cos each oil change I only need 3 litre. Was surprise that despite 5w30 it is ACEA A3. I guess this mean the HTHS for this 30 weight oil should be quite high to qualify for A3.




Pity i just bought 3x5lit of 40 weight otherwise i just might try their 30 weight. [bigcry]

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[laugh] [laugh] I knew this is coming! [wave]


$39.90 still the WS will say is cheap and lao ya lah, but you sell at $39.90, than ppl will start to switch to X-Gold liao ($35.95) :D


you sell at $59.90 or $69.90 than become good oil liao. [grin]



Better say sell at $80/5lit. then abt same as mobil 1 so it sud b just as good, but might backfire n end up nobody wil buy then ty can close shop. hahaha :D

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aiyo, bro, you still don't get it huh?


Our Sis here is the women behind the oil lor............................... [gorgeous]


That's why I hit to you not to fry the oil price high high, she reading all your post you know! [laugh]



Hahaha once sell at $30 then raise price, pple just switch to another eo.


Like RP start quite cheap. 40weight abt $6-7/lit if buy big pail. Now I pay $12plus per qt bottle so switch allthough it is better than cltr.


Afterall my car is just a normal daily drive. Not high performance so no need such 'good' n ex oil. [:p]




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you sure anot about this otan...


can we be friends.... :wub:



Maybe i sud invite her fr next MU n buy her dinner. Then can get special price even better than Giant etc.


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If you bring your own EO, you are sending him a message, that dun expect to earn anything esle from you.


He can only make labour cost from you.


If whole package, he will earn from parts and labour lah.


sell EO, Sp Plugs, filters.


later he will also offer to change brake pads, filters, etc from you.




Then u can expect yr car to hv many''problems'' cos ws can make more $ fm u like that.


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this 1 I agree 100%.


but than again he also forgot that a car has more than EO, there are other things he can make from it, as long as the owner choice to come back.


when I asked the mech if they service brake also, he was so happy and quickly reply, you want to service brake now?


I would have gone back for other works if the 1st time feels good, but he like don't welcome me, so I guess that's it lor.


I think he must think I am a cheapo lor, bring own oil nevermind, somemore bring cheap oil, bring own spark plug ok, somemore bring the cheap cheap NGK plugs......... [:p]



Looks like this ws very hard-up fr biz. These ws i scared cos looks like no regular customers. Maybe pple try once never come back 2nd time. [sweatdrop]

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this 1 I agree 100%.


but than again he also forgot that a car has more than EO, there are other things he can make from it, as long as the owner choice to come back.


when I asked the mech if they service brake also, he was so happy and quickly reply, you want to service brake now?


I would have gone back for other works if the 1st time feels good, but he like don't welcome me, so I guess that's it lor.


I think he must think I am a cheapo lor, bring own oil nevermind, somemore bring cheap oil, bring own spark plug ok, somemore bring the cheap cheap NGK plugs......... [:p]




U r not cheepo. U r just giving yr car what has been designed for it.


If u bring all those ex 'special' parts not suited fr yr car, ws think u got more $ than brains n end up chop u. [knife]


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Wah lau yeh..................i also never see her how to confirm, since when bao marry got bao sure give birth to son one!!! :angry:


no lah, I also don't have many lobang for cheap stuff, but check here learn there, see can save or not lor......................


your sunny oil filter, you know who is the stockist or not?


Check with this Bro Vroomtattat, I think he also driving sunny, read somewhere he got his oil filter for $5 only. I also think there is a nissan stockist in Pioneer road north, because last week i ask my WS to get for me NGK BKR6E spark plug, he got it for me from somewhere near by and it is pack in nissan boxes.


Air-con filter I got it from the same source as Bro Yuan, the guy at jalan teck whye, mine is $15, I think your sunny sld be less than $15.


I think very cheap liao, any cheaper maybe ownself make by using those filter for the fish tank. [laugh] ( I know someone doing that).




This plug many jap n korean cars using. Can get fm many different car stockists. Even my Optra is using it. [nod]


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You mean this SPC Synace Max 0w30?



The specification looks kind of weak. <_<




I don't need the best engine oil, just something above average with affordable pricing and can reach 10k km usage will be good enough for me.



To b honest, i never like to buy Made in SG. most times wil b over-priced n of low quality.


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seriously... i would try what you suggested... sounds good... provided its not my car....


i believe the high cost of a car in SG will have most of its drivers to at least follow the recommended service intervals...





Yup fr me i just follow e recommended service in e handbook. Works fine fr me. [thumbsup]

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Not all cars are design for extended oil change interval. My car sump capacity only 3 litre, I feel 10k km is the maximium I would go. Typical fresh engine oil for the initial few km usage will shear a bit and thin down, but as mileage increase the viscosity will thicken up again as it become saturated with contaminent. If car do not have a big sump capacity and/or oil filter bypass, extended oil change interval might result in worse fuel consumption later on or cause other problem.





Even with e filter by-pass, it means yr oil is not being filtered b4 going to e engine. [sweatdrop]

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