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Why do YOU think C@rlube is lousy? i mean seriously...


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Well, there are such pple around who like to be carried around.. [laugh]




Yes i agree. Usually e small fry like to b called boss cos ty feel like bigshot fr once in their life. hahaha.

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venture no brain sure no gain...



This kind of ''venture'' e risk is high n e possible gain is very small.


Too risky fr me. [sweatdrop]



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ok let's all 猪哥 together and maybe form a 猪哥车俱乐部....wa ha, wa ha, wa hahahahaha........................... [:p][laugh] [laugh]


Hey, that is a good idea..... [bounce1][bounce2]


Let's get more people involved.

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Wah u danger man. So fast u pow toh me. Like that i dare not b yr boss.


Very soon got plainclothes officers knock my door at 3am. [sweatdrop]


No worries. I won't pao tor you wan.


I want you snipped dead only. [laugh]

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Where got pai seh?


U tok like ws is yr wife n she see u going hotel wh another woman. Hahaha.


My old ws was playing monkey tricks wh me n i gave e boss many warnings so end up i switch to keng wah which is opposite.


I just tell keng wah boss ty r my old ws n dont let them near my car when i not around.


I still remember when i switch. All e workers come out n look i bring my car opposite but i dont even look at them. Just ignore them.


We all know here that you are very garang..... [laugh]

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This kind of ''venture'' e risk is high n e possible gain is very small.


Too risky fr me. [sweatdrop]

Haha, you need not follow any idea/recommendation you are not comfortable with

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Pity i just bought 3x5lit of 40 weight otherwise i just might try their 30 weight. [bigcry]


After 5k km usage, your 40 weight might have sheared down. So technically you might be driving with a 30 weight oil. [:p]

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I believe many people got, so no need to be so humble


pls reprase dont know what you mean...


for a 2-3month old new car, mostly travelling trips in excess of 300-400km everytime engine is on, big cc or 5-6liters EO in engine, ok i guess its not to big a risk to go 20k be4 oil change if you use a very good oil...


but city driving in SG for 1.6 or below cars to go 20k is not much of a brainer if you asked me...

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Ok. let me know when u going. i can do my service sep or oct also no prob.


CLTR can tahan maybe a bit over 10k km even. [rolleyes]



ok, most likely end sept or 3rd week, now is 7500km, doing it at 10000km.

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Ah if u want to service brake at kw, i also dont mind service brake n ps fluid.


just let me know. I can intro boss [Ah Ting] to u. He nice guy. I treat him as my buddy. His mood good, ijoke n tok kok wh him even.


But i usually call him to check if he free b4 i go down. Like that he also happy cos can slowly do n no rushing.


ok good.


any idea how much he charge to service brake?

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pls reprase dont know what you mean...


for a 2-3month old new car, mostly travelling trips in excess of 300-400km everytime engine is on, big cc or 5-6liters EO in engine, ok i guess its not to big a risk to go 20k be4 oil change if you use a very good oil...


but city driving in SG for 1.6 or below cars to go 20k is not much of a brainer if you asked me...

Synthetic engine oil was tested over 100,000km, when it was first created. The testings were for scientific purpose as well as marketing to win over users of mineral based engine oil (significant price differences then)

So the main concern should be the oil filter service life span, unless the service lifespan has been deliberately shortened for commercial purposes

'Normal' semi-synthetic engine oil from Perocom needs to be replenish before 10,000km

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No worries. I won't pao tor you wan.


I want you snipped dead only. [laugh]



Wah i better call my contact in thai to quickly arrange someone to pay u a visit. [knife][rifle]

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Haha, you need not follow any idea/recommendation you are not comfortable with



Of course i will not follow.


I only do things which i feel is good. But then everybody thinks differently.


One mans meat is anothers poison. [rolleyes]

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After 5k km usage, your 40 weight might have sheared down. So technically you might be driving with a 30 weight oil. [:p]



Yes i know. Isnt it wonderful. I get a 30 weight fr e lower price of e 40 weight. [idea]

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