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Record Breaking Bid for NEW Tampines DBSS 2


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i agree... even if the prices of tpy, amk, bishan is the same as bedok or tampines or even punggol i will still stay far far away from it....


knn packed like crazy... i send my fren home on CTE at 11pm also can jammed.... shen jing bing....


ECP and Nicoll Highway all they way!!! [:p]


Yah... I also... will avoid CTE PIE during peak hrs [:p]

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i see more and more depressing threads nowadays. it makes me demoralised because it leads me to think that in the future, my lot as a singaporean is screwed. surely pay till terng kor. singapore is becoming a virtual disneyland. the heartland area is simply the areas marked as "for staff only" in the eyes of the foreigners. and if i continue to throw my lot in this hopeless charade, i will just end being a cog or a wheel in this virtual sweatshop. sigh.

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I don't see anything wrong with a subjective bidding system...go one further, govt could give a desired max selling point, and then evaluate what is the "best" bid, which of course is going to include some subjective factors.


But what is wrong with having subjective factors? Yes its easy to kelong, but also takes expertise...you don't trust the govt to make cleand and honest decisions?


every day, all around the world all sorts of subjective decisions are made...whjy can't HDB be trusted to make a subjective evaluation?


because when something is subjective, most likely it can be manipulated which also means can kelong....


and after all these incidents... you wanna trust HDB with a subjective evaluation?


to add on: i trust the govt to be clean and honest... but not the underlings.... and the problem with a desired max selling point is.. if the company bid too low and is not able to sustain.. you will see either alot of uncompleted or cost cutting buildings.... try our neighbours for comparsions


anyway the construction industry is not as easy as you think...

Edited by Galantspeedz
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i only know i take less than half hr to log out from PS3 ,walk to MCSP, pick CO from shenton way, reach home and log on PS3.... [laugh] must clarify is at night


duno he haolian simi [:p]


Lol..actually good lah... the new DBSS is beside my place only [laugh]


Nearest busstop is in front of my block [:p]


Only thing is muz tong mosquitoes for the next 3 yrs <_<

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Yah... I also... will avoid CTE PIE during peak hrs [:p]


ya man me 2!


ECP all the way... smooth smooth no jam!



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Lol..actually good lah... the new DBSS is beside my place only [laugh]


Nearest busstop is in front of my block [:p]


Only thing is muz tong mosquitoes for the next 3 yrs <_<


very expensive... heng i never wait for this one... [:p]

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Lol..actually good lah... the new DBSS is beside my place only [laugh]


Nearest busstop is in front of my block [:p]


Only thing is muz tong mosquitoes for the next 3 yrs <_<


not good for you actually.... you must tong mozzies, dust and noise.... and a newborn

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u go home also need to pay leh


same thing for everyone else who needs to leave the city in the evening.. :D

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not good for you actually.... you must tong mozzies, dust and noise.... and a newborn


Heng not really beside my block... mine nearest to road... the other end cialat lah [laugh]

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because when something is subjective, most likely it can be manipulated which also means can kelong....


and after all these incidents... you wanna trust HDB with a subjective evaluation?


I dun see why cannot trust them...hire the appropriate people, set out the criteria...then judge.


Why are you so scared of offering an opinion? The world won't crumble if you are wrong.


Perhaps another possibility would be for govt to strictly control new HDB price, at (for example, all figures pulled from backside)

3 room = per capita GDP x 80

4 room = per capita GDP x 105

5 room = p[er capita GDP x 130


This would be for purchase from HDB, then what about resale you ask? Simple, peg resale price to original purchase price + inflation. So in real terms people dun lose money.


There will be some shenangins going on around the margins, however this would be a more genuine PUBLIC housing policy.


Of course, if you say that HDB not really public housing then all sorts of different questions can be asked

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Yah.. i dunno how my sis gonna go for this..maybe go 2nd floor [laugh]


[laugh] forget it la... its too expensive liao... let the rich take it...

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I dun see why cannot trust them...hire the appropriate people, set out the criteria...then judge.


Why are you so scared of offering an opinion? The world won't crumble if you are wrong.


Perhaps another possibility would be for govt to strictly control new HDB price, at (for example, all figures pulled from backside)

3 room = per capita GDP x 80

4 room = per capita GDP x 105

5 room = p[er capita GDP x 130


This would be for purchase from HDB, then what about resale you ask? Simple, peg resale price to original purchase price + inflation. So in real terms people dun lose money.


There will be some shenangins going on around the margins, however this would be a more genuine PUBLIC housing policy.


Of course, if you say that HDB not really public housing then all sorts of different questions can be asked


i tot i offered my opinion already...


peg the resale price to new flats? that is what is happening now.... but it works slightly differently, it is known as valuation.... and what happened? people stared paying above valuation.. that is why you got cash over valutaion (COV). you will say.. cap the selling price.... so what happened? there will still be COV but under table...... isn't that worse?


so now new flats are pegged to resale flats instead....


actually why is the price skyrocketing.. is because of the valuers if you ask me.... if you notice.. valuation flat A is 200k, buyer pays 220k (with 20k COV thus now flat B, the neighbour flat is worth 220k and another buyer pays 240k (with 20k COV).. that is why prices keep soaring..


want to blame... blame the sellers for ask for COV and buyers paying the COV.....


a good example will be my area... i bought my flat at 376k June last yr... this yr Apr someone just paid 454k for my neighbour's place.... 2 doors away..


so whose fault for the 454k price....


and FYI, the seller was asking for 450k already when i was viewing flats June last year..

Edited by Galantspeedz
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My predictions:


4 room - range 460k - 530k

5 room - range 500k - 600k




its a gd estimate... i would plus another 50k more judging by the mkt now.


unless combine income 7-8k if not loan quantum not enough. unless one have many many cash

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If u happen to know ppl who work for HDB, u will also [shakehead]


not only HDB... LTA.. NEA.. actually almost all civil service sectors


waste of breath talking to them

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its a gd estimate... i would plus another 50k more judging by the mkt now.


unless combine income 7-8k if not loan quantum not enough. unless one have many many cash


Tamp area max 400k nia for 4 room.. add 60k to price..standard sim lian pricing... 500k for 4 room abit too much if follow ur estimate [:p]

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