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And so they own the road..


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just saw a group of teenagers carrying a guitar entering the MSCP. happily walking in the vehicle lane and even after a car horned at them from behind, still continue to take their time and laughing as they make way.


attitude - dare u to hit me down. IQ level - probably non registering on the scale. -_-

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you hoot then drive off they sure cannot catch...teach them a good lesson



Bro, there are 9 of them, our TS only got 2 hands and 2 legs, if there are 4 in the car or maybe if Ip man in his car he can go hoot lah!


But he alone, later kana loot, car also suffer, than not worth liao.





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just saw a group of teenagers carrying a guitar entering the MSCP. happily walking in the vehicle lane and even after a car horned at them from behind, still continue to take their time and laughing as they make way.


attitude - dare u to hit me down. IQ level - probably non registering on the scale. -_-



I 2rd that IQ level!



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bro... take it easy.... for these pricks, standing in front of your car and throwing a childish fit is the BEST thing they can ever accomplish in their entire miserable lives. Have seen too many of such cases leow. Bunch of losers.....


yeah.. losers! hahahaah.. nvr wanna bother abt them.. just thinking when will not see such behaviours and acts from these pp...



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If they dun see the change they need to make.. they might just end up like what u mentioned. Sometimes not to be evil but i do curse they learnt lessons in a hard way..


There was not once but several times.. this group of super loud irritating exhaust bikes went pass the car park in front of my block. Eleven of them.. Revved non stop! Woke up the whole neigbourhood.. then sped off.. and it was 3plus in the morning!


The world is a better place without them. ^_^

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i think they aren't capable of thinking. and i agree on, if those jokers were alone by themselves, they won't pull this kind of stunt.


at petrol station, you usually see a bunch of jokers trying to diss a fancy car.. do you see a loner doing it himself? i would say less often.


Very true! it's when they are in a group that they feel they're so mighty..

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just saw a group of teenagers carrying a guitar entering the MSCP. happily walking in the vehicle lane and even after a car horned at them from behind, still continue to take their time and laughing as they make way.


attitude - dare u to hit me down. IQ level - probably non registering on the scale. -_-


hahahahaha no IQ.. perhaps! sometimes dunno what's going on in their mind..

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Seems like i always like to post my encounter on the roads..


Days back, i came to a stop at a traffic light pedestrian crossing.. a group of malay teens ranging from about 14-18 were crossing the road when green man.. most carrying guitar cases.. talked joked laughed.. About 6 of them crossed, and left with 3 still crossing. The green man was blinking and the seconds counting down from 3s..


They stopped and continued laughing playing tickling one another.. This time the red man came on, and green light for me to proceed.. The cars in lane 2 and 3 drove on.. These kids still laugh and fooled around.. I sensed probably they were too engrossed in joking with one another and didnt realise they should quickly complete the crossing.. I tapped on my horn. Mind you, it's just a tap, and came a short honk.


Then the 3 completely stopped, either shocked or unhappy. One turned to stare at me, showed gestures like 'what u want?'. The other two sensing his arrogance, showed support and stood beside him facing me.. like waiting to create a scene. I pointed at the red man.. They not happy.. shouted and cursed.. and made their way to the island. This time the others who had crossed the road walked back to them.. trying to show their unity.. All like ready to come overturn my car..


I ignored and proceeded.. then the whole gang started shouting louder than earlier.. raising their arms.. and showing whatever gestures they could think of..


Sigh, why should they behave like that? Just cos with a big group they feel they can just act so aggressively and anticipating some arguments or fights? I see these are the kinda pp who dun think of their future and will in any time whack pp and create all sorts of troubles..


Bro, pardon me but give them some chance. They are just trying to make their way to find their corners to lepak. (: You know, carry guitars too long then tired, need to hide @ one corner lepak (:

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When will that be? in the meantime we still hv to put up with such foolish immature acts from these losers..

just like u haf to learn to live to cockroaches. btw, is the guy in ur avatar really wearing a KFC bucket?

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Bro, pardon me but give them some chance. They are just trying to make their way to find their corners to lepak. (: You know, carry guitars too long then tired, need to hide @ one corner lepak (:


Joshieboy! damn funny.. u lepak too much huh? hahahaaha..

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