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Tribute to Ayrton Senna by Top Gear


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The whole episode was great, with the small exception of Richard Hammond's snow/ice-racing segment. The rest of it, pure gold. Captain Slow's Vmax run in the Veyron SuperSport, followed by the record-setting run of the Bugatti test-driver, Cameron Diaz and Tom Cruise's laps in a Reasonably Priced Car (Copyright) and of course, the crown jewel, the Senna tribute.


My second favourite TG of all time, second only to the South American special where they took on the Bolivian death road (El Camino de la Muerte).

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what a driver!..no traction control or what have you..f1 drivers now take traction control away they buang oredi..


The thing about Senna is that he was on a different plane to the other racing drivers. He had something innate that even he couldn't explain. He wasn't exceptionally smart, so he wasn't doing any high-level intellectual analysis, it was something visceral and unconscious with him. And he wasn't playing with mediocre talent in a rigged field either - some of the other drivers in the field with him were among the very best in history - we're talking Alain Prost and Nigel Mansell. Schumacher was very talented, but as he got bigger, he insisted on having team-mates subservient to his whim, ones that wouldn't really race with him. Senna/Prost were the complete opposite.


What else can you call a driver who could outqualify a gifted driver like Prost by more than *two full seconds* in the same car? Except "genius".

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though its just a 15min clip but it summed up pretty well on him not just being a great racer, but a great man with a big heart.


there won't be another ayrton senna. GOAT.

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He is now in F1 heaven. Only reserved for the deserving. He shall spend the rest of eternity racing in the clouds in the company of angels and cherubins. [angel]

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My second favourite TG of all time, second only to the South American special where they took on the Bolivian death road (El Camino de la Muerte).


Wat insane s*** is this... Got good stuff, can share a not? [:p]

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Only got to know about him by watching TG epi 5 and a few documentaries about him, one of it was about his death (very controversial, will post the link up.) .. He is really insanely good. The quickness in which he adjusts his car, his dedication to the profession and his people makes him an F1 legend.


Watched him corner at insane speeds with one hand while changing gear. :blink:



RIP ayrton senna.


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IMO Aryton Senna got bigger balls dan the rest of the drivers of his time. He took risks on the track that other driver's don't. Sadly that's also his undoing. I think he's almost to the point of crazy when he risked Prost's life and his own so that he could deny Prost of getting a shot at the driver's title at the last round in Japan....taking out his Ferrari at the first corner [sweatdrop] .


He's a great driver coupled with big balls of steel and a bit crazy on the track.

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agreed!death road really scary man :wacko:


I think it should be a WRC special stage. Let's see which rally driver has the biggest balls (or the smallest brains, or the most luck). [:p]

Edited by Turboflat4
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I think it should be a WRC special stage. Let's see which rally driver has the biggest balls (or the smallest brains, or the most luck). [:p]


Pity on Hammond's land cruiser in the end cuz its my fave car in that episode.


Felt good that the little Suzuki is considered the best, cuz i owned that car in oz before.



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Neutral Newbie

I was fortunate to have lived through that golden era of F1 and witnessed Senna, Prost, Mansell, Piquet Snr, etc competing. One of the best things missing from today's F1 is an exceptional driver often winning or getting a podium in a clearly inferior car. Kubica comes a little close to that. Vettel did that once at Monza. Michael used to be that type of driver, but unfortunately no longer capable of that. Hamilton, no, don't think so too. And Ayrton Senna of course, was that type of driver.

Edited by Rjmsfire
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