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Laser circumcision


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Neutral Newbie

hehe.. i heng ar.. 5 yrs old cut the skin liao.. cuz got one time at my cousin house, then go toilet urine.. penis pain then cry and cry and cry.. dad bring me to a private hospital and they cut away the foreskin.. [bigcry] .. but after that ok liao.. haha.. until now.. [:)] sensational of bonking gals is shiok cuz no pain.. haha.. they say can feel better.. :D

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My father in law was the 1 who arranged..but i know exactly where is the place..damage i tink $80..


Who wanna do? urself or ur children?dat time i went i see young kids & babies waiting to be circumcised..dunno they do it for adults or not..


i try check & get back to u.

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My friend was circumcised by a Jedi using his light sabre. Think should count as "laser circumcision" too.


Very fast. Very accurate. His peepee was unharmed. Jedi was not his father.

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Anyone knows what is the cost, where can do it & can use Medisave to pay for it? I believe a lot of dudes here are interested on this, me included. :D

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Neutral Newbie

not to scare anyone... but i last saw on some newspaper... happened in taiwan... the nurse either calibrated the wrong power of the laser or misjudge the cutting speed... end up that taiwanese guy only left with a "1cm bro"... [knife]

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Can organise group cut or not?? [laugh] How much ah???


But seriously, how much is the cost & how about recovery period? Faster than conventional one? Read somewhere that have to abstain from sex for 6 weeks... True??

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aiyo..why want to cut off that skin? So lazy to wash with the piece of skin meh? haha






Its not about being lazy but hygiene....and let me tell you....boy...you won't regret.


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Neutral Newbie

I will recommend laser cut, faster, less pain, 'nicer' looking dick and u can fuk your girl within a week.


cut and stitch is rather bad. The doctor will first do an injection to the dick to make it swell, such that the skin away from the dick. den the doctor will cut the swollen dick's skin. after that stitch...


the stitch will leave a channel that will trap dirt. its fuking disgusting if u get to see those infected dicks...


aiya, best is laser la. pay a bit more also worth it. i mean, divide the amount by your life, how much nia?


if I remember correctly, i thought the GP told me that laser cut has it down side, typically as the wound is not stitched, there is higher risk of the wound re-opening, is that correct?


Before the injection, the doctor applied anethestic cream so it felt like ant bites.


I forgot to mention another after effect during recovery, 2-3 days after the surgery, when encountering morning rise, fuyoh, got to pour ice cold water on the head to cool it down [:p]

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I dunno about this circumcision and have no problem when doing any events. Cleanliness of cos is a plus thing but I always wash during my pom pom. Sometimes can ask your partner to wash for you too. :D

Edited by Jamstart
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if I remember correctly, i thought the GP told me that laser cut has it down side, typically as the wound is not stitched, there is higher risk of the wound re-opening, is that correct?


Before the injection, the doctor applied anethestic cream so it felt like ant bites.


I forgot to mention another after effect during recovery, 2-3 days after the surgery, when encountering morning rise, fuyoh, got to pour ice cold water on the head to cool it down [:p]


there is still stitching after laser cut. but less than the conventional way.


i still recommend laser cut. coz i have seen both.


those who did cut and stitch will say this is good


those who did laser cut, will say laser cut is good.


but fuk la, trust me, laser cut is better. there are some cases whereby no stitching is required also (dick too small).

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Its not about being lazy but hygiene....and let me tell you....boy...you won't regret.


there are quite a number of adults who circumcise. some do it together with their children. and their only feedback? no regrets. hahahah.

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Neutral Newbie

there is still stitching after laser cut. but less than the conventional way.


i still recommend laser cut. coz i have seen both.


those who did cut and stitch will say this is good


those who did laser cut, will say laser cut is good.


but fuk la, trust me, laser cut is better. there are some cases whereby no stitching is required also (dick too small).


i wanted laser cut but the price is like double, so cheapo me choose the conventional one [:p]


aiya, no matter it is laser cut or conventional cut, so long as it is a nice and clean cut, it is a good cut (pun intended) [:p]

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i wanted laser cut but the price is like double, so cheapo me choose the conventional one [:p]


aiya, no matter it is laser cut or conventional cut, so long as it is a nice and clean cut, it is a good cut (pun intended) [:p]


^_^ i agree. enjoy the new release of life.... those who still pcc on that piece of skin... GET SOME LIFE! [laugh]



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Neutral Newbie

^_^ i agree. enjoy the new release of life.... those who still pcc on that piece of skin... GET SOME LIFE! [laugh]


aiya, i also would not make that statement la, each has his own preference.


Just curious, muslim is not supposed to do anything to their bodies, coz the believe that it's god given. Thus technically, tattoo is prohibited and the deceased is wrapped with a piece of cloth. Somehow, they have to be circumcise when reaching adulthood, sort of contradicting isn't it? or anyone can enlighten me on this?

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Ok steady lets arrange a group buy!


Time of meetup is 10am 14th july outside bedok clinic.


We all lineup outside the clinic tell the nurse we want make popiah skin.


After laser we bring our skin out to compare see who got the thickest [gossip]

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