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An act of compassion or racism ????


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sorry to TS, i actually think it is fair.


the mosque probably have applied to the authorities for waiver of traffic offence at specific times.


but this privilege should not be abused or exploited by others who are not visiting the mosque.


hence it is fair to fine those who are not parking there for prayers.




likewise for landed estate, some estate committee have applied to LTA to let the rightful owners park illegally as some owners have 3 or 4 cars and have no place to park within their own compound, hence the authorities have reviewed and given special waiver to those who reside at the private estate to park illegally. however, those who do not reside there and park illegal, those fellows will be summoned and fined.


i dont think it is double standards, it is just that the people who have a valid reason/requirement for illegal parking are being given the waiver.


i agree...


also when there's a malay wedding or chinese funeral... the illegal cars parked nearby dont usually get summons... and i'm sure nobody applied to any authorities...

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twice in reading this long thread that i read that TS kena summons at parking.obviously,TS nvr put enough coupons and deserve the fine.what is he whining about racism for?

i mean,if i were to be fined for exceeding the time of my parking coupons,why the hell must i blame racism for it?obviously,i deserve the fine..

just put more coupons lah to avoid kena summons..

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i agree...


also when there's a malay wedding or chinese funeral... the illegal cars parked nearby dont usually get summons... and i'm sure nobody applied to any authorities...


agree with u also. Was abt to bring up the weddings funeral examples as well.


Actually the wardens use discretion one. You just have to talk nicely to them, chat with them to understand their thought process. I actually ran after aunties just to clarify things and ask stuff. You will notice that each estate/place have diff styles of booking. It also differs from warden to warden la - like some actually make a mental note about which car illegally parked but will only come back after their rounds to book just in case the person was on a 'short visit'. Of course some wardens are plain hit and run, what to do.


Of course, if u were a warden, don't you find yourself damn cb/will genna karma if u knew and yet you book the mosque/church/temple goers? Though yea.. Should have a blanket immunity during 'official hours' to be fair.

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Life is simple.


When we do something wrong, have the sensibility to take the punishment.

If others do it but didn't kena, why feel angry just because they didn't kena?


The fact still remains that you deserve it. As for the rest, they will get it one day, some where , some how.

Remember how each and everyone of us would have something wrong now and then ... but sometimes kena found out ... sometimes don't ? Same logic...


TS's point is quite simple...he is not complaining abt the summons per-se, he is complaining that others did not receive the same treatment.


It is a core tenet of justice that the same / similar crimes, receive the same punishment. Justice is supposed to be "blind".


He is contending, (dun know if true or not) that car A, displaying a certain decal got let off, while he, without the decal got booked. This would run against natural justice, and would also be racist. It is not up to the warded to judge what is a "just" reason for not putting coupon, if parked illegally should summon. Of course can also have some discretion if nearby legal carpark filled up, but everybody in that case should get same benefit.


If this really is going on, it should be raised to the relevant authorities, and it is not racist to ask the question. If you observe behaviour that, on the face of it, appears racist is best to question and clarify, and this should never be seen as "flamebait" or "fomenting unrest" as some have been claiming.

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Ha ha ha sooo bad but kinda agree partially on that..some individual thinks the world only revolves around him/her ...feel angry is one thing however the truth is the truth mah...good one bro !!!!! ha ha ha

thank u...think theres two fellow here thinks they knows ple from MHA its big deal.... the truth is the truth.... just tt many r afraid to speak up....come to think of it y many ple says the same thing.....if its one or two person den ts weird...but many ple says same thing guess some ple needs to reflect....

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i was having coffee with a malay friend in kembangan when we saw fatimas came and issue summons.


i casually remarked about them sometimes letting off mosque-goers.


he just snapped. i remembered vividly what he mentioned, along these lines:


"you chinese came here, with your advantage of thousands of years of civilisation and connections, your competitiveness, took the land from us, bullied us farmers and fishermen, chased us out of our kampong homes, our laidback lifestyles, our comfort zone,and forced the rat race on us. You remade this country as yours, and years down the road we are left with nothing. You even took away free education from us now. you gave good jobs and pay to your kind and as if not enough, you populate this country with your kind from china villages who take away even the low-paying jobs most of us depend on to survive. So much so some of us are pushed out to live in tents.

And now you complain when your precious few minutes is held up because roads outside mosques are congested one hour a week on fridays. how much more do you want? "


well i disagree with him on some points... but i don't want to stir a hornet's nest as he was really fuming, and just kept quiet..i think ur frnd is the kind of people tt ISD wants.... he is so laidback... a pests to the society... we need ple who r hardworking.... [:p]


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Eh... some sensitive questions are better off not dwell into. Let focus on maintaining racial harmony and not start questioning on each others worth. Remember May 13, 1969?

Den we must do away with our national pledge.... there is no equality....

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Having been a long time resident of Bukit Merah, & speaking of fairness in parking, I like to share this observation.


The former Bukit Merah HDB centre now host a horse bet centre, so come almost every betting session, especially the weekends, the centre's multi story carpark will always be be overwhelmed. To the extent, the cars will park outside the building, one entire stretch along the main road.


I don't see them being booked - however, come non-betting days, car(s) that parked there along the street, will have tickets stucked on their wipers.


I asked the long time staff of the nearby restaurant, what this booking pattern? Inevitably, we come to the conclusion that, well, since the gamblers contribute to the economy, so let them parked there. Why chase away business? ^_^


By the way, I notice the gamblers are mostly chinese aunties and uncles with a sprinking of other races, so I guess cannot be a case of racism here.


Let me state that this is my personal opinion, that I have nothing against gambling or gamblers... ^_^

maybe bocoz some who prays on friday also come and place bet... saw many times b4... have to urge to ask them .... u can gamble meh???


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we left our cars there tearing onli 30mins of coupons to have our lunch at coffee shops near to the mosque as we heard that food there is nice.


We were shocked to uncover summon slips of paper slot (You know the usual place lah) on our cars


There you go....I have underlined the only important part in your post.


My conclusion is...


Serve you right!

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i agree...


also when there's a malay wedding or chinese funeral... the illegal cars parked nearby dont usually get summons... and i'm sure nobody applied to any authorities...

malay wedding i duno have immunity or not but chinese funeral i kena b4 even for a short while.... just pay up lor...treat as beh kim money...

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I guess not all car park attendant are that bad...


I got several times almost kena...


But i just said "Sorry, need to do some urgent matters( pang sai)....Toilet very far...."


In the end, they just signaled me to go immediately...


I think maybe i am very lucky... [laugh] [laugh]

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Den we must do away with our national pledge.... there is no equality....



National pledge say

to build a democratic society based on justice and equality


we are not a democratic society, so how to achieve Equality??

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appealing a summon isnt easy at all. i appealed a summon of parking oppo single continuious white line and fight for my "rights" all the way from LTA to TP going to their office n bang table many times. I feel that it's isnt fair for me to pay as it's just outside my house the summon im awarded so stupid to pay fine for parking outside my own house. No waiver was allowed AT ALL. at last give up appealing and paid up the fine but still insist that i'm not guilty.


point is even very valid reason like parking outside my house also cannot appeal.

those fatimah always say u stay here ah u go appeal lor. everythibng push to the appeal department. just wanna hit quota babby s--t.


Did you pay for the road outside your house? Is it under the deed? Or the road named after you? -_-

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National pledge say

to build a democratic society based on justice and equality


we are not a democratic society, so how to achieve Equality??


do we even have justice?

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Neutral Newbie

maybe bocoz some who prays on friday also come and place bet... saw many times b4... have to urge to ask them .... u can gamble meh???


u saw many times but no courage to ask them y?


Do let me noe wat their answer ya? Me die ing to noe too...



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Neutral Newbie

i think ur frnd is the kind of people tt ISD wants.... he is so laidback... a pests to the society... we need ple who r hardworking.... [:p]


being hardworking if not given opportunity also go nowhere...


Being hardworking n not apprieciated also sian x10...haha



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Neutral Newbie

malay wedding i duno have immunity or not but chinese funeral i kena b4 even for a short while.... just pay up lor...treat as beh kim money...


u suay la...or u go parked near cars having sutra decals?



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