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An act of compassion or racism ????


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I totally agree with you. If you were me , I guess everyone will be sitting up high within skyscrapers earning fat bonuses and there will be no one to clear the sewages or toilet bowls..ha ha ha [rolleyes] [rolleyes]


but i don't wana be like u. [laugh] if u put yr coupons diligently, u wun kena summon too.


anyway we have FT now to do those jobs.


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actually if they employ prc to the job, the whole lot singaporean will die not only so call race


take for example a abc employ own citizen to check something

they can only do 3 blocks per day

but when they outsource and engage FT, they can cover 12 blocks in 1 day!


well i'm not surprise if they really hire FT in future

then next time round they come here and make hell alot of noise that u kena sumons because your coupons expire by 1 min


haha..maybe the FT will sound out to their own kind and ask their own countrymen to put a special sticker on the front windscreen..its like an immunity shield! [laugh]

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Having been a long time resident of Bukit Merah, & speaking of fairness in parking, I like to share this observation.


The former Bukit Merah HDB centre now host a horse bet centre, so come almost every betting session, especially the weekends, the centre's multi story carpark will always be be overwhelmed. To the extent, the cars will park outside the building, one entire stretch along the main road.


I don't see them being booked - however, come non-betting days, car(s) that parked there along the street, will have tickets stucked on their wipers.


I asked the long time staff of the nearby restaurant, what this booking pattern? Inevitably, we come to the conclusion that, well, since the gamblers contribute to the economy, so let them parked there. Why chase away business? ^_^


By the way, I notice the gamblers are mostly chinese aunties and uncles with a sprinking of other races, so I guess cannot be a case of racism here.


Let me state that this is my personal opinion, that I have nothing against gambling or gamblers... ^_^

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Neutral Newbie

I also dun understand why every Friday their cars can anyhow park but for us during Qing Ming (清明)or other major day (once or twice a year only) the authority dun let our cars park along the Bright Hill temple. [thumbsdown][thumbsdown][thumbsdown]


Depends on whether that temple applied for TP waiver. Lots of churches and mosques do that so they can park along the road on certain days and certain times for worship.

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I also dun understand why every Friday their cars can anyhow park but for us during Qing Ming (清明)or other major day (once or twice a year only) the authority dun let our cars park along the Bright Hill temple. [thumbsdown][thumbsdown][thumbsdown]


Uhmmm..during QIng MIng CAN anyhow park, last time go got cisco on duty allowing cars to park all along double yellow lines, along side of road and everywhere....

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Life is simple.


When we do something wrong, have the sensibility to take the punishment.

If others do it but didn't kena, why feel angry just because they didn't kena?


The fact still remains that you deserve it. As for the rest, they will get it one day, some where , some how.

Remember how each and everyone of us would have something wrong now and then ... but sometimes kena found out ... sometimes don't ? Same logic...



I am relating the incident some place in Singapore on a fine Friday afternoon. My friends and I parked our cars in open space carpark together with many whom I believe to be drivers attending prayers in the nearby mosque. I admit being taking things for granted that there are many other cars on that stretch of road, we left our cars there tearing onli 30mins of coupons to have our lunch at coffee shops near to the mosque as we heard that food there is nice. Parking for your info is always packed during tat hour.


We were shocked to uncover summon slips of paper slot (You know the usual place lah) on our cars and what made us more pissed off is that others cars were left untouched. Cars especially with sutra decals imprinted on the sun shade , we thinked after checked all the others. We were like WTF ?????? Some didnt even display coupons.


Appreciate the fact that fellow parking wardens are doing such a "great" job in enforcing law and order , making sure cars or rather drivers who breach the parking rule are punished but this.....WELL ... Correct me if Im wrong, so cars with sutra decals on the sun shade will be exempted from receiving summons "on compassionate grounds" just because they have to go for FRI prayers???? Hmmmm ....


Frankly speaking Im not racist , am fine with living and respecting religion of others but just felt that that this isnt the way to do things ????? BTW officer who summoned our cars was one parking warden Madam xxxx Binte Osman.


What do you guys think ????? I rest my case [bigcry] [bigcry] [bigcry]


We tried to appeal for the ticket but HDB mainly gave us the "black and white" on that. LAN LAN SIAO SIAO pay up .


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Neutral Newbie

Life is simple.


When we do something wrong, have the sensibility to take the punishment.

If others do it but didn't kena, why feel angry just because they didn't kena?


The fact still remains that you deserve it. As for the rest, they will get it one day, some where , some how.

Remember how each and everyone of us would have something wrong now and then ... but sometimes kena found out ... sometimes don't ? Same logic...


some will say life is simple, live and let live... others will say that the surest way for evil to prevail is for good men to do nothing....... so how? [:(]

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Bro probably not all traffic warden like that and some give others bad name. I have seen traffic wardens in action near mosque summon too. But next time, take photo /video evidence and complain to ura or cisco or whoever. Make that person lose his or her job if that person did not do job properly.


Yap ..will do . Thanks bro

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Having been a long time resident of Bukit Merah, & speaking of fairness in parking, I like to share this observation.


The former Bukit Merah HDB centre now host a horse bet centre, so come almost every betting session, especially the weekends, the centre's multi story carpark will always be be overwhelmed. To the extent, the cars will park outside the building, one entire stretch along the main road.


I don't see them being booked - however, come non-betting days, car(s) that parked there along the street, will have tickets stucked on their wipers.


I asked the long time staff of the nearby restaurant, what this booking pattern? Inevitably, we come to the conclusion that, well, since the gamblers contribute to the economy, so let them parked there. Why chase away business? ^_^


By the way, I notice the gamblers are mostly chinese aunties and uncles with a sprinking of other races, so I guess cannot be a case of racism here.


Let me state that this is my personal opinion, that I have nothing against gambling or gamblers... ^_^


Hmmmm in ur case, i think it is more towards between gamblers and non gamblers lor.... thanks for sharring bro!!!! [thumbsup]


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but i don't wana be like u. [laugh] if u put yr coupons diligently, u wun kena summon too.


anyway we have FT now to do those jobs.


True but what im saying here is not just a simple case of coupon expired and kana summon???? If so , I will have keep my mouth shut and pay up. [rolleyes] [rolleyes]

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appealing a summon isnt easy at all. i appealed a summon of parking oppo single continuious white line and fight for my "rights" all the way from LTA to TP going to their office n bang table many times. I feel that it's isnt fair for me to pay as it's just outside my house the summon im awarded so stupid to pay fine for parking outside my own house. No waiver was allowed AT ALL. at last give up appealing and paid up the fine but still insist that i'm not guilty.


point is even very valid reason like parking outside my house also cannot appeal.

those fatimah always say u stay here ah u go appeal lor. everythibng push to the appeal department. just wanna hit quota babby s--t.


I heard they earn a commission to their pay for every summon issued..so u think ley ???

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QUOTE xxxxx

"you chinese came here, with your advantage of thousands of years of civilisation and connections, your competitiveness, took the land from us, bullied us farmers and fishermen, chased us out of our kampong homes, our laidback lifestyles, our comfort zone,and forced the rat race on us. You remade this country as yours, and years down the road we are left with nothing. You even took away free education from us now. you gave good jobs and pay to your kind and as if not enough, you populate this country with your kind from china villages who take away even the low-paying jobs most of us depend on to survive. So much so some of us are pushed out to live in tents.

And now you complain when your precious few minutes is held up because roads outside mosques are congested one hour a week on fridays. how much more do you want? "



Please lah, taking about free education... nothing is free in this world. As compare, I think you will make a bigger whinner. Life goes on man!!! :D :D

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I heard they earn a commission to their pay for every summon issued..so u think ley ???


Though this is not openly acknowledged, it could be very true. Either commission or quota based, otherwise you think they'll be so dilligent?


Think of it, if taxi drivers are offered a basic pay, do you think they'll be so hardworking?


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Please lah.... people escape from summon, ur eyes red say racists or compassionate...... u escape from summon u say u r clever/heng/lucky...... if a chinese warden named Tan talk seng summon u and let others go, what will u say?????


r u going to say that it must be a muslim chinese???? or u going to say he/she a FT?????


Y must someone compare to others when they are in trouble and not when they gain????


i myself encounter d same s--t also.... but lived with it....


if u cannot lived with it, maybe u can ask urself y u r not born in the LEE family???? or u can create a thread asking feloow forumers that

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True but what im saying here is not just a simple case of coupon expired and kana summon???? If so , I will have keep my mouth shut and pay up. [rolleyes] [rolleyes]


Life can get unfair at times. just move on. it's not as though u'll get answers or have the problem solved if u start this thread.


IMO it'll only create flamebait.

Edited by Relagsingh
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why did the worshippers give the killer stare? [confused]


is it bcos the officer is also malay?

or is it bcos the worshippers were expecting to be let off?

or is it bcos the worshippers were angry with their own mistakes and they just transfer it onto the officer?

or is it bcos the worshippers wanted to discourage officers from doing this?

or is it for some other reasons?

or is it that the worshippers just felt like staring at the officer?



because he never go for prayers...

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Neutral Newbie

Please lah.... people escape from summon, ur eyes red say racists or compassionate...... u escape from summon u say u r clever/heng/lucky...... if a chinese warden named Tan talk seng summon u and let others go, what will u say?????


r u going to say that it must be a muslim chinese???? or u going to say he/she a FT?????


Y must someone compare to others when they are in trouble and not when they gain????


i myself encounter d same s--t also.... but lived with it....


if u cannot lived with it, maybe u can ask urself y u r not born in the LEE family???? or u can create a thread asking feloow forumers that


maybe if he gana caught speeding....


He will come here kpkb saying unfair cos others speeding too y he only gana caught...


Typical singaporean...feeling everything against them n world owe them a living...



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