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An act of compassion or racism ????


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TS, you bring up such topics for discusssion claiming whether the penalising system is fair or not?


You ask yourself.


Where in the book or law says that if one is clearly breaking one of the rules e.g like parking ..there are exceptions?


Where are the exceptions?


Maybe my book was written and pprinted by some alien.


Somebody, presumbly a human or some kind of sorts MADE THAT EXCEPTION!


If you ask me...I would say FINE THEM ALL!


I don't care whether one is visiting a church , temple or mosque or even visiting one's grand father !


Break the traffic rules, one pays accordingly.


Once one start bending the rules...the next thing, everyone starts bending all over the place!


And I thought bending over, only happens in Geyland! :D


Ha ha ha ...good one bro!!!! a bit fierce lah you....

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Typical singaporean ..... next level ha ha ha ..... please my friend...contribution of more constructive suggestion is much appreciated. No personal attacks please.OH you have 1 yellow card and still counting ..hehehehe


Does my yellow card cost me any money or annoyance?


It is you who got a fine and are bitching that you were victimised.


Who is the loser here?

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My ex girlf is a christian (I am not a christian btw). A few years ago, I went to church with her for evening mass. I parked my car in the landed estates where the church is located. After the evening mass, I got summon from URA on my windscreen. [bigcry]


I guess the church there never applied for waiver.


IMO, if such waiver application really exists, I guess all temples and churches in Singapore would've already applied for it.


Well myth solved!!!!

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My ex girlf is a christian (I am not a christian btw). A few years ago, I went to church with her for evening mass. I parked my car in the landed estates where the church is located. After the evening mass, I got summon from URA on my windscreen. [bigcry]


I guess the church there never applied for waiver.


IMO, if such waiver application really exists, I guess all temples and churches in Singapore would've already applied for it.



Dont think such Waiver exist. My church pastor had been telling ppl not to do illegal parking around the area as its breaking the law. but haiz... ppl dont understand them. Got money buy car no money to pay for parking [sweatdrop]

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Does my yellow card cost me any money or annoyance?


It is you who got a fine and are bitching that you were victimised.


Who is the loser here?


Well it does reflect on ur personality and content which you comment which at the end of the day makes it meanless ba. Maybe u should go for some anger management session???? ha ha ha ..... another cyber hero...geesh!!!


Guai ok???? give you ball ball or bone bone to bite on...heeheehee

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BEEP!!!! irrelevant leh.....frankly speaking cant make out what is it u are trying to say.sorry .BTW 2 yellow card liao ley, aint U suppose to be kick out of the field????hehehehe kidding laaa [rolleyes]


Ahem...simple forum rules and usage works this way.


I quoted another fellow post and that fellow actually have to reply, if he so feels the need.


Not unless of course, you want to answer it but you would have to relate what I had posted in reply to the other fellow's post.




You say you catch no balls.


Of course, you catch no balls becos the reply post for the quote from another fourmer was meant not for you but for the other fellow!


Hope you can get the simple meaning I have posted.

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This is racism.


Traffic wardens are mostly a certain race, tend to close one eye to their own race.


What to do? Our government has made us docile people that we do not dare to stand up to them.

You can go complain here and there, going see MP blah blah, also no use one.

Cause this is sensitive issue and you have no proof the warden practiced racism.


If you really wanna get back at them, have to do it the ugly way.

Go become bait again and park illegally between 2 cars owned by malays.

Then film the warden and shoot/post the video as proof.


It works both ways , you may be right too on a certain portion of them(wardens ) not all ba...

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Ahem...simple forum rules and usage works this way.


I quoted another fellow post and that fellow actually have to reply, if he so feels the need.


Not unless of course, you want to answer it but you would have to relate what I had posted in reply to the other fellow's post.




You say you catch no balls.


Of course, you catch no balls becos the reply post for the quote from another fourmer was meant not for you but for the other fellow!


Hope you can get the simple meaning I have posted.


ha ha ha ha chill man!!!! [laugh][laugh]

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You stupid Cina babi, why never KOWTOW to the Malay parking warden?????


WOah!!! some big talk for a small man ...hehehehehe [rolleyes][rolleyes]

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Neutral Newbie

Yo gearoil...


Welcome to Singapore!


Nothing much u do or voice Out can chg anything...


Simply suck thumb....





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Did u really experience such exemptions and waivers?


Since when will the government make such gestures?


The law is that inflexible here.


The warden fined me for parking outside my house and gave me a stupid suggestion to park my car at a HDB carpark 3 bus-stops away. No waivers were ever entertained.

Edited by Nicz
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Neutral Newbie

I am relating the incident some place in Singapore on a fine Friday afternoon. My friends and I parked our cars in open space carpark together with many whom I believe to be drivers attending prayers in the nearby mosque. I admit being taking things for granted that there are many other cars on that stretch of road, we left our cars there tearing onli 30mins of coupons to have our lunch at coffee shops near to the mosque as we heard that food there is nice. Parking for your info is always packed during tat hour.


We were shocked to uncover summon slips of paper slot (You know the usual place lah) on our cars and what made us more pissed off is that others cars were left untouched. Cars especially with sutra decals imprinted on the sun shade , we thinked after checked all the others. We were like WTF ?????? Some didnt even display coupons.


Appreciate the fact that fellow parking wardens are doing such a "great" job in enforcing law and order , making sure cars or rather drivers who breach the parking rule are punished but this.....WELL ... Correct me if Im wrong, so cars with sutra decals on the sun shade will be exempted from receiving summons "on compassionate grounds" just because they have to go for FRI prayers???? Hmmmm ....


Frankly speaking Im not racist , am fine with living and respecting religion of others but just felt that that this isnt the way to do things ????? BTW officer who summoned our cars was one parking warden Madam xxxx Binte Osman.


What do you guys think ????? I rest my case [bigcry] [bigcry] [bigcry]


We tried to appeal for the ticket but HDB mainly gave us the "black and white" on that. LAN LAN SIAO SIAO pay up .


i also kena once at some carpark in toa payoh

apparently if you put up your wipers

fatima will not book you

this i heard from the petrol station uncle

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I am relating the incident some place in Singapore on a fine Friday afternoon. My friends and I parked our cars in open space carpark together with many whom I believe to be drivers attending prayers in the nearby mosque. I admit being taking things for granted that there are many other cars on that stretch of road, we left our cars there tearing onli 30mins of coupons to have our lunch at coffee shops near to the mosque as we heard that food there is nice. Parking for your info is always packed during tat hour.


We were shocked to uncover summon slips of paper slot (You know the usual place lah) on our cars and what made us more pissed off is that others cars were left untouched. Cars especially with sutra decals imprinted on the sun shade , we thinked after checked all the others. We were like WTF ?????? Some didnt even display coupons.


Appreciate the fact that fellow parking wardens are doing such a "great" job in enforcing law and order , making sure cars or rather drivers who breach the parking rule are punished but this.....WELL ... Correct me if Im wrong, so cars with sutra decals on the sun shade will be exempted from receiving summons "on compassionate grounds" just because they have to go for FRI prayers???? Hmmmm ....


Frankly speaking Im not racist , am fine with living and respecting religion of others but just felt that that this isnt the way to do things ????? BTW officer who summoned our cars was one parking warden Madam xxxx Binte Osman.


What do you guys think ????? I rest my case [bigcry] [bigcry] [bigcry]


We tried to appeal for the ticket but HDB mainly gave us the "black and white" on that. LAN LAN SIAO SIAO pay up .



you can be a part time warden and have your revenge....


work like mad on fridays... lol

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Neutral Newbie

One friday my friend went past a.. religious building, whole stretch of cars outside. He parked behind the last car and called police. TP came, he follow the TP 1 by 1 make sure all got summoned double yellow lines.

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it is a joke lah bro


you never read the news huh



Friend...suggest that you keep this kinda joke in check....you are playing with FIRE.....I am for one, that had been offended....

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I am relating the incident some place in Singapore on a fine Friday afternoon. My friends and I parked our cars in open space carpark together with many whom I believe to be drivers attending prayers in the nearby mosque. I admit being taking things for granted that there are many other cars on that stretch of road, we left our cars there tearing onli 30mins of coupons to have our lunch at coffee shops near to the mosque as we heard that food there is nice. Parking for your info is always packed during tat hour.


We were shocked to uncover summon slips of paper slot (You know the usual place lah) on our cars and what made us more pissed off is that others cars were left untouched. Cars especially with sutra decals imprinted on the sun shade , we thinked after checked all the others. We were like WTF ?????? Some didnt even display coupons.


Appreciate the fact that fellow parking wardens are doing such a "great" job in enforcing law and order , making sure cars or rather drivers who breach the parking rule are punished but this.....WELL ... Correct me if Im wrong, so cars with sutra decals on the sun shade will be exempted from receiving summons "on compassionate grounds" just because they have to go for FRI prayers???? Hmmmm ....


Frankly speaking Im not racist , am fine with living and respecting religion of others but just felt that that this isnt the way to do things ????? BTW officer who summoned our cars was one parking warden Madam xxxx Binte Osman.


What do you guys think ????? I rest my case [bigcry] [bigcry] [bigcry]


We tried to appeal for the ticket but HDB mainly gave us the "black and white" on that. LAN LAN SIAO SIAO pay up .


sounds like TS is adding too much sugar and spice to his story. since you know her name, you could have questioned her motives.


and if TS wants to stand by his story, tell the same story to HDB/URA whoever issued the fine.


dont come here and rant, then when complain to the authorities tell different story.


tell the same story and see the outcome. if you claim to believe in your rights, then stand by your claim.


or else, dont be a deskbound warrior. this is not kiddyland forum.

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