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An act of compassion or racism ????


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It's an open secret if u park at church or temples n u got the biggest cross or Buddha on ur car won't help. Still will get summon. But if u mix onions, stars n curly fries I'll get a different recepie.... Free parking. WTF... Dbl standard...


Thank you for desecrating a religious relic and symbol. Goes to show how mature you are.


Another internet hero; i dare you repeat your exact sentence word for word to any Muslim face to face starting with me. Are you up to it?

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Thank you for desecrating a religious relic and symbol. Goes to show how mature you are.


Another internet hero; i dare you repeat your exact sentence word for word to any Muslim face to face starting with me. Are you up to it?


Wah lao, he did not say anything explicit what, its all your creative thinking :huh:

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eh not true ah...dat time i park at road side at siglap mosque...

came out from fri prayer...every single car kena saman...


worshippers juz gave a killer stare at TP who happened to be a malay officer 2.

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Neutral Newbie

eh not true ah...dat time i park at road side at siglap mosque...

came out from fri prayer...every single car kena saman...


worshippers juz gave a killer stare at TP who happened to be a malay officer 2.


why did the worshippers give the killer stare? [confused]


is it bcos the officer is also malay?

or is it bcos the worshippers were expecting to be let off?

or is it bcos the worshippers were angry with their own mistakes and they just transfer it onto the officer?

or is it bcos the worshippers wanted to discourage officers from doing this?

or is it for some other reasons?

or is it that the worshippers just felt like staring at the officer?



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I am relating the incident some place in Singapore on a fine Friday afternoon. My friends and I parked our cars in open space carpark together with many whom I believe to be drivers attending prayers in the nearby mosque. I admit being taking things for granted that there are many other cars on that stretch of road, we left our cars there tearing onli 30mins of coupons to have our lunch at coffee shops near to the mosque as we heard that food there is nice. Parking for your info is always packed during tat hour.


We were shocked to uncover summon slips of paper slot (You know the usual place lah) on our cars and what made us more pissed off is that others cars were left untouched. Cars especially with sutra decals imprinted on the sun shade , we thinked after checked all the others. We were like WTF ?????? Some didnt even display coupons.


Appreciate the fact that fellow parking wardens are doing such a "great" job in enforcing law and order , making sure cars or rather drivers who breach the parking rule are punished but this.....WELL ... Correct me if Im wrong, so cars with sutra decals on the sun shade will be exempted from receiving summons "on compassionate grounds" just because they have to go for FRI prayers???? Hmmmm ....


Frankly speaking Im not racist , am fine with living and respecting religion of others but just felt that that this isnt the way to do things ????? BTW officer who summoned our cars was one parking warden Madam xxxx Binte Osman.


What do you guys think ????? I rest my case [bigcry] [bigcry] [bigcry]


We tried to appeal for the ticket but HDB mainly gave us the "black and white" on that. LAN LAN SIAO SIAO pay up .


too bad. if i were u i wun even bother posting here. just pay up and park somewhere else. makes u feel better.


oh yah. rmb to put enough coupons. [laugh]


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Wah lao, he did not say anything explicit what, its all your creative thinking :huh:


And a simple minded person like you believes the world revolves around explicit and direct communication. Go read up hofstede's cultural dimensions and you'll find out that we live in a society that expresses "reading between the lines".


Not everyone thinks like you my friend.

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Did u really experience such exemptions and waivers?


Since when will the government make such gestures?


The law is that inflexible here.


The warden fined me for parking outside my house and gave me a stupid suggestion to park my car at a HDB carpark 3 bus-stops away. No waivers were ever entertained.




as i have mentioned, yes, personal experience


and as i have also mentioned, this waiver isnt applicable to every estate or location... and it most certainly isn't negotiated on the spot with the warden.


it is a long process of communication with all the relevant authorities, and most probably on a pseudo "class action" basis. in other words, the problem most likely affects an entire estate or large group of people. if it only affects just you alone, i dont think they will entertain at all.


and such waiver isn't given immediately upon request. All the relevant authorities having stake in giving the waiver will have to evaluate and give their recommendations. an example which i have pointed out is that the police and scdf conducted simulation tests with huge fire engines to see if they could navigate the entire estate even with the additional vehicles parked outside


your estate committee or representative needs to do a lot of groundwork, gather a lot of evidence, genuine compelling reasons, case stories of substantial amount of people affected and have a genuine need for such a waiver. this requires a lot of effort and isn't just as simple as a petition or letter to the authorities.


the whole process takes a long long time, and not all cases will eventually be granted waiver. it is like fighting for your rights most of the time, appealing to the authorities to redraw or redesign the double yellow lines and single middle white lines. you know these lines are drawn by a human, so how appropriate they are is subject to human interpretations.


in the beginning, it was an appeal to the authorities to redraw the lines on the road, ie take away the double yellow lines and make it legal to park. but on further discussions and second thoughts, we felt that if we redraw the lines to make it legal to park, then it would open a can of worms, as other people not staying in the estate will abuse it and park for free and again deprive the residents, which is the problem in the first place.


so the best solution would be to let all the double yellow lines and centre white lines remain, make it illegal to park to prevent outsiders to abuse it and at the same time waive off penalties for the residents.... this way all abusers will be punished and the residents will have their problem solved.


so do not for once expect to be given any waiver just by talking to the warden, police, or going to your ministar office to bang table. they will tell you a straight NO! in your face.


the residents of our estate also encountered the same problem as you did, wardens telling us to park elsewhere and all. difference is we were not having any of that. we took it one step further instead of succumbing to the hurdles in our way.


those who believe in their rights and want it bad enough will go and fight for it. at most you fail, but if you succeed, the rewards are yours to enjoy


and finally, i think i have explained enough, if some of you guys do not believe and insist on thinking that the law IS the law and it will never change, then just go ahead and abide by the law really. its none of my business if one chooses want to entrap oneself in that predicament.





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As a muslim, i myself was almost summoned when a TP came to issue summons outside this mosque in the west. This mosque's location is surrounded by terrace houses, so parking there is a real hassle. Lckily a kind expat opened up her private parking space to allow me to park, otherwise i would have been summoned.


On the other hand, the newly opened mosque at buangkok informed the congregation on which road is 'permissible' to park for fri prayers. Given the location of the

mosque, i understand why this special permission was allowed.


So to say that parking wardens are racist is way off.

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as i have mentioned, yes, personal experience


and as i have also mentioned, this waiver isnt applicable to every estate or location... and it most certainly isn't negotiated on the spot with the warden.


it is a long process of communication with all the relevant authorities, and most probably on a pseudo "class action" basis. in other words, the problem most likely affects an entire estate or large group of people. if it only affects just you alone, i dont think they will entertain at all.


and such waiver isn't given immediately upon request. All the relevant authorities having stake in giving the waiver will have to evaluate and give their recommendations. an example which i have pointed out is that the police and scdf conducted simulation tests with huge fire engines to see if they could navigate the entire estate even with the additional vehicles parked outside


your estate committee or representative needs to do a lot of groundwork, gather a lot of evidence, genuine compelling reasons, case stories of substantial amount of people affected and have a genuine need for such a waiver. this requires a lot of effort and isn't just as simple as a petition or letter to the authorities.


the whole process takes a long long time, and not all cases will eventually be granted waiver. it is like fighting for your rights most of the time, appealing to the authorities to redraw or redesign the double yellow lines and single middle white lines. you know these lines are drawn by a human, so how appropriate they are is subject to human interpretations.


in the beginning, it was an appeal to the authorities to redraw the lines on the road, ie take away the double yellow lines and make it legal to park. but on further discussions and second thoughts, we felt that if we redraw the lines to make it legal to park, then it would open a can of worms, as other people not staying in the estate will abuse it and park for free and again deprive the residents, which is the problem in the first place.


so the best solution would be to let all the double yellow lines and centre white lines remain, make it illegal to park to prevent outsiders to abuse it and at the same time waive off penalties for the residents.... this way all abusers will be punished and the residents will have their problem solved.


so do not for once expect to be given any waiver just by talking to the warden, police, or going to your ministar office to bang table. they will tell you a straight NO! in your face.


the residents of our estate also encountered the same problem as you did, wardens telling us to park elsewhere and all. difference is we were not having any of that. we took it one step further instead of succumbing to the hurdles in our way.


those who believe in their rights and want it bad enough will go and fight for it. at most you fail, but if you succeed, the rewards are yours to enjoy


and finally, i think i have explained enough, if some of you guys do not believe and insist on thinking that the law IS the law and it will never change, then just go ahead and abide by the law really. its none of my business if one chooses want to entrap oneself in that predicament.


OK, fine, IF such a waiver to have been awarded, then the amnesty should have extended to ALL drivers who park there at certain times on certain days. First of all, it's the principle of the thing, secondly, it's difficult (and racist) to presume to be able to infer a person's religion from decorations on their cars.


It's ironic that if the TS had not placed a coupon at all, as per the tacit "understanding" we presume exists, he may not have been fined at all! [laugh] But he was screwed because he placed a coupon but it wasn't sufficient to cover the period.

Edited by Turboflat4
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Neutral Newbie

And a simple minded person like you believes the world revolves around explicit and direct communication. Go read up hofstede's cultural dimensions and you'll find out that we live in a society that expresses "reading between the lines".


Not everyone thinks like you my friend.



ot abit.... sorry couldnt help it.... the conversation reminded me of the scene in alice in wonderland..... ^_^



`When I use a word,' Humpty Dumpty said in rather a scornful tone, `it means just what I choose it to mean -- neither more nor less.'


`The question is,' said Alice, `whether you can make words mean so many different things.'


`The question is,' said Humpty Dumpty, `which is to be master - - that's all.'





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Sigh. Ppl use the word racism wrongly. I would call it favoritism in TS's case. Unless the parking warden saw that you are any other races other dan her own and fine you in your face, dan you can call the whole thing racism and she a racist.

Edited by Watwheels
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Let's face it, both our on top and below neighbors are Islamic nations. If our government were to disturb their friday prayers over this "who-should-park-where" issue, our neighbors' government will definitely come and disturb our government using religion as their weapon. After all, our government emphasizes on racial and religious harmony a lot, if our government were to interfere with such matter will either end up slapping their own faces or have to come up with a solution, perhaps build a car park for them. Our government won't want to do such charity.


But I still think TS should get a waiver upon this incident because is really showing a bad example. But probably if every time got waiver out of this scenario, many will take it for granted and do the same thing over and over again.

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Neutral Newbie

I am relating the incident some place in Singapore on a fine Friday afternoon. My friends and I parked our cars in open space carpark together with many whom I believe to be drivers attending prayers in the nearby mosque. I admit being taking things for granted that there are many other cars on that stretch of road, we left our cars there tearing onli 30mins of coupons to have our lunch at coffee shops near to the mosque as we heard that food there is nice. Parking for your info is always packed during tat hour.


We were shocked to uncover summon slips of paper slot (You know the usual place lah) on our cars and what made us more pissed off is that others cars were left untouched. Cars especially with sutra decals imprinted on the sun shade , we thinked after checked all the others. We were like WTF ?????? Some didnt even display coupons.


Appreciate the fact that fellow parking wardens are doing such a "great" job in enforcing law and order , making sure cars or rather drivers who breach the parking rule are punished but this.....WELL ... Correct me if Im wrong, so cars with sutra decals on the sun shade will be exempted from receiving summons "on compassionate grounds" just because they have to go for FRI prayers???? Hmmmm ....


Frankly speaking Im not racist , am fine with living and respecting religion of others but just felt that that this isnt the way to do things ????? BTW officer who summoned our cars was one parking warden Madam xxxx Binte Osman.


What do you guys think ????? I rest my case [bigcry] [bigcry] [bigcry]


We tried to appeal for the ticket but HDB mainly gave us the "black and white" on that. LAN LAN SIAO SIAO pay up .

Bro, will feel the same way if it was me. But,Act of racism from authority(Warden) is not acceptable in Singapore and should be highlighted to the Government.


However,let us see other possibilities on why those car never being issue a ticket. They might be a season holders on those particular carparks and never display their blue season label. My muslim colleague will drive home for friday prayer as the mosque is opposite his block. Possibilities is tat the warden go through every individual car but their handheld device will eventually prompt 'SEASON HOLDER' for those car and it will be an hassle for them to issue summon for season holder. And im sure if you had put a coupon on your car,the white ticket will indicate your coupon expiry timing/expire coupon nbr and the summon amount varies. I had once being issue ticket as my coupon expire 40min and the ticket amount was only $10. Couldnt blame anyone then,i know its my responsibility to place a valid coupon and would never be a sour grape to check on other pple vehicle.


According to my neighbour whom had a fren working as Carpark Enforcement,there will be complaints from resident mostly on Friday Mosque Prayers, Sunday Church, Malay Weddings and even Chinese Funeral. These Warden has no choice but to attend these carpark even though they already make their round earlier. To justify that they attend to these cases,they had to issue a Summon. Possibilities is that your vehicles was spotted first during their complaint calls and after they issue yr vehicle the ticket,they pack and go.


I hope being a literate and modern society,racial harmony should be preserve and incident like this is all being at the wrong place at the wrong time.





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As a muslim, i myself was almost summoned when a TP came to issue summons outside this mosque in the west. This mosque's location is surrounded by terrace houses, so parking there is a real hassle. Lckily a kind expat opened up her private parking space to allow me to park, otherwise i would have been summoned.


On the other hand, the newly opened mosque at buangkok informed the congregation on which road is 'permissible' to park for fri prayers. Given the location of the

mosque, i understand why this special permission was allowed.


So to say that parking wardens are racist is way off.


because the place ar buangkok dont have a place to park

futhermore it is away from any eateries

thats why they got to apply special permission


unless someone want free parking

and walk 500m to the nearest eateries

just to save parking coupons

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TS did it ever occur to you that some of the cars might be season parking


if you said double standard then i dont think it is correct

cause i was summons too doing my friday prayers

and so were some of my colleagues

as we only put 30 mins coupons

althoguh my car dont have the so call sutra decal or wahtsoever

my colleagues car ALL got those decals

but still kena summons

and the summons handed to us print the malay officer name


so what double standard?


btw if you escape the booking

most likely you will brag how clever of you to escape a booking and save some coupons

and might share the info with the rest


well, if you want to park longer than intend too

please put enough coupons cause no matter

how BIG is your sutra decal, budha, cross, etc etc

you are not entitle to free parking whatsoever


btw i did mention b4 those wardens have quota per carpark

i've seen some wardens who summons about 5 or so at the entrance of a carpark

and after that leave as i believe they fulfill those quota

leaving those inner vehicles safe from being summons

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Dont think such Waiver exist. My church pastor had been telling ppl not to do illegal parking around the area as its breaking the law. but haiz... ppl dont understand them. Got money buy car no money to pay for parking [sweatdrop]

Sometimes got money also cannot find parking lot my frnd....

U think people want to park illegally mah...

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One friday my friend went past a.. religious building, whole stretch of cars outside. He parked behind the last car and called police. TP came, he follow the TP 1 by 1 make sure all got summoned double yellow lines.

No use lah bro, they will write in for waiver...

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