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Question for the Commandos


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Yup, I always post nonsense... [laugh]


You know everything, explain lor.... [laugh]


i alr say wat...wat else u wann know? [laugh]

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Paisay, Chute, spell sala.

I know you , you know me, one big happy family. [laugh] [laugh]

every unit personnel put a bit to the maximum effort ma.


why ask me shut? [bigcry]


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Oic. haa.. We used to call them para wing rather than riggers. because my vocation is rigger as well [laugh]

go vocation rigger in army meh? never heard of. can enlighten? ^_^

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Oooorrrrr.....Play PS3 game, Bad Company 2 learn one hor, no wonder you say see form below.

You copy and paste from the game manual lah! [laugh] [laugh]

Yup, I always post nonsense... [laugh]


You know everything, explain lor.... [laugh]


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i alr say wat...wat else u wann know? [laugh]


I dunno, you explain to the rest who are interested to know... You say I post nonsense ma... So you must post sense, you are just rebuking my writing with points. Why not start from the training shed where they train for the jump near the para wing all the way to the landing what they exprience? Where the airborne badge is to be placed if Singapore airborne, Thai airborne, USA airborne. How the different badges look like (Thai airborne looks really flashy).


I am not sure about now, but I know for sure used to have to wear ankle brace. LONG LONG ago for those in their 40s that time no ankle brace, parachute also different.


But of course all I post is nonsense, why not enlighten everyone by posting how they train behind para wing to the time they touchdown on the ground for actual jump?


disclaimer: I am NSF, I serve and forget, I write what I remember, I may not know exact terms and stuff. But process and stuff still somewhat remember. May not be 100% accurate, so since you remember so much please enlighten the rest.

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Got lah, got lah, they RIG all the IPPT, so either you pass or fail lor. [laugh] That's why call Rigger,

Digger is a different vocation. [laugh]


go vocation rigger in army meh? never heard of. can enlighten? ^_^


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Paisay, Chute, spell sala.

I know you , you know me, one big happy family. [laugh] [laugh]


Oh.. no pai sey.. mis communication. LOL.


Good family, besta. [laugh]

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Got lah, got lah, they RIG all the IPPT, so either you pass or fail lor. [laugh] That's why call Rigger,

Digger is a different vocation. [laugh]



Ji tao speechless..

[laugh] [laugh]

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go vocation rigger in army meh? never heard of. can enlighten? ^_^


Yes. As Mazadaowner said lor.


Rigger is not known to a lot, only a few. Unless you are talking about para wings lor.


BTW, CDO chute is packed by who now? Still them or what?

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Mai angry lah. So you know all that, you peep at them bat7hing also ah? Wah Low!! [laugh] [laugh]

I got wear three types of brace, elbow, knee, ball, when I go East Coast play inline skating. [laugh]


I dunno, you explain to the rest who are interested to know... You say I post nonsense ma... So you must post sense, you are just rebuking my writing with points. Why not start from the training shed where they train for the jump near the para wing all the way to the landing what they exprience? Where the airborne badge is to be placed if Singapore airborne, Thai airborne, USA airborne. How the different badges look like (Thai airborne looks really flashy).


I am not sure about now, but I know for sure used to have to wear ankle brace. LONG LONG ago for those in their 40s that time no ankle brace, parachute also different.


But of course all I post is nonsense, why not enlighten everyone by posting how they train behind para wing to the time they touchdown on the ground for actual jump?


disclaimer: I am NSF, I serve and forget, I write what I remember, I may not know exact terms and stuff. But process and stuff still somewhat remember. May not be 100% accurate, so since you remember so much please enlighten the rest.


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We ever talk b4 lah, you cargo rigger, think last batch, boh liow,

plus one more kakie here. Seletar unit right? :D :D


Oh.. no pai sey.. mis communication. LOL.


Good family, besta. [laugh]


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Outsourced to Singapore Pala-Lut Packers Pte Ltd. [laugh] [laugh]

Their slogan, "You paikah, we lut" [laugh]

Yes. As Mazadaowner said lor.


Rigger is not known to a lot, only a few. Unless you are talking about para wings lor.


BTW, CDO chute is packed by who now? Still them or what?


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Mai angry lah. So you know all that, you peep at them bat7hing also ah? Wah Low!! [laugh] [laugh]

I got wear three types of brace, elbow, knee, ball, when I go East Coast play inline skating. [laugh]


Not angry la, I just want to know what is sense ma... Cause I post nonsense.... [laugh]


This is all online to me, I will not bother to get angry, I suan ppl alot one leh.... All virtual...


I just want to gather more knowledge ma, I want to hear sense! [laugh]


I also know how they cheat IPPT last time, who do what.. Where to cut across a big field for 2.4km and need to stop and wait for time before running across the finish line, the upslope area and downslope area...


What they have for BF, lunch, dinner, how the messing warrant control the quality of food, how the SOF trains daily, some parts of what happened during the time of the dunking incident. The Indian CO and warrant sibei suay, just took over... What they do (boxing matches) to ease tension amost heated up arguments....


But I post nonsense, so let the Maroon5 enlighten us by posting sense lor.... [laugh]

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We ever talk b4 lah, you cargo rigger, think last batch, boh liow,

plus one more kakie here. Seletar unit right? :D :D


Of coz i rem.. u the only person know my unit (vocation)


My unit still going on leh. Where got last batch? I just rtn back from ICT not long ago. lol


My unit 's company are separated in SG. Only 1 coy from my Battalion is in Seletar. Larc V, the rubba duck you guys see on the rd, or during CNB Open house, they have free trial on that.


The remaining are just side by side in 2 different camps. Anyway, the entire camps have to move out due to development by Gharment.


Nothing to hide. Located at Portsdown Road. I wonder will it be another Atas place or business central.

Edited by Josho
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Damien, my sister's BF.

Got also take out bolt carrier run ar? [laugh] [laugh]

I also post nonsense one lah, most of the time, I read wiki-pedia know one

and the monthly (not period) subscription of SOF, not Soldier of Fortune lah,

Special Offer & Freebies. [laugh]


Not angry la, I just want to know what is sense ma... Cause I post nonsense.... [laugh]


This is all online to me, I will not bother to get angry, I suan ppl alot one leh.... All virtual...


I just want to gather more knowledge ma, I want to hear sense! [laugh]


I also know how they cheat IPPT last time, who do what.. Where to cut across a big field for 2.4km and need to stop and wait for time before running across the finish line, the upslope area and downslope area...


What they have for BF, lunch, dinner, how the messing warrant control the quality of food, how the SOF trains daily, some parts of what happened during the time of the dunking incident. The Indian CO and warrant sibei suay, just took over... What they do (boxing matches) to ease tension amost heated up arguments....


But I post nonsense, so let the Maroon5 enlighten us by posting sense lor.... [laugh]


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"You know me, I know you, we all one big happy family" (Song) [laugh]

Your side did one cargo drop tie for .....nvm. :D

Yeah, after the old Guards unit.


Portsdown now gone right? I last heard your ex-unit shifted to new Kranji camp.

Donno if correct not. [:p]


Of coz i rem.. u the only person know my unit (vocation)


My unit still going on leh. Where got last batch? I just rtn back from ICT not long ago. lol


My unit 's company are separated in SG. Only 1 coy from my Battalion is in Seletar. Larc V, the rubba duck you guys see on the rd, or during CNB Open house, they have free trial on that.


The remaining are just side by side in 2 different camps. Anyway, the entire camps have to move out due to development by Gharment.


Nothing to hide. Located at Portsdown Road. I wonder will it be another Atas place or business central.


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"You know me, I know you, we all one big happy family" (Song) [laugh]

Your side did one cargo drop tie for .....nvm. :D

Yeah, after the old Guards unit.


Portsdown now gone right? I last heard your ex-unit shifted to new Kranji camp.

Donno if correct not. [:p]


Cargo tie si mi? Come share leh? maybe it's my lao jiao? PM PM...


Portsdown closing down. But no closing down sales. LOL


Ayer Rajah Camp, Gloucester Camp (1st Tpt), Gloucester Camp (3rd Tpt, my unit), STAR, Starhub all moving out.


New camp not at Kranji rah. Who tell you one. Smoke bomb ah.


Located somewhere... upper of SG.

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