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actually my regular workshop has been using this method for as long as I can remember  ^_^ They usually pour maybe 80-90% 1st round then finish up after letting engine run a while


80 - 90% is ok but not half.  [thumbsup]



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oh. any specific reasons?


always learning something new everyday :ph34r:


Becos when you pour the oil initially, it does not go to various parts of the engine. After the engine started, its engine driven pump will deliver the oil to various parts of the engine, thus there will be drop in level in the oil sump. So after running the engine, need to top up to maximum level on the dip stick.

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Becos when you pour the oil initially, it does not go to various parts of the engine. After the engine started, its engine driven pump will deliver the oil to various parts of the engine, thus there will be drop in level in the oil sump. So after running the engine, need to top up to maximum level on the dip stick.


shall ask my mech to try next time. thanks for the tip guru [thumbsup]

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hi i never bring own EO before for servicing... just anyhow select a EO from the ws list and recommendation... but i juz won 4l of MOTUL 5w30 from MCF contest! but people say the 5w30 not suitable for my old forte... better stick to 5w40. true? also... duno what workshop to go to for bring EO... ask a few like not very willing to entertain leh...

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hi i never bring own EO before for servicing... just anyhow select a EO from the ws list and recommendation... but i juz won 4l of MOTUL 5w30 from MCF contest! but people say the 5w30 not suitable for my old forte... better stick to 5w40. true? also... duno what workshop to go to for bring EO... ask a few like not very willing to entertain leh...


If you need 5 - 40 I can swap your 5w30 for a 5w40.



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If you need 5 - 40 I can swap your 5w30 for a 5w40.




or can pass to me?


i can take them in.. :D

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hi i never bring own EO before for servicing... just anyhow select a EO from the ws list and recommendation... but i juz won 4l of MOTUL 5w30 from MCF contest! but people say the 5w30 not suitable for my old forte... better stick to 5w40. true? also... duno what workshop to go to for bring EO... ask a few like not very willing to entertain leh...


My regular workshop for BYO oil servicing : http://www.mycarforum.com/topic/2334769-thomson-caltex-servicing/page-11


I update the price on the thread whenever I visit.

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oh i saw this on gumtree. juz checking does it include the normal checks and also usual top ups of coolant and fluids? 


Errr.................I never asked him to do any checks or touch any other fluid. Only top up wiper fluid and use compress air to blow the air filter.

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actually i clueless about such things one... just looking for a place like you know... normally your package is example $88... I bring my own EO you count me maybe $68 then you do all the things you would be doing as per a $88 package... 

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seriously if anyone interested in this 4l MOTUL H-tech 100plus 5w30 and his car suitable can PM me a reasonable price... this finding workshop stuff i find very ma farn for me... haha... pickup at ubi. 

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seriously if anyone interested in this 4l MOTUL H-tech 100plus 5w30 and his car suitable can PM me a reasonable price... this finding workshop stuff i find very ma farn for me... haha... pickup at ubi. 


You are at Ubi ? I can rec you my regular workshop. Honest SG/MY uncles there. They are at Kaki Bukit Road First East Centre. Labour $30. 


PM me if interested. 

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seriously if anyone interested in this 4l MOTUL H-tech 100plus 5w30 and his car suitable can PM me a reasonable price... this finding workshop stuff i find very ma farn for me... haha... pickup at ubi. 


I also have a bottle. Bought already, sold my old car. Now new car got to service at agent cannot use. Superb oil! Tested and proven  [thumbsup] PM me if keen.


Comparable to Liqui Moly Molygen

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Giant promo.. shell synthetic sw30 @$59 & mobil 1 sw50 synthetic @ $59.ever bought the shell engibe oil @ $39 few months ago.. fm either giant or ntuc xtra..cant remember.

Edited by SGCMmadman
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You are at Ubi ? I can rec you my regular workshop. Honest SG/MY uncles there. They are at Kaki Bukit Road First East Centre. Labour $30. 


PM me if interested. 


Can PM me the name and address of the workshop? Thanks.

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To revive this thread...

Shell 5w40 eo is selling at $29.90 instead of $50+ now whereas shnell is selling at a whopping...





$24.90 [shakehead]

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