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Celebrities & The Cars They Drive


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the last i saw her in this car was about 3 years ago.

she is still driving this?



seems like so because i saw her in a black one few months ago.

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Anybody remember Moe Alkaff? I saw him taking a cab after "ta baoing" food from east coast hawker centre. ^_^

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Like they said, "same people, different lives"


Anyway, I used to play soccer with some kid back in my school days. I swear I am at least as good as him then. Anyway, one day my dad pull me over & told me if I don't buck up for studies, I will end doing some odd jobs at the docks or construction site, & told me it will be exactly what my soccer buddy Cris will end up.


I still keep in contact with Cris, until a few years ago, I think it was last year, when he went to Spain to work. Seems like he has been doing well. A few days ago, he ask me if I wanted to join him in his yacht off the Corsican coast, whatever it is. I told him, I need to work. Economy is bad, & I am happy he is doing so well now.


Anyway, someone I known send me a link to what believed to be him, with some Russian girl (apparently, he is some sort of celebrity), so I open the link &.....Damn it, if only then...


My friend Cris caught at the Corsiacan beach [:p]


in singapore maybe a career in soccer is difficult to make it big...

but in brazil or europe, situation may be different..


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Anybody remember Moe Alkaff? I saw him taking a cab after "ta baoing" food from east coast hawker centre. ^_^


he is wise not to own a car in spore

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She used to have a very immaculate and well-maintained Merc 190E. Classic car sia. [:p]

SW 9505.?I think this car belongs to Ong Beng Seng.


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Just remembered another one.


Ben Yeo - Toyota BB.


Latest 8 Days also featured Michelle Chong and she drives a Nissan Fairlady...

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Moe Alkaff does not drive a car anymore. He uses bicycle and taxis now. You can usually see him in the early morning at East Coast park... cycling all the way to changi then he will go to the local kopi tiam to read newspaper and chit chat with the guys there. Very friendly lah. [bounce2]

Its good he supports our taxis and uses bicycle ... actually I think he is a bit of an exercise freak, see him at the gym alot of time too.


I think its good that local celebs make an effort to be more kind and green to the environment. Instead of showing off with their cars.

Also, that way, they are more like normal people. We can see them and talk to them - or at least say hallo [thumbsup][wave]

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I agree with you, he is wise not to use a car. We have good transport system in Singapore, why do we need to use cars so much. I think Moe Alkaff has the right idea. And using taxis gives work to our people too.

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Should check out Peter Lim, ex-Remisier King. Just told that he actually owns an entire block of a condo in D9, complete with basement carparks, and also multiple multiple properties.


His cars can't fit into the exclusive basement carpark, cos it exceeds the total number of lots. So some are parked in other condos.


His wife, the celeb Cherie Lim, has been seen driving many cars.... From Porsches to Lotuses... And supposedly they own every single make of Ferrari including the vintage ones.


Even Tommie may pale in comparison. Now that's what i call a celeb (wife) with a lot of cars.

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Should check out Peter Lim, ex-Remisier King. Just told that he actually owns an entire block of a condo in D9, complete with basement carparks, and also multiple multiple properties.


His cars can't fit into the exclusive basement carpark, cos it exceeds the total number of lots. So some are parked in other condos.


His wife, the celeb Cherie Lim, has been seen driving many cars.... From Porsches to Lotuses... And supposedly they own every single make of Ferrari including the vintage ones.


Even Tommie may pale in comparison. Now that's what i call a celeb (wife) with a lot of cars.



I saw Cherie lim once in a 911 turbo. Since then my biggest wish is to marry a rich chick. Met up with a old classmate, she told me that there was this girl who had a crush on me. Her family had a lambo. Wasted, there goes my ticket to wealth.

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got any celebrity drive QQ ornot ar?


even the basic pay of people like alamak also got 3k. why the need to drive a QQ if one can afford a Altis?

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Saw Jack at pasir ris Esso and he's filling up his honda civic..

Since ur say he's driving alphard, honda shld b his wife's or spare car..

If nt wrong he's staying nearby pte property..

that c-----c got his sperm bor?

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Just remembered another one.


Ben Yeo - Toyota BB.


Latest 8 Days also featured Michelle Chong and she drives a Nissan Fairlady...

I think it is daihatsu not toyota.

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used to see her hubby in an audi TT yrs back...not sure bout now

She used to have a very immaculate and well-maintained Merc 190E. Classic car sia. [:p]

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