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Ladies - Will you go to a toilet and Pee like a Man ?


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Everytime my family goes to some crowded malls or Expo, the queues to Ladies' Toilet is very very scary.

It takes a long time for them to do a simple Pee.


My daughter was crying as she was queuing in Expo and I had to bring her to the Men's as she is having stomach ache. I don't know why most Big Public places has very limited space for toilets.

I think its just being squeeze away for "Retail Space". The Worst Ratio to floor space is Expo and Suntec.


Its time that the Ladies' Toilet be reconstructed same as the Men's Toilets with Standing Urinals.


Are there any rules in Building that requires a Minimum Space for Toilets ? I find Spore and Hkg being very Stingy on Toilet Space...


Edited by Tigerwoods
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bro, teach you a trade secret, next time u are there...


go into those expo halls itself... i'm sure there will be 1-2 exhibitions that are FOC. just walk thru' the exhibits to the end where there are toilets there. they are HUGE and often quite empty.

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bro, teach you a trade secret, next time u are there...


go into those expo halls itself... i'm sure there will be 1-2 exhibitions that are FOC. just walk thru' the exhibits to the end where there are toilets there. they are HUGE and often quite empty.


rofl i thot you going to say go into those empty halls and pee there since nobody would know!

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Everytime my family goes to some crowded malls or Expo, the queues to Ladies' Toilet is very very scary.

It takes a long time for them to do a simple Pee.


My daughter was crying as she was queuing in Expo and I had to bring her to the Men's as she is having stomach ache. I don't know why most Big Public places has very limited space for toilets.

I think its just being squeeze away for "Retail Space". The Worst Ratio to floor space is Expo and Suntec.


Its time that the Ladies' Toilet be reconstructed same as the Men's Toilets with Standing Urinals.


Are there any rules in Building that requires a Minimum Space for Toilets ? I find Spore and Hkg being very Stingy on Toilet Space...




actually the girls, if they don't want to queue, can always go into the guys toilet if they don't mind.





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wat do u guys think abt lady cleaners who come in to clean toilet when u r peeing at the urinals?

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wat do u guys think abt lady cleaners who come in to clean toilet when u r peeing at the urinals?



I felt outraged and paiseh. [laugh]-_-[laugh]

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wat do u guys think abt lady cleaners who come in to clean toilet when u r peeing at the urinals?


Wouldn't mind if they don't mind.... not as if they are gonna stare at us...

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wat do u guys think abt lady cleaners who come in to clean toilet when u r peeing at the urinals?


I am not bothered about it.

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Makes no difference I think. If the toilet is more spacious the ladies will lagi take their own sweet time. Touch up make up lah, comb hair lah, trim nails lah, stare at the mirror for ages lah, adjust their dress lah, touch up fake eye lashes lah, adjust cleavage lah, etc etc.


Guys dun have to do all these. They just piss, wash their hands, at most comb their hair and they are out of there. The time take to piss is more or less the same for guys and gals. It's just that guys are minimalist and gals are a bunch of vain pots. :D

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actually the girls, if they don't want to queue, can always go into the guys toilet if they don't mind.


Right, I've read somewhere before, but not sure if I recall correctly, so PLEASE CHECK before you try :D:


Apparently, in the law, only a man can insult a woman's modesty. A woman cannot insult a man's modesty, because under the law, a man is not considered to have modesty. So if a woman walks into a men's toilet to use it... all the men in the toilet cannot report the woman for insulting their modesties :D :D :D


But a man walking into women's toilet will instantly get into trouble!

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Makes no difference I think. If the toilet is more spacious the ladies will lagi take their own sweet time. Touch up make up lah, comb hair lah, trim nails lah, stare at the mirror for ages lah, adjust their dress lah, touch up fake eye lashes lah, adjust cleavage lah, etc etc.


Guys dun have to do all these. They just piss, wash their hands, at most comb their hair and they are out of there. The time take to piss is more or less the same for guys and gals. It's just that guys are minimalist and gals are a bunch of vain pots. :D


No lah... you forgot. Gals also have to put down the toilet seat... wait a minute... first tear off some toilet paper to line their hands before touching the 'dirty' seat.


Then tear off some toilet paper to line the entire toilet seat, cos their bare bums are going to come into contact with it :D


All this takes a lot of time you know?

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Hmmm.......I wonder if a chio lady come into the man toilet and all the man peeing half way got and instant reaction and turn towards the lady . hence all the pee start to spray on the lady. will she cry molest? or wat? she is not suppose to be there in the gents in the first place. but well everytime a see the female toilet queing up I really shake my head ( the big one ok dun say i pervert) cos it takes them so long to wait for a cubicle yet when its their turn they dun be cooperative and act faster all take their own sweet time. such act actually contribute to the que just like when u at a turning right signal arrow, the first few car travel slowly cos they they dun bother about those car behind them also wan to get home faster. but they only know that they are the first few so no matter how slow they travel the are dafinately able to cross the junction. Hate such drivers . sometimes its the mentality of people, everytime care only abt themself. as long as they got what they wan , dun care abt others. ever come across many drivers green arrow take their own sweet time to move off then one arrow only one car can pass .... [rifle]

Edited by Raygooh
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Everytime my family goes to some crowded malls or Expo, the queues to Ladies' Toilet is very very scary.

It takes a long time for them to do a simple Pee.


My daughter was crying as she was queuing in Expo and I had to bring her to the Men's as she is having stomach ache. I don't know why most Big Public places has very limited space for toilets.

I think its just being squeeze away for "Retail Space". The Worst Ratio to floor space is Expo and Suntec.


Its time that the Ladies' Toilet be reconstructed same as the Men's Toilets with Standing Urinals.


Are there any rules in Building that requires a Minimum Space for Toilets ? I find Spore and Hkg being very Stingy on Toilet Space...




seriously why do u even care?

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No lah... you forgot. Gals also have to put down the toilet seat... wait a minute... first tear off some toilet paper to line their hands before touching the 'dirty' seat.


Then tear off some toilet paper to line the entire toilet seat, cos their bare bums are going to come into contact with it :D


All this takes a lot of time you know?

Got one time my wife was wondering what the lady before her was doing so long in the cubicle when waiting for her turn. Like what you said lining the toilet seat with toilet paper.... [rolleyes] . I commented her backside made of gold. :D

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Hmmm.......I wonder if a chio lady come into the man toilet and all the man peeing half way got and instant reaction and turn towards the lady . hence all the pee start to spray on the lady. will she cry molest? or wat? she is not suppose to be there in the gents in the first place.


I think the chances for the above to happen is very low.


Not every guy would perceive beauty the same way and not every guy would react the same way. Some probably won't be bothered. Some probably old man, no reaction.





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Neutral Newbie

Makes no difference I think. If the toilet is more spacious the ladies will lagi take their own sweet time. Touch up make up lah, comb hair lah, trim nails lah, stare at the mirror for ages lah, adjust their dress lah, touch up fake eye lashes lah, adjust cleavage lah, etc etc.


Guys dun have to do all these. They just piss, wash their hands, at most comb their hair and they are out of there. The time take to piss is more or less the same for guys and gals. It's just that guys are minimalist and gals are a bunch of vain pots. :D


Doesn't apply to my wife. She's sometimes faster than me if there's no queue. Even her male friends also commented that she's faster than them too. She pees, wash hand and she's out of the toilet. I'll be slower than her if I wash my hand, then use handkerchief to dry my hands and wipe my oily face before I walk out, and she'll be already outside waiting for me.... <_<

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No lah... you forgot. Gals also have to put down the toilet seat... wait a minute... first tear off some toilet paper to line their hands before touching the 'dirty' seat.


Then tear off some toilet paper to line the entire toilet seat, cos their bare bums are going to come into contact with it :D


All this takes a lot of time you know?



yeah true also, especially if their "time of the month" comes, they will take even longer.


But seriously I am puzzled how come they dun built more ladies toilet or makes more cubicles for them? coz i see them queue also very sianz, imagine you are going to "lao sai" already and quickly walk to the nearest toilet then see the queue damn long, how? [sweatdrop]


I only remember once really there was a lady who seems very uptight in her expressions (duno is lao sai or da yi ma), and standing outside the male toilet in cathay orchard (dat place ladies toilet queue damn long especially after movie finishes), i offered to help her check if any guys in there so she can relieve herself. Even standing outside the door telling those who wana go in to wait for a while... :D

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There are......tools that allow a woman to pee standing up.


These little paper things. Where they insert them into their, erm, hoo-has.


And then they pee. Standing up.


You know, just for you to consider.

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