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Overcharged in JB Shell petrol kiosk......


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How come alwes happen to you ah??? that time trf wrong acct? Now this??? Think you shld just carry cash..n offense...you not fit to cary credit


dont like that lah... because of him always can learn something new! that's a good thing!

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Its a standard pratice in Malaysia to charge a pre-Authorisation amount of RM200. These pratice also applies to Hotel & car rental companies that accept credit card. Normally these amount are estimated and should be higher than the actual amount.


This pre-authorisation amount should be transparent to credit card holders like us. RM200 will reflect in the bank system but will not be billed to customers. That mean: if you pump RM24, your credit limit will be less RM200. At the end of day, Shell will update the actual amount using the pre-authorisation code to bill to us. Our statement will only show RM24. Please ensure your limit is sufficient when using the self service pump in Petrol Kiosk.


The trouble with Debit card is that, there are no credit limit but our own $$. So what ever amount Shell pre-authorised will be a direct debit on our account. This will reflect on your e-statement immediately. This will only be rectified only when Shell bill the RM24 which may take days! [knife]


My advise. Try not to use your debit card on a Petrol self service kiosk. Also inform the hotel or car rental companies that your card of yours is a debit card. In most case, they will ask you to give a credit card becasue they know the hassle of cancelling the pre-authorisation amount which may take weeks!!!! [thumbsdown]

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I think my mayabnk kard doesnt come with "chip" outisde. I believe the chip is embedded inside. No wonder the last time I pump at shel just outside msia custom, the pump attendant ask me to pay cash, said my cardd "ta boleh" use.... :(


Btw, which card did you use? CIMB? I read they give 8% petrol rebates for Msia????


its either Chip embedded on the outside or magnetice strip. Boleh land has learnt, the amount of fraud in their land was so high that they were one of the earliest to convert their cards to chip and credit machine that accept chip cards in the region. Magetic strip was so easily copied then chip cards. They are now afraid to accept magnetic strip card for the fear of countefiet. Boleh land was once the land of credit card counterfeiter!

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Neutral Newbie

i more interested in the associated recreation bill.... which spa is that?


You are very sharp, such questions must ask using PM lah [laugh]

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You are very sharp, such questions must ask using PM lah [laugh]


the picture put so big liao mah....... no need pm lar..... anyway i think it is spa.... but maybe is not leh? maybe is a coffeeshop or lan shop leh?

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Neutral Newbie

the picture put so big liao mah....... no need pm lar..... anyway i think it is spa.... but maybe is not leh? maybe is a coffeeshop or lan shop leh?


Heard happening in JB siah.... lol :D

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You are not fit to tell me whether I am fit to carry anything. I start a thread to ask for opinion and create awareness. Dun come in say have say no have if you have nothing better to say then just shut up ok.


Bro, stay calm la.


It's more safe and convenient for using cash in foreign countries.

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Interesting....why should this be practised? No doubt, it is transparent and is returned backend...still puzzles me <_<



Suggest this PARTICULAR petrol station be avoided


Even our National carrier also do that. U sign S$5000.

3-5 days later, when u check your available balance, it will show that around S$9900+ deduct from your account.

The balance S$4900+ (in the pipeline) will return back to your account in the next 7-10 workings days.


If your card limit is S$8000, you may not be able to use the card. Must wait for the extra deducted money to be return back to yr acct.


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Neutral Newbie

you need recommendations? [:p]


Thank you bro, no need, I've many happening friends... I need recommendations to make more money...hahahaha....lol

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Thank you bro, no need, I've many happening friends... I need recommendations to make more money...hahahaha....lol


then you recommend me? lol


be one of the massaues...... ok no OT liao.... paiseh... but i learnt something new today....

Edited by Galantspeedz
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Neutral Newbie

then you recommend me? lol


be one of the massaues...... ok no OT liao.... paiseh... but i learnt something new today....


So far heard only, but didnt try out myself... ok I'll PM you once there's leads. I think we need to stop here, this is getting too far liao...lol

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Neutral Newbie

In malaysia, best is to pay cash. No choice then credit cards. Exchange currency rate is better in Singapore . My favourite is City Plaza.

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I just now pump RM24++ of petrol from Shell at JB 大马花园 and when I come back I check my banking statement I am charged RM200!!!!!


Then I call the bank the person ask me to go back to the station and check with them. So I went in again and check but the pump attendant ask me check with bank again because the receipt amount is correct so is bank error. Then I ask to speak to the boss he says boss not around and as me go back next morning.


So I come back to Singapore again and call the bank again. Then the customer service staff told me usually for petrol kiosk the amount charged is not the final amount. When the merchant make a claim then the final amount will be credited to them and the balance will be credited back to my account.


Anyone encounter this issue before? So I need to go find the boss again the next day or wait for the amount to be finalize as told to me by the bank customer service staff???




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I've kenna before. Nothing to do with the kiosk itself. It was the system.... the dude at the counter tried repeatedly on one occasion to log in RM$50, but instead of rejecting, it appeared as approved for RM$0.05 or RM$5.00. Happened a few times at different stations. When I got back, each time they held it, it was SGD$20 held.... so it was nearly $200 on hold (debit visa too). Cleared up on its own after a mth.


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not sure what card u used.


but, we used a msian maybank debit card (as in, maybank acct opened in msia). outright they will charge rm200, average next 3 workg days, iirc, you will see a refund of rm200 followed by the actual charge.


this is a very tedious process whereby one hv to print out monthly statement & check but this is something that we hv to adapt to.


thus, i suggest u wait & see okay. don't waste time going in to clear this matter unless u r workg there.

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The risk is on the blind side.........God knows what funny things will happen to yr card.


Better to use cash. Zero risk.



No true bro... though I dont drive to Msia to pump that often, so far those instances that I went in, I use my maybank credit kard, it gives 5% rebates for all petrol station. In the end, I still make 1% or 2% after deducting the forex forex. I also used this card for groceries, also comes with 5% rebates. But using the credit card at petrol kisok is troublesome, have to go counter and the lady at the counter will give "approval" and then anounced via loud speaker to pump for me while I wait at the counter.... sigh... like scared I runaway or card is screwed....sigh


P.s. I dont work for maybank!!!


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So far heard only, but didnt try out myself... ok I'll PM you once there's leads. I think we need to stop here, this is getting too far liao...lol


Havent CSI how can stop? Lion Spa is it? hehehe

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