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Other motorist spitting at your car


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sadly , this is the kind of FT that our gahment love to embrace



And our gov love to give them rotan when their own cars kena such nonsense [whip]

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would be good to keep some packs of 'human juice' in car now [laugh][laugh]



Ha ha I think if u can seal those lao sai poo well....comes in handy if kena such motoring pests...think that fella's car will smell like poo forever [bigcry]

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i would cmf come down of the car and ask that chao ang mo kao wtf is his problem. must win the face back knn if not they think singaporeans nice to bully ah.


spit his car back


sounds childish yes. but this kinda thing is face issue. kenna beat by him nvm but must at least wet his nose also



B4, u can argue......The traffic light turn green and it is time to go......Then u will get horn instead.......


Then u c who kena spit again?

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If I want to use my anus for this, will have to wait till I get explosive diarrhea.


His car will look like it has gone through a mud field.


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Farking white.. If possible use a block of ice and smash his windscreen... Ice melts no evidence Liao ....


Good idea.....but we need a freezer in the car to make this viable.....seriously these whites should be taught a lesson not to fark around with locals in their territory.....they still think like the good old british days the asians have to kowtow to them ah ?

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I dunno leh. I'm going to believe it's an accident by some fella who tripped while holding a cup of coffee. AFAIK I never offend anyone, so can't really be deliberate (unless it's some bo liao prankster).


At least it's not acid or anything (which is what I thought initially), but had to go wash the car later. Sian.


(This is abt a year or so ago)


Haha... yours is black and mine is white [laugh].


I kena before but it was soya bean milk. How I know its soya milk because that was a soya bean milk cup (brand/label) just next to the car door.


I have the same thought that some kuku must had accidentally spilled it.



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Yesterday....while waiting at a traffic light....I saw a funny and shocking incident


Got a black sedan was driving along ulu pandan road...then a red mazda 3 sedan with black rims suddenly cut into the black sedan's lane without signalling. Black sedan horned the red mazda. Both cars came to a stop at traffic light side by side and driver of red mazda who is an ang mor kia popped out of his window and spit at the black car [shocked]


If you were the black sedan....what would u do if someone spit at your car like this ?


This ang mor kia reminds me of pai kia michael fay....very garang and gung ho in our country [furious][hur][thumbsdown]


PM me the car number so that I can siam this car.



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people put coffee, ciggi butts on my mustank, i am not bothered, so his saliva i lagi not bothered


but there is a [pirate] side in me telling me to side swipe his little car a bit for ego reasons


There is an [angel] side of me telling me to sua la, forgive and forget la, maybe poor boy got a bad day


i probably wont listen to my dark side but find it hard to listen to angel also


i probably choose middle of the road startegy to give him lots of black smoke [sly] but i am very very unlikely to be faster than his agile car to give him any black smoke spa treatment [bigcry]


ai yah say so much still LPPL [grin]

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i saw this kind of incident before. a biker spit at a female driver's mazda 3 along leng kee. [laugh]

my guess is the female driver almost hit the biker and he give chase and spit at her car. she was so stunt!

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i saw this kind of incident before. a biker spit at a female driver's mazda 3 along leng kee. [laugh]

my guess is the female driver almost hit the biker and he give chase and spit at her car. she was so stunt!



Sometimes bikers also quite funny....want to play with cars which IMHO is quite stupid whether whoever is right or wrong....what if the driver of the car kisiao and chase the bike and at the next traffic light....smash into the bugger ? Old chinese saying.....man wrap over bike.....car = metal protecting man.....come collision time...who suffer more ? The biker most probably in ICU and family got to make arrangement with undertakers if his condition worsens...... and the driver just send car for repair or shop for new car [drivingcar]

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Spit only ah?


Last time got someone spill (or pour) coffee on mine leh. Sian 1/2.


looked like you have power man-boobs



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Sometimes bikers also quite funny....want to play with cars which IMHO is quite stupid whether whoever is right or wrong....what if the driver of the car kisiao and chase the bike and at the next traffic light....smash into the bugger ? Old chinese saying.....man wrap over bike.....car = metal protecting man.....come collision time...who suffer more ? The biker most probably in ICU and family got to make arrangement with undertakers if his condition worsens...... and the driver just send car for repair or shop for new car [drivingcar]


thats why must carry some big marbles with you when you ride. if got a------e driver playing with your life. smash his windscreen with a marble. he will be too shocked to retaliate immediately. confirmed. faster escape before he recovers and combines you and your ride with his radiator. [laugh]


try this if only you ride fast bike. higher chance to escape [smash]

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thats why must carry some big marbles with you when you ride. if got a------e driver playing with your life. smash his windscreen with a marble. he will be too shocked to retaliate immediately. confirmed. faster escape before he recovers and combines you and your ride with his radiator. [laugh]


try this if only you ride fast bike. higher chance to escape [smash]



Marbles ? How abt a miniature bowling ball ? Confirm that victim sure KO [angel]:wacko:

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