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Family with four cars unhappy they have only one lot


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We did take it for granted. I went around recently to ask and it seems that no one is aware of this ruling that each household is only allowed 3 cars. A kind neighbour allowed us to use his unit for the fourth car....


Only the first car is free. We are paying 50 for every subsequent car.. My headache now is for the fifth which i'm due to collect tomm.

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well, penthouse owners usually have the highest share value in the condo.


maintenance also pay the highest.


so... seems fair, yes?

Will I be right to say the maintenance paid is a proxy of share value which is also a proxy of sq ft of their unit? If this is so, then unless their penthouse is 4x that of the smallest sized unit which will be entitled to only 1 lot, then yes. but if the penthouse is 2x bigger only (and we do know there are penthouses like that, esp the recently built ones in the last decade), then 4 is way too much.


I don't know condo rules. I pay $65 to HDB to park in open space carpark subject to birds shxtting on my car one. [:p]

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i have long been advocate of hong kong system if any one has read my posts i nthe past.


to me HK and singapore are similar in many ways in our economic development, social and cultural system.


the only difference we had is governments that pays themselves very differently.


if our govt is willing to pay themselves less, they would be able to achieve the same level of car prices and low congestion.

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We did take it for granted. I went around recently to ask and it seems that no one is aware of this ruling that each household is only allowed 3 cars. A kind neighbour allowed us to use his unit for the fourth car....


Only the first car is free. We are paying 50 for every subsequent car.. My headache now is for the fifth which i'm due to collect tomm.


Oh well.... maybe another neighbour can help, or perhaps you can suggest to your body corporate that you'll pay extra for the 5th car? Are there any places just outside your place where you can park this car be it free or with purchase of season parking?

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i have long been advocate of hong kong system if any one has read my posts i nthe past.


to me HK and singapore are similar in many ways in our economic development, social and cultural system.


the only difference we had is governments that pays themselves very differently.


if our govt is willing to pay themselves less, they would be able to achieve the same level of car prices and low congestion.


Whats the HK system like? I know the japanese system require you to prove that you have an available parking space before you can purchase a car.

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i think sis drive pickarp better, son drive SLK. cos female drive meow meow.... pickarp anyhow bang also never mind


with norm car, they could already bang so many things in carpark, i dare not imagine with a pickup, how much more serious damages it could inflict onto others .... [laugh]


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Yours really takes the cake! The strata lot is your property, which means the car is trespassing. If you are really free and rich, you could really have a lot of fun with the law. It might not be profitable but you would get to see the priceless look on their faces.


Did you know for example, it may sometimes be legal for a property owner to remove safety devices that rock climbers who are trespassing on his property are using?


Not so simple if the offenders are your fellow neighbours. [knife] Sometimes v hard to be tolerant and neighbourly..... [furious]

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Stupid condo council.

First car free!

Second car $90

Third car $180

Fourth car $300

Per month collection!

Conduct a EOGM to motion this rule.

I am sure itsfair for those who are rich



yah, agree... if still doesnt work, up some more, eg 2nd car- $300/mth, 3rd car $700/mth, 4th car $2000/mth... sure can solve the problem! afterall, the money will go to the fund for the condo...

Edited by Tigershark1976
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If ppl look at an unbiased pov, a penthouse can easily cover the floor area of the regular condo of 3~4 units. Dan it's not unreasonable for them to have 3~4 cars parked at the premises. But becos of the technical issue of having the unit as a whole they kenna penalised, I feel that it's kinda silly. Penalising the minority and the issue is not even about the lack of lots. Inflexible rules. IMO staying at HDB is better, nobody will disturb you whether you have more dan one car or 10 cars.



not really bro, in some area, HDB restrict the season carpark purchase. I am currently facing the same problem in Yishun, the 2nd car we owned have to be parked at the MCSP 200M+ away from my block... i look at it positively and take it as an exercise every morning/evening [laugh][laugh][laugh]

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funny leh some people ask why need so many family car?


if the family size is 4, made up of 2 parents and 2 kids who are young adults.. have 1 car for each, very weird meh? i don't think so. if people can afford, what can u do?


even if its only a couple, they want to have different cars, 1 luxury sedan, 1 sports cabriolet coupe, 1 SUV.. i think nothing wrong also.


parking lots wise, i think their only way out is to buy a bigger landed property. if they sell their penthouse to buy a much bigger landed, i think they need to top up alot alot more, for those can park 3-4 cars.


actually, those with 1-2 lots is fine, can park along the roads for most landed estates.


if i were to stay in a condo and the mgt come up with such stupid rule suddenly, im sure i will be fine to pay the extra maint cost for each cars.


but to create a drama by blocking entrance, police come.. really not needed.

Edited by Extramint
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Four cars. Most landed only squeeze in two cars, and main gate cannot lock liao.

Unless they can find landed with bigger porch. Even parking outside of landed also god problem as many also got multiple cars along the landed houses.

The landed around hillview area, I think also tough to park four cars la.

Tough luck.

I think all the new condos, especially town area have even less carparks than units!!!!

There will be more problems in those condos!


The council should price the limited visitors lots to those owners will more cars. The money can use for their special new year or year end function parties.



eh, you must go and look at landed properties leh.. not those small size terrace house in hillview..

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Hillington Green, just beside where i stay..


My condo charge additional monthly fees for 2nd car onwards.. 2nd car $40, 3rd car $80, 4th car onwards i think %160 per car..

so far, no worries got not enough lots... :D

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Four cars. Most landed only squeeze in two cars, and main gate cannot lock liao.

Unless they can find landed with bigger porch. Even parking outside of landed also god problem as many also got multiple cars along the landed houses.

The landed around hillview area, I think also tough to park four cars la.

Tough luck.

I think all the new condos, especially town area have even less carparks than units!!!!

There will be more problems in those condos!


The council should price the limited visitors lots to those owners will more cars. The money can use for their special new year or year end function parties.


They can move across Upper Bukit Timah to the Chestnut area. Plenty of GCBs and large sized landed houses for them to choose from. Most can easily fit 3-4 cars.

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Not so simple if the offenders are your fellow neighbours. [knife] Sometimes v hard to be tolerant and neighbourly..... [furious]


I heard a story that some kuku neighbour parked his car in front of the gate of a house belonging to the boss of a construction company. The boss called his workers to bring down a huge cement block using a lorry and unloaded it in front of his neighbour's gate. In the end, both cannot leave their house to go to work. [laugh]


End up call mata. [whip]


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