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Need advice - infant care OR maid + mums


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Dear all,


My baby girl is coming to 7 weeks old soon. Smart and healthy (according to PD...3 visits so far) but otherwise cranky little girl that cries a lot...having some heartburn and indigestion issues...


We are considering the next steps after my wife's maternity leave is over....the options are...


1. Infant care. We will find a good one...at most 1:3 ratio that is near our place. I will send her to infant care in the morning and back in the evening. Problem: we are afraid that the infantcare teacher will just leave her crying and not carry her when she does...also babt after 4 months can take solid food...not sure if the infantcare will feed her solid food or if they have the patients.


2. We will engage a foreign domestic maid from Myanmar and ask our mum to stay with us over weekday. 1-3 my mum...4-5 her mum. Problem: too many nightmare stories about maid. My sister had such a nightmare last time that she packed and sent back the maid on 2nd week home...forfeiting her maid load of 2-3k. Also, having mum and inlaw over will create another set of problems...waiting to be discovered.


Advise needed....


If you had sent your baby to infantcare, please share your experience and what to look out for.


If you have a foreign domestic maid, please advise on the steps to getting a maid. Also, which agencies are more reliable...that i know is another nightmare. Also...how much did you pay upfront on the maid loan and whats the agency fee like. And how many exchange allow and within what timeframe.


Many thanks in advance! [:)]

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  On 4/5/2010 at 1:10 AM, Thargor said:

Dear all,


My baby girl is coming to 7 weeks old soon. Smart and healthy (according to PD...3 visits so far) but otherwise cranky little girl that cries a lot...having some heartburn and indigestion issues...


We are considering the next steps after my wife's maternity leave is over....the options are...


1. Infant care. We will find a good one...at most 1:3 ratio that is near our place. I will send her to infant care in the morning and back in the evening. Problem: we are afraid that the infantcare teacher will just leave her crying and not carry her when she does...also babt after 4 months can take solid food...not sure if the infantcare will feed her solid food or if they have the patients.


2. We will engage a foreign domestic maid from Myanmar and ask our mum to stay with us over weekday. 1-3 my mum...4-5 her mum. Problem: too many nightmare stories about maid. My sister had such a nightmare last time that she packed and sent back the maid on 2nd week home...forfeiting her maid load of 2-3k. Also, having mum and inlaw over will create another set of problems...waiting to be discovered.


Advise needed....


If you had sent your baby to infantcare, please share your experience and what to look out for.


If you have a foreign domestic maid, please advise on the steps to getting a maid. Also, which agencies are more reliable...that i know is another nightmare. Also...how much did you pay upfront on the maid loan and whats the agency fee like. And how many exchange allow and within what timeframe.


Many thanks in advance! [:)]


i heard that at infant care home, they do not purposely put your baby to nap. meaning that when they reach home, the baby might not had taken any nap meaning that they will likely slp very early in the evening and hence do not spend enough time with her parents. one more consideration is to look for a babysitter (Babysitter home base)

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too many horror stories about babysitter (based on their home type)....


How how how...i see my baby cry big tears over weekend...my heart also break....

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hmmm... for me i would let my mum take care. actually me n my wife to be talked abt it. and yea. my mum should be retiring and take care of baby.



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i use the mum + maid method


maid is heng sway one but having the mum at home to be the supervisor mitigates alot of the heng sway issues


having grandparents are a big bonus for kids because [grouphug] , children's face becomes [grin]


my friend's dad [angel] , his kid [bigcry] .....haizzzzzzzz

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  On 4/5/2010 at 1:10 AM, Thargor said:

Dear all,


My baby girl is coming to 7 weeks old soon. Smart and healthy (according to PD...3 visits so far) but otherwise cranky little girl that cries a lot...having some heartburn and indigestion issues...


We are considering the next steps after my wife's maternity leave is over....the options are...


1. Infant care. We will find a good one...at most 1:3 ratio that is near our place. I will send her to infant care in the morning and back in the evening. Problem: we are afraid that the infantcare teacher will just leave her crying and not carry her when she does...also babt after 4 months can take solid food...not sure if the infantcare will feed her solid food or if they have the patients.


2. We will engage a foreign domestic maid from Myanmar and ask our mum to stay with us over weekday. 1-3 my mum...4-5 her mum. Problem: too many nightmare stories about maid. My sister had such a nightmare last time that she packed and sent back the maid on 2nd week home...forfeiting her maid load of 2-3k. Also, having mum and inlaw over will create another set of problems...waiting to be discovered.


Advise needed....


If you had sent your baby to infantcare, please share your experience and what to look out for.


If you have a foreign domestic maid, please advise on the steps to getting a maid. Also, which agencies are more reliable...that i know is another nightmare. Also...how much did you pay upfront on the maid loan and whats the agency fee like. And how many exchange allow and within what timeframe.


Many thanks in advance! [:)]


Yo Bro, not to scare you but I also had some nightmare story on infant care center, got 1 news although it is from Thailand: The infant care taker beat up the baby so hard and the bb is having multiple facture and brain damage. It is scary and it went to the morning news+talk show in thailand the parents is trying to sue the infant care center, but i do not have any update after that. Saw the photo of the bb it is sad.


I am expecting my 1st bb girl this july and am trying to ask my dad and my mum in-law to help out too. For me I really don't trust outsider to take care of my bb. I will choose option 2 if I was u. Since ur parents and parents in law will be arround and just ask the maid to help out in whatever way necessary.

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I would prefer someone close to you, taking care of your baby. If your mun or mum-in-law can help taking care of your child, y not. Employ a maid to help out with the other chores.

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  On 4/5/2010 at 1:24 AM, Dj_spike said:

Do u know that the nurses at hospitals also leave the babies alone when they cry????

They bo chup until its feeding time.... [laugh]


you dont scare him lah.. the main reason is that they got no enough man power. if they have the time, they will carry the baby 1 by 1. but if its feeding time, the baby feeding one come first.

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From our personnal experience, nanny will be the best choice. But you have to go personnally to view the nanny's home environment and their kids. So far i've use 2 different nanny for ah girl, both care for her very well. Luck plays a part as well. Try not to touch the maid, cos most have all sorts of funny tricks. Very difficult to find a good one. Infant care is even worst. They have to mangle among the kids there and passing on cough, flu among themselves is rampant and very common(cos its aircon and enclose area). Furthermore you have to rush to send and fetch her from the centre............plus imagine you get back a sick baby. Be prepapre to take urgent leave. This will happen very very often if you choose infant care centre.


When your kid is at least 3 yrs old, go get a maid. Try not to put into full day childcare centre. Cos they do reject your kid on the spot once they detected even the slightest flu and cough sympton. Go for those 2hours learning school is sufficient.


In a nutshell...........


Nanny pros : baby gets regular feeds and rest which we think is extemely important for thier growth development. Can request nanny to help out overnight if necessary.

Nanny cons : not cheap. About $600-$800 daycare from mon - fri. If overnight can easily costs you $800-$1000. They will ask for few days leave as well.


Maid pros : baby gets to stay at home. Not need to rsuh like mad and risk getting sick unnecessary

Maid cons : i've heard of toooooo many horry stories about them. A baby cant complaint if gets ill-treated. Enough said.


Infant care : Sorry. It doesnt appeal to me at all. So no comments.


Btw..........my ah girl have been through Nanny --> 2 different childcares --> nanny ---> now we got maid. Horrible trial and error experiences. So now scare like shiit of taking urgent leave. Now so much better, ah girl P1, ah boy 3+ yrs old.....and now we got a good maid.

Edited by Hiphiphoray
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Infant care is out of the question. They can't make decision to send your kid to the doctor when she's sick. Dan you have to rush to & fro from your workplace to childcare center to clinic. Where got time?

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I prefer if u take a maid, everyday send the maid to ur inlaw or ur parents place.


The maid will clean their house, so the elder folks will take care of ur child & keep an eye on the maid.

Coz i will be taking dat option too in few mths time.

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hey bro i'm using the mum + maid method. this way not only u have a baby sitter but also a housekeeper... as good as your second wife! Since both parents are working its best this way if you have no other options after considering other family members that might take care for you. But get an experienced maid thats willing to work hard. You must find the maid or possible interview her before you engage her. For me i just chose the one thats already married with a child so she already has the experience of handling a child/baby. Then don get the ones that are too young or too old. Lastly, the "mom" just need to oversee her and the kids. Then slowly introduce the maid to some educational videos or books to let your child play with. Niway now your baby only few weeks old, it will only sleep more than play. so its best get that maid soon.

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  On 4/5/2010 at 2:16 AM, Watwheels said:

Infant care is out of the question. They can't make decision to send your kid to the doctor when she's sick. Dan you have to rush to & fro from your workplace to childcare center to clinic. Where got time?



Yeah this is one part i really hate about care ctrs, THEY have too many kids too handle!!! I'd rather have 1 : 1 ratio with a maid then 1: 3,4,who knows how many at care ctrs. Both ways they are strangers. but atleast the maid will be 24/7 with us.

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Frankly. Both are not really ideal, impression by you from your concerns and responses to bros here...


To be fair to your in laws and parents, they have spent more than half their life looking after you. And probably only starting to save for their retirment, now that yhou are married. Why bother them to look after your kid? Ask them to look for 3 years? 4 maybe 5 years? Would you be having more bb?


Look. Give them a break. Give them a monthly allowance to look after baby is not going to help them in planning their retoirement.


Unless you vouch you will take care of them financially and well being.


I considered your options too when I had my kid.


My wife and I went through through considerations. She quitted to look after our kid full time. Was well worth it. Kids looked after by Mum really different.


I know you are going to say money not enuff blah blah. But please, you have to adjust your lifestyle to manage along. Isn't it all about the all holy parent love for the kid?

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There are pros and cons on either infantcare or maid.


Infant Care - If baby is sick. u guys have to take leave to care for her. and it could occur quite often. BIL using this route. they take turns to take leave at least once a month due to sick kid


Maid + Supervisor (our folks) - I am using this route.

For maids, I am using this agent. quite reliable. He does recommend those that have is more suited to care for kids.

PM me if you need to know more details and about the experience.

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  On 4/5/2010 at 2:45 AM, Osiris said:

There are pros and cons on either infantcare or maid.


Infant Care - If baby is sick. u guys have to take leave to care for her. and it could occur quite often. BIL using this route. they take turns to take leave at least once a month due to sick kid


Maid + Supervisor (our folks) - I am using this route.

For maids, I am using this agent. quite reliable. He does recommend those that have is more suited to care for kids.

PM me if you need to know more details and about the experience.



Thanks bro, have send you a PM :)

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