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Complaint on this Taxi


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Neutral Newbie

Fellow forumers and bro,


this morning, 31/03/2010, at 1005am, while i was on my way to work with my fren, going to bugis, a COMFORT TAXI SHD3220X almost bang into me when i was making a left turn into Queen Street near Rochor Centre. I saw him coming from behind at a fast speed and jam brakes till i could hear the screeching sounds of his tires.. he almost hit the right side of my vios, close to the drivers seat.


i ignored his actions, and proceed on to the traffic light juz before the ERP gantry at Queen Street. There is only 1 lane to proceed ahead into Queen Street and my car was in front of SHD3220X. but he managed to squeeze on the same lane to get in front of me as the lane was quite big. after almost getting pass me, he steered to the right delibrately and almost hit the left side of my car..


WORST OF ALL... when approaching the ERP gantry at Queen Street( MAC on the left hand side) he jammed hard on his brakes, as i had no time to react, I fell for the trap! and kana his backside!!

I got out my car, furiously F***Ked him upside down, but he juz ignored me and carried on taking pictures using his phone, i snatched his phone, and asked him wat was his problem, he ignored.. after taking pictures, he juz left, i didnt have time to ask for his IC and took pictures of his backside..

in another words, im at the losing end..



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Fellow forumers and bro,


this morning, 31/03/2010, at 1005am, while i was on my way to work with my fren, going to bugis, a COMFORT TAXI SHD3220X almost bang into me when i was making a left turn into Queen Street near Rochor Centre. I saw him coming from behind at a fast speed and jam brakes till i could hear the screeching sounds of his tires.. he almost hit the right side of my vios, close to the drivers seat.


i ignored his actions, and proceed on to the traffic light juz before the ERP gantry at Queen Street. There is only 1 lane to proceed ahead into Queen Street and my car was in front of SHD3220X. but he managed to squeeze on the same lane to get in front of me as the lane was quite big. after almost getting pass me, he steered to the right delibrately and almost hit the left side of my car..


WORST OF ALL... when approaching the ERP gantry at Queen Street( MAC on the left hand side) he jammed hard on his brakes, as i had no time to react, I fell for the trap! and kana his backside!!

I got out my car, furiously F***Ked him upside down, but he juz ignored me and carried on taking pictures using his phone, i snatched his phone, and asked him wat was his problem, he ignored.. after taking pictures, he juz left, i didnt have time to ask for his IC and took pictures of his backside..

in another words, im at the losing end..




sad to hear that happened to you


just to clarify:


u turn left into queen street from Arab street??


he was behind u turning left from arab street too??




got to say you are really on losing end, perhaps if your car had a video camera then would have helped your case a lot..

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maybe this taxi driver needs money..that maybe the reason he doing that hahaha


maybe he lost his money at IR

time to find ways to recoup his lost

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Neutral Newbie

Nowadays, I dunno why, cabs seems to be very very fast. Is it really the need for them to drive so fast can cause hazards to other road users?

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I know of 1 taxi driver who drive for 3 years and always complaints that he need a rest because he can't find another relief driver.

He said that how nice if someone crashing into his back for a major repairing in the Taxi workshop, then he will go for an few days vacation.

I was arrrr.... and replied to him "you are so mean man [shakehead] " !!!


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Nowadays, I dunno why, cabs seems to be very very fast. Is it really the need for them to drive so fast can cause hazards to other road users?

Always pay special attention whenever you drive near a taxi [:/] . You just never know when will they brake their car or cut into your lane.

Edited by Jp66
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