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Felt so cheated by Borneo Motor


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Neutral Newbie

Sorry I would like to inquire, if my agent bid for my 2nd time COE at $29,666, which i didn't get, how come for the latest one, he only keyed in for me at $24,499?? (which still i didn't get) Is it because i didn't do any top up and priority has been given to other car owners who are willing to top up?? [smallcry]

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Neutral Newbie

Well your experience and mine shows what I suspected all along is true....basically they take in more orders than they can fulfill and start adjusting their bids to maximize profits...this of course results in inconsistent bids....let me illustrate....


List of Bids List of Persons


$30k Sling

$29k Lufu

$28k Andrew

$27k Jeff

$26k Iron Man

$25k Super Man

$24k Spiderman

$23k BabyJaz76


Your ranking is essentially based on whether you top up or not.....if you top up you get to jump queue....otherwise you remain in queue....

I understand your frustration.

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Neutral Newbie

Your bids are getting lower simply because more people have opted to jump queue....


Hi Andrew, thanks for the enlightenment, but may I ask shouldn't it be on a first come first serve basis on COE?? e.g i book car on earlier date so i will get the COE if the company gets it? How come pay more money than can get car and those that genuinely wants to get a car but do not have so much spare cash to do it cannot get it... Is this a norm in the market?? [smallcry]

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Neutral Newbie

Well apparently this is the norm in the market....the reason why Borneo customers are KPKB is simply because they had been assured by the SE that they don't need to top up. And Borneo does indeed have a reputation for getting the COEs....or maybe the sudden acceleration problems on the Toyota are also affecting the Borneo bidding process.


The system works fine if everyone can get their COEs but when customers cannot get it it is only natural that the "feel cheated".

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Well apparently this is the norm in the market....the reason why Borneo customers are KPKB is simply because they had been assured by the SE that they don't need to top up. And Borneo does indeed have a reputation for getting the COEs....or maybe the sudden acceleration problems on the Toyota are also affecting the Borneo bidding process.


The system works fine if everyone can get their COEs but when customers cannot get it it is only natural that the "feel cheated".


sir, if until now u still feel so grudging abt tis, why not take up a law suit and prove that u hv been misrepresented? if not, then jus let it go la...seriously most wld-be buyers wldnt hv cared anymore and BM showroom now is prob busy again...


im sure u dun wan to have to make apology thread like one forumer jus did rite..

Edited by Maroon5
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Hi Andrew, thanks for the enlightenment, but may I ask shouldn't it be on a first come first serve basis on COE?? e.g i book car on earlier date so i will get the COE if the company gets it? How come pay more money than can get car and those that genuinely wants to get a car but do not have so much spare cash to do it cannot get it... Is this a norm in the market?? [smallcry]


there can never b a first come first serve not becos of non-transparent or ur money smaller..its jus stock issues (eg) colour of car, trim levels etc...and of cos they wil give priority to pple who top up, not becos u hv been slighted again..u see airline system is the same, its the same economy class seats but willing to top up fare to the next cat u st away get a confirmation...


anyw seriously i empathised w u guys, if me i wil feel damn buay song too...bt unless u guys wan to pursue all the way to the end w legal help else jus untie the knot and move on man..


ya life sucks...

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Sorry I would like to inquire, if my agent bid for my 2nd time COE at $29,666, which i didn't get, how come for the latest one, he only keyed in for me at $24,499?? (which still i didn't get) Is it because i didn't do any top up and priority has been given to other car owners who are willing to top up?? [smallcry]


Hey Babyjazz.... u are consider still very lucky. My first bid was only at $22.7k. Till now i still waiting. Can i ask when have you sign the contract and which car u bought and also the price. Thanks

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Neutral Newbie

Hey Babyjazz.... u are consider still very lucky. My first bid was only at $22.7k. Till now i still waiting. Can i ask when have you sign the contract and which car u bought and also the price. Thanks


I bought a Chevy and I booked my car on the 20/03/10 and so far three biddings gone already... I bought it at $61,999... may I know if anyone who has booked a car around that time has got their car already without topping up? I feel really sad as I have been looking forward to getting a more decent car for my family and when i finally can afford it and booked it, COE spike coupled with car company not willing to bid high enough.... dun think I will be able to get my car le... [bigcry]

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I bought a Chevy and I booked my car on the 20/03/10 and so far three biddings gone already... I bought it at $61,999... may I know if anyone who has booked a car around that time has got their car already without topping up? I feel really sad as I have been looking forward to getting a more decent car for my family and when i finally can afford it and booked it, COE spike coupled with car company not willing to bid high enough.... dun think I will be able to get my car le... [bigcry]


Hi Babyjaz,


You have book a chevrolet cruze is it?


I don't think anyone got their car without any top-up. For my case, i book a Altis on 5th Mar, till now BM only bid for me once @22.7k. So i think you should consider yourself more lucky than me. Anyway wait for another round of bid bro, see whether the COE will go up or down. If down, our chances of getting without top-up will be very high, if up our chances will be none.


I got advise from a few of my friends all of them go against my decision of top up. My friends told me the COE wouldn't keep going up it will stable @30k range,or else you will see BM, C&C, KM all ADs close shop..... By then go in grab your car that you like. The most will be about 5-10k more expensive when you book. Rather than playing a guess game.


If you can wait...just hold on.

Edited by Laworder17
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I let go already....no hard feelings any more...I am just answering another person's questions what...cannot meh?


can..relax la.. [wave]

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Glad u let go.


ya even though he let go already we still know which company most of us wont be patronising anymore


^^ unstoppable indeed

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ya even though he let go already we still know which company most of us wont be patronising anymore


^^ unstoppable indeed


Agree...after my contract expire with them...i say bye bye to them. Here i come other ADs.... but arm with the mistake i make, i will be more careful when i purchasing a car.

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List of Bids List of Persons


$30k Sling


Need to make a correction here. They bid $26K+ for me during the 2nd bidding exercise in March & the final COE price was $28K.

For 1st bidding in April, those who topped up 11K got their $34K COE because they bid something like $41K +

Those who topped up $8K had their bids at $32K or something like that.


Please check with the other people if you want to know accurate numbers. My access to such information is limited.


I don't know why, if you top up 3K less, the bid is so much less. It's either I got wrong info or there's some explanation to this. I don't buy a new car very often so I can't explain how the AD's calculate how much to bid for whom. If the info on this thread so far is accurate, you can't blame people for getting upset.


I hope this helps those who are considering topping up. Maybe it's better that dealers are not allowed to bid for us




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