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Felt so cheated by Borneo Motor


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Neutral Newbie

Hi Edminski,


No, they did not want to increase the price offer (paper value +2k) for my current drive. My SE claimed that he had checked with 7 diff car dealers and all said that my car will be scrapped, so no value. However, I am free to sell to someone else if I can find a buyer with a higher offer.


I have one question: the COE rebate will now be $26k, so they are not likely to offer me a COE with a value lower than $26k. However, even if they offer me a open Cat COE of $30k+ does not mean the car will hv a high COE right? as the actual value is peg to the cat A COE price which is $20k+ at that time.

So I should not only look at the open cat COE value that they offer but also chk the cat A price closed at the same bidding exercise, right?



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Let say 200 orders collected during the promotion - $4280 * 200 = $856,000 collected. Interest earned $2500.


Then used this 2500 to hired someone to facilitate payment cheque after cancelation.


waste time

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actually TS should just go ahead with the buy...with purchases like this...u dun think.....u will enjoy yr ride more...

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Neutral Newbie

So I should not only look at the open cat COE value that they offer but also chk the cat A price closed at the same bidding exercise, right?





sorry to interrupt


yes u are right. the COE rebate if it arises will be based on LOWER of Cat A or Open Cat


my Cat B car was registered with open cat and the letter from LTA specifically stated that the rebate will be based on the lower of Cat B or Open Cat. For my case the diff is only $700. but it has increased by $30k since.... and of course no impact on the rebate

Edited by Camry-Fedup
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I'm not an expert... but juz giving my 1 cent worth...


Most of the cars on the road today are 4 yrs old... meaning that in 6 yrs time, these cars will either have to renew COE or be scrapped.


Assuming that majority were to scrap, that would means that more COEs will be released by then... and hopefully the price will stabilised. But my guess is that even with this assumption, it would likely to stabilise at the region of $25K - $30K given that the growth rate is only 1.5%.


With the new mrt lines, i think garment wants to encourage more people to take public transport, so they will reduce the number of COEs on the road in future. This is the root cause to the new COE calculations. (correct me if i am wrong)..


Before the COE hike, too many people can afford to buy a car...i already have some friends whose family has 2 cars already (husband and wife have each car).


With the COE hike, more people will think twice before getting a car..


My guess is that COE will be stabilised in the region of $30-$40k in future.

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I find the education system in Sillypore totally wrong, bringing up intoreable kids like you, who whine at the every mistake, every god damn thing, also whine....... No wonder Sillyporeans are soft, cant get car, blame COE, blame motor firms, cant win toto, blame god, cant get a Girlfriend, blame the girl for being too niao, too calculative, too demanding... Its everything about ME and ME and ME.....


Long gone are the kampong spirit, the unity...


Btw, have U tried being a sales person or customer service b4... Think b4 u post...



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Neutral Newbie

actually TS should just go ahead with the buy...with purchases like this...u dun think.....u will enjoy yr ride more...



but the tom yam altis is really like a disintegrating tin can rolling on the road ..... felt like falling apart even when relatively new (that was comparing with my ex-ride a tom yam Camry)

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at this type of price, no car is a good buy. this coe bubble is going to burst one day


COE Bubble?? huh? new term?


what would happen when it burst?

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I have one question: the COE rebate will now be $26k, so they are not likely to offer me a COE with a value lower than $26k. However, even if they offer me a open Cat COE of $30k+ does not mean the car will hv a high COE right? as the actual value is peg to the cat A COE price which is $20k+ at that time.

So I should not only look at the open cat COE value that they offer but also chk the cat A price closed at the same bidding exercise, right?




Edited :

I am not too sure about OPEN CAT..


If they give u a open CAT of $30k + , will this register in your name at $30k + if you get the car? (if yes, its really worth to top up $11k)



- COE rebate of $26k is good enough..cos your COE rebate previously is 15k, now it became 26k after you top up 11k, so its reasonable



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Neutral Newbie

I wonder if this is what you'll be saying if you get cheated by your car dealer...I doubt so....



FACT: no one got cheated here..


d decision was made by you (nt SE or BM).. it isn't always necessary to fault someone for a poor decision.. we learn from it..


u may be rite.. talk is cheap.. but u dun need to hv personal experience to air ur opinion..

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Neutral Newbie

TOP up if you still want an ALTIS, Their ALTIS price now is $92K if i remember correctly (GUARANTEED PACKAGE), so after top up is still few Ks cheaper than the latest price.


Alternatively bring your $$$ elsewhere. Anyway, not to promote my car, our PEUGEOT 308 1.6A is only selling at $93,900 with GUARANTEED COE without topping up. YOU may want to call me for details.



wa.. like tt still not consider promotion??!!



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Neutral Newbie

1) COE rebate of $26k is good enough..cos your COE rebate previously is 15k, now it became 26k after you top up 11k, so its reasonable


2) If they give you a open CAT COE of $30k+, and this amount is registered in your nric at $30k+, definitely go for it...(top up 11k)


3) If they give you a open CAT peg to the COE of $20k at that time, then don't top up the 11k..not worth it ba



For 2 and 3), its better u check with BM for black and white....




As "camry-fedup" mentioned, it will be registered with the lower of cat A or open Cat, so I should only accept a $30k+ cat A COE and nothing less as the previous few COE bidding, diff between cat A and Open Cat is about $10k.

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Neutral Newbie

TOP up if you still want an ALTIS, Their ALTIS price now is $92K if i remember correctly (GUARANTEED PACKAGE), so after top up is still few Ks cheaper than the latest price.


Alternatively bring your $$$ elsewhere. Anyway, not to promote my car, our PEUGEOT 308 1.6A is only selling at $93,900 with GUARANTEED COE without topping up. YOU may want to call me for details.



last time peugeot not reliable, always die on the driver type, but built quality is good


where as the altis is really just a tin can, krong krong krong on the road, but seldom die on the driver


but two of my frens have peugeot ( i call it the F&N car, same logo as F&N) - seems okay


they should bring in more models

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so I should only accept a $30k+ cat A COE and nothing less as the previous few COE bidding, diff between cat A and Open Cat is about $10k.


yes [laugh] IF you top up $11k, you should only accept a $30k+ CAT A COE and nothing less...


oh i see..so now your question is:

Will BM give you an open CAT COE using

1) Jan10 open CAT COE price OR

2) May10 COE price




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Neutral Newbie

yes [laugh] IF you top up $11k, you should only accept a $30k+ CAT A COE and nothing less...


oh i see..so now your question is:

Will BM give you an open CAT COE using

1) Jan10 open CAT COE price OR

2) May10 COE price




to me it does not matter, just get the car fast


i know some people mind, must have high value COE on the registration doc


but at the end it does not affect resale value unless u go scrap it before 10 years old


let's say u got the car at $78k with a S$34k COE (fine, BM lost money in this car nvm, other units can recover the loss)


and now market value new car by BM is $90k........u "earned" $12k ..... but it is not realised and is as good as nothing


IF next year COE drop to $10k and BM sells the same new car at $55k, tell me how much can you sell your one year old car ? $45k? $50k?


fine,u can go scrap it and get back $34k x 0.9 plus parf at 75% of ARF plus body value = 30.6k + 0.75*17k +4k = 47.35k


so after one year of driving how much is the loss ? $78k - 50k = 28k !! even with the high coe of 34k


of course if u take the open cat coe of jan 10 @ $19k expiring this week must use =the rebate is lower for scrapping after one year but if u sell to car dealer it is still bench marked to the new car price


either way no much diff if u take the open car coe or cat a coe.....in a time of rising coe, key thing is get the car fast, regardless of open cat or cat a


the underlying truth is : resale market is controlled by car dealers, new car market controlled by AD, (some AD has their own used car dealer), COE controlled by LTA....$$$ controlled by u !

Edited by Camry-Fedup
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Neutral Newbie

oh i see..so now your question is:

Will BM give you an open CAT COE using

1) Jan10 open CAT COE price OR

2) May10 COE price



Not really. My guess is BM will not bid more than $35k for me. But it is a guranteed COE, so they will hv to offer me an open cat COE if they can't secure a Cat A COE for me, and my SE said "no more Jan/Feb open cat COE left, so not to worry as they'll likely offer me $30K+ COE (i.e. early Mar)"; but I know now that it's "real value" is actually $10k less. If I had not chk I would hv blindly accepted the $30k+ open Cat COE.

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